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  • Converting time domain waveforms to frequency domain spectrograms is typically done before model training.
  • This approach has drawbacks, such as taking up a lot of hard disk space and needing to process audio clips again if another dataset is used.
  • This paper proposes a neural network based toolbox, nnAudio, which leverages 1D convolutional neural networks to perform time domain to frequency domain conversion during feed-forward.
  • nnAudio reduces the waveforms-to-spectrograms conversion time and further optimizes the existing CQT algorithm.

Paper Content

I. introduction

  • Spectrograms have been used as input for neural network models since the 1980s
  • Different types of spectrograms are tailored to different applications
  • Despite advances in end-to-end learning, many recent publications still use spectrograms as input
  • Applications include speech recognition, emotion detection, translation, enhancement, separation, conversion, tagging, cover detection, melody extraction, and transcription
  • Training an end-to-end model on raw audio data takes longer and yields slightly better performance
  • Finding the best spectrogram input requires trial and error and a lot of hard disk space
  • Existing methods for time-frequency conversion are too slow for on-the-fly spectrogram extraction
  • Tensorflow, Keras, and PyTorch have GPU-based spectrogram extraction methods
  • None of the existing libraries support constant-Q transform
  • nnAudio is a fast, differentiable, and trainable neural network-based audio processing framework
  • nnAudio is built using PyTorch and includes extended functionalities such as calculating Mel spectrograms and constant-Q transforms

A. summary of key advantages

  • Developed GPU-based audio processing framework
  • Leverages power of neural networks
  • End-to-end neural network training with on-the-fly time-frequency conversion layer
  • Significantly faster processing speed than traditional audio processing
  • Trainable Fourier, Mel and CQT kernels

Ii. signal processing: a quick overview

  • Transformation methods used to convert signals from time domain to frequency domain
  • Readers with signal processing background can skip this section

A. discrete fourier transform (dft)

  • Audio signals are converted to digital signals before being stored.
  • The Discrete Fourier Transform is used to convert the digital signal from the time domain to the frequency domain.
  • The frequency domain output is in reverse order and only the first half of the frequency bins are extracted.
  • The DFT is a split-sum of real and complex components.
  • The frequency k in the DFT is given in terms of normalized frequency.

B. dft for arbitrary frequency ranges

  • DFT is capable of resolving a finite number of distinct frequencies
  • Frequency resolution can be improved by increasing window size
  • Compromise between time and frequency resolution
  • Applying DFT followed by inverse-DFT results in perfect reconstruction of original signal
  • Modifying DFT to change frequencies of basis vectors
  • Using log-frequency spectrogram to focus resolution in needed frequency range
  • DFT and variable-resolution DFT used to calculate STFT using convolutional neural network

Iii. neural network-based framework

  • Calculate STFT, Mel spectrogram, and CQT using 1D convolutional neural network
  • Implement as library (nnAudio) in PyTorch 2
  • Assumes basic understanding of convolutional neural networks
  • Encodes audio processing knowledge into neurons of neural network
  • STFT is fundamental operation for Mel spectrogram and CQT
  • Multiply spectrogram by Mel filter bank kernel to convert to Mel spectrogram
  • Compute CQT by beginning with STFT, followed by multiplication with CQT kernel

A. short-time fourier transform (stft)

  • Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) is an application of the DFT that cuts the signal into short windows before performing the transform
  • Standard way to apply the DFT for audio analysis applications
  • Cooley-tukey Fast Fourier Transform algorithm (FFT) computes the DFT in O(N log N ) operations
  • O(N 2 ) DFT often outperforms the O(N log N ) FFT for small values of N when the underlying platform supports fast vector multiplication
  • Neural network libraries typically include fast GPU-optimised convolution functions, which can be used to compute the canonical DFT quickly
  • Discrete linear convolution of a kernel h with a signal x is defined as follows
  • PyTorch defines a convolution function with a stride argument
  • Can use convolution with stride to make fast GPU-based implementations of the STFT
  • DFT is usually computed with a function that fades the samples at the edges of each window smoothly down to near zero
  • Typical DFT window functions include Hann, Hamming, and Blackman types
  • Can implement window smoothing efficiently by multiplying window function elementwise with the filter kernels before doing the convolution

B. mel spectrogram

  • Mel frequency scale was proposed in 1937 to quantify pitch
  • Several attempts to revise the Mel scale have been made
  • There is not one “right” formula for the Mel scale
  • Traditional frequency to Mel scale conversion is mentioned in O’Shaughnessy’s book
  • Another form of the Mel scale is used in the Auditory Toolbox for MATLAB and librosa
  • Mel filter banks are multiplied to each timestep of the STFT result to obtain a Mel spectrogram
  • PyTorch 1D convolutional neural network is used to obtain the STFT results
  • Mel filter banks are used to initialize the weights of a single-layer fully-connected neural network

C. constant-q transform 1) a quick overview of the constant-q transform (1992 version)

  • Musical pitches have a logarithmic relationship
  • Spectrograms need to use a logarithmic frequency scale
  • Naive solution is to modify frequencies of DFT basis functions
  • Orthogonality of basis is lost, leading to complicated energy relationship
  • Gaps between frequency bins at upper end of spectrum
  • Overlap between bins at lower end of spectrum
  • Constant-Q transform (CQT) proposed by Brown in 1991
  • CQT uses a logarithmic frequency scale
  • CQT maintains constant frequency resolution by keeping constant Q value
  • CQT and logarithmic frequency STFT have subtle differences
  • CQT can be implemented with 1D convolutional neural network
  • CQT kernels can be transformed to frequency domain
  • CQT kernels can be huge if low frequency is used
  • nnAudio API provides CQT function

3) downsampling

  • Neural networks can be used to downsample input audio clips by a factor of two without aliasing.
  • A low pass filter is required to filter out any frequencies above the downsampled Nyquist frequency.
  • Finite impulse response filtering (FIR) is used to implement the low pass filter.
  • The Window Method is used to design the low-pass FIR filter kernel.
  • The CQT kernels are kept the same while the input audio is being downsampled recursively.

5) cqt with time domain kernels

  • Brown and Puckette proposed an algorithm in 1992 that was more efficient in terms of memory
  • Converting time domain CQT kernels to frequency domain kernels makes them more memory efficient
  • With modern technology, memory is no longer an issue, so it is no longer necessary to convert the time domain CQT kernels to frequency domain kernels
  • This modification improves the CQT computation speed

Iv. experimental results

  • Analyzed speed and accuracy of proposed framework nnAudio
  • Compared nnAudio to existing audio processing library librosa
  • Compared STFT, Mel Spectrogram, and CQT implementations
  • Compared to other existing GPU audio processing libraries
  • Tested speed to process 1,770 audio files
  • Tested correctness of resulting spectrograms
  • Discussed CQT1992v2 and CQT2010v2 implementations

A. speed

1) setup

  • Used MAPS dataset to benchmark nnAudio
  • Discarded first 20,000 samples from each audio excerpt to remove silence
  • Each audio excerpt kept same length (80,000 samples)
  • Goal of speed test to convert array of waveforms to array of spectrograms
  • Tested on 3 different machines
  • Compared speed of nnAudio to librosa, Essentia, Kapre, Tensorflow, and Torchaudio
  • Librosa with multi-process not used
  • Caching disabled for librosa
  • Only one GPU used for nnAudio
  • nnAudio faster than librosa regardless of machine
  • RTX 2080 Ti GPU performance similar to Tesla v100 GPU
  • Extra time required to transfer kernels from RAM to GPU memory
  • Initialization time influenced by kernel sizes of STFT, MelSpec, and CQT
  • CQT2010 faster initialization time than CQT1992
  • STFT, MelSpec, and CQT speeds shown in Figure 11
  • CQT1992v2 and CQT2010v2 improve computation speed
  • CQT2010v2 used for computers without GPU
  • CQT1992v2 used when GPU available
  • nnAudio faster than torchaudio and Kapre
  • NVIDIA DALI not included as it does not calculate gradient for spectrograms

B. conversion output 1) setup

  • Librosa is used as a benchmark to check the correctness of the implementation
  • Four input signals are used to determine the model output correctness
  • The chromatic piano scale is recorded with a piano instrument
  • CQT1992v2 is faster and better quality than CQT2010 and CQT2010v2

2) results

  • Results of accuracy test shown in Figures 12 and 13
  • STFT and MelSpec results from librosa and nnAudio are very similar
  • CQT output for nnAudio is smoother
  • Comparison between CQT1992v2, CQT2010v2 and librosa’s CQT shown in Figure 14
  • Aliasing due to downsampling is observable
  • CQT1992v2 is fastest and best of all proposed GPU-based CQT implementations

V. example applications

  • nnAudio can be used to explore different spectrograms as input for music transcription models.
  • nnAudio allows STFT kernels to be trained/finetuned for better spectrograms.

A. exploring different input representations

  • Music transcription can be done quickly with nnAudio
  • nnAudio can explore different types of spectrograms as input for a neural network
  • Four types of spectrograms are explored: linear frequency scale, logarithmic frequency scale, Mel spectrogram, and CQT
  • Each spectrogram has different parameter settings to consider
  • 34 different input representations are explored
  • Transcription accuracy can be measured with mir_eval.multipitch.metrics()
  • Input representation and its settings have a big influence on model performance
  • nnAudio enables fast comparison of different representations
  • nnAudio can be faster than pre-processed approach
  • Time required for experimental phase can be drastically reduced with nnAudio


  • nnAudio allows us to integrate audio processing into a neural network model
  • nnAudio allows us to store audio clips in the original waveform, without saving extra copies of the dataset for the spectrograms
  • nnAudio is useful when the dataset is large and takes tens of hours to convert the data from waveforms to spectrograms

B. trainable transformation kernels

  • STFT and MelSpec can be implemented with a 1D convolutional neural network
  • Gradient descent can be used to finetune the kernels and filter banks
  • STFT window size is set to 64 to make the task non-trivial
  • 10,925 pure sine waves with different frequencies are generated to form the dataset
  • 80% of the sine waves are used as the training set, 20% as the test set
  • Two models are used to predict the frequency of the input signal: a fully connected network and a 2D convolutional neural network
  • Trainable transformation layer results in a lower mean square error
  • Trained Fourier kernels contain higher frequencies on top of the fundamental frequency
  • Trainable Mel filter banks and CQT kernels allow a richer spectrogram to be obtained
  • Higher-performing end-to-end model can be obtained with a trainable transformation layer

Vi. conclusion

  • Presented a new framework for extracting spectrograms with neural networks
  • Allows for dynamic training of kernels
  • Implemented as GPU-based library, nnAudio
  • Time domain to frequency domain transformation algorithms implemented in PyTorch
  • GPU audio processing reduces time to convert waveforms to spectrograms
  • Trainable kernels result in better model on frequency prediction task
  • Proposed framework is first to support CQT
  • CQT algorithm using time domain kernels performs faster than frequency domain kernels
  • Computation time reduced drastically with nnAudio on real dataset, MusicNet