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  • Gender classification algorithms have important applications in many domains.
  • Research has shown that algorithms trained on biased benchmark databases can result in algorithmic bias.
  • Little research has been done on gender classification algorithms’ bias towards gender minorities.
  • Surveys were conducted on existing benchmark databases for facial recognition and gender classification tasks.
  • Current benchmark databases lack representation of gender minority subgroups.
  • A baseline model was trained on an augmented benchmark database to increase classification accuracy and mitigate algorithmic biases.
  • An ensemble model achieved an overall accuracy score of 90.39%.

Paper Content

Introduction 1.gender classi cation algorithm and its applications

  • Automated gender classification systems recognize gender based on facial characteristics
  • Applications of gender classification algorithms include video surveillance, law enforcement, demographic research, online advertising, and human-computer interaction
  • Gender information is a type of biometrics data
  • Gender identification can be used as a pre-processing step to reduce search time in a large-scale database
  • Gender classification is used in social media design as part of digital monetization efforts
  • Gender is used in HCI to make software systems appear more human-like

Algorithms bias in gender classi cation

  • Ethics in machine learning algorithms has been gaining attention
  • Dark-skinned females are misclassified at a high rate
  • African-Americans are more likely to be subjected to law enforcement searches
  • Facial recognition systems used by law enforcement have lower accuracy rates for people labeled female and black
  • Machine learning models can amplify existing gender bias

Unrepresentative benchmark databases

  • Biased databases can lead to accuracy disparities in prediction tasks.
  • Many databases are built using facial detection algorithms, which can introduce bias.
  • Color FERET and LFW databases have limited numbers of dark-skinned individuals and are mostly male and white.
  • It is unclear how facial recognition systems perform on under-represented subgroups.

Benchmark databases in the fairness domain

  • Fairface is a facial image dataset with 108K images to reduce racial bias
  • Fairface has a balanced representation of 7 race groups
  • Models trained on Fairface dataset reported higher accuracy rates
  • PPB is a database to achieve better intersectional representation of gender and skin type
  • PPB has 1270 unique identities and a balanced composition of light-skinned and dark-skinned individuals
  • DiF is a dataset with one million facial images annotated with various statistical analysis measures

E lgbtq population and eir distinct characteristics in gender expression

  • 2017 study used deep neural networks to detect white males’ sexuality
  • Study implied LGBTQ population have distinct characteristics from heterosexual population
  • 2016 study estimated proportion of Americans who identify as transgender to be between 0.5-0.6%
  • Transgender facial recognition is challenging due to gender transformation
  • Lack of representation of LGBTQ population in benchmark databases leads to false sense of progress on gender classification and facial recognition tasks

Limitations of binary gender classi cation

  • Gender is often assumed to be binary and based on physiology.
  • Misgendering is using language to describe someone that does not align with their gender identity.
  • Misgendering can have negative consequences on mental health.
  • Being misgendered by AGR systems is worse than being misgendered by humans.


  • Current benchmark databases lack representation of dark-skin individuals and LGBTQ population
  • Hypothesize that assembling a racially-balanced, LGBTQ and non-binary gender inclusive database will improve gender classification algorithms’ accuracy on minority faces
  • Plan to make assembled non-binary database publicly available

Creation of inclusive benchmark database

  • Created an inclusive benchmark database with images from different online platforms
  • Contains 12,000 images of 168 unique identities, including 21 LGBTQ identities (9%) and 29 white male, 25 white female, 23 Asian male, 23 Asian female, 33 African male, and 35 African female identities

Creation of non-binary gender benchmark database

  • Assembled a non-binary gender benchmark database
  • 2000 images of 67 unique identities

E baseline model trained on a biased benchmark database

  • Adience is a benchmark facial image database for machine learning research tasks on age and gender classification.
  • Adience contains images of individuals of various appearances, postures, noise levels, and lighting conditions.
  • Adience was largely collected through online photography sharing platforms such as Flickr.
  • Adience is highly skewed in its racial representation due to systematic failures on facial detection of dark-skin individuals.

Labeling process (adience benchmark database

  • Adience benchmark dataset already had gender labels.
  • Skin-type labels were added by one author.
  • Data augmentation increased percentage of dark-skin male and female.

Training baseline model. a er resizing each image to 227

  • Split augmented Adience benchmark dataset into 23,004 training samples, 1,279 validation samples and 1,278 testing samples
  • Baseline model trained on augmented Adience images using 6 convolutional layers, each followed by a rectified linear operation and pooling layer
  • First four layers followed by batch normalization and dropouts
  • First two convolutional layers contain 96 7x7 kernels, third and fourth contain 256 5x5 kernels, fifth and final contain 384 3x3 kernels
  • Two fully-connected layers added, each containing 512 neurons

Baseline model accuracy evaluation.

  • Baseline model achieved 94.37% accuracy on Adience benchmark test set
  • Model performs well for binary population, except for children

Extension of binary gender classi er

  • Baseline model accuracy dropped to 51.67% when tested on 3000 images from inclusive and non-binary databases.
  • Baseline model failed to predict gender on non-binary people.
  • To extend binary gender classifier, supplied 1500 images from inclusive database and 1019 images from non-binary database for training.


  • Increased percentage of male population from 29.89% to 36.51%
  • Training set contains 2791 images
  • Accuracy rates of training sets are 10% higher than validation set, implying overfitting
  • Used ensemble techniques to make final prediction outcomes more robust

Logistic regression

  • Constructed logistic regression model by assembling 3 models
  • Achieved accuracy score of 96.03% on training set
  • Achieved accuracy score of 90.39% on test set

Adaboost ensemble.

  • Constructed an adaboost model using 3 models
  • Horizontally stacked predicted class output to create a matrix
  • Applied grid search to cross validate parameters
  • Trained adaboost mega-model with accuracy score of 96.03%
  • Applied trained model to test set with accuracy score of 90.24%

Evaluation metric

  • Selection rate is used to measure algorithmic bias
  • If selection rate is below 80%, it is an indication of disparate impact
  • Transfer learning techniques can be used to remove disparate impact
  • Adaboost ensemble model achieved a selection rate of 98.46%, a significant increase from baseline model
  • Inclusive databases are important for accurate labeling and fairness in decision making

Results and discussion

  • Increased accuracy of gender classification from baseline model
  • Mitigated algorithmic bias with machine learning techniques

Limitations and future work 4.1 limitations

  • Developed a non-binary gender classification system
  • Noted that people of color and LGBTQ population are more likely to be misclassified

Future work: modeling gender as a continuum

  • Gender is a complex socio-cultural construct and an internal identity
  • Gender expressions vary in different social contexts
  • Around 20% of millennials identify as non-binary
  • Future work will model gender identity as a continuum with ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ as two endpoints