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  • DDPMs produce excellent samples
  • DDPMs can achieve competitive log-likelihoods while maintaining high sample quality
  • Learning variances of the reverse diffusion process allows sampling with fewer forward passes
  • Precision and recall used to compare DDPMs and GANs
  • Sample quality and likelihood of DDPMs scale smoothly with model capacity and training compute

Paper Content


  • Diffusion probabilistic models match data distribution by learning to reverse a gradual, multi-step noising process
  • Denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPM) and score based generative models are equivalent
  • DDPMs can produce high-quality images and audio
  • DDPMs have yet to be shown to achieve loglikelihoods competitive with other likelihood-based models
  • DDPMs can achieve loglikelihoods competitive with other likelihood-based models, even on high-diversity datasets
  • DDPMs can generate audio using a small number of sampling steps
  • DDPMs can be optimized with a hybrid learning objective
  • DDPMs can sample in fewer steps with little change in sample quality
  • DDPMs have higher recall than GANs for similar FID
  • Performance of models increases with model size and training compute

Denoising diffusion probabilistic models

  • DDPMs are formulated by Ho et al. (2020).
  • DDPMs involve a fixed noising process q which adds diagonal Gaussian noise at each timestep.
  • Sohl-Dickstein et al. (2015) provides a more general derivation.


  • A forward noising process is defined which adds Gaussian noise at each time step with variance βt.
  • The latent xT is nearly an isotropic Gaussian distribution if T and βt are sufficiently large.
  • A neural network is used to approximate the reverse distribution q(xt-1|xt).
  • A variational lower bound is written as an equation which can be evaluated in closed form.
  • The probability of pθ(x0|x1) landing in the correct bin is calculated.
  • An arbitrary step of the noised latents can be sampled directly conditioned on the input x0.

Training in practice

  • Objective in Equation 4 is a sum of independent terms
  • Equation 9 provides an efficient way to sample from an arbitrary step of the forward noising process
  • Ho et al. (2020) uniformly sample t for each image in each mini-batch
  • Network can predict x 0 or noise to derive µ θ (x t , t)
  • Reweighted loss function used to optimize L vlb
  • Generative score matching used to explain better sample quality
  • Variance fixed to σ 2 t I for best results

Improving the log-likelihood

  • Ho et al. (2020) found that DDPMs can generate high-fidelity samples according to FID and Inception Score.
  • DDPMs were unable to achieve competitive log-likelihoods with these models.
  • Log-likelihood is a widely used metric in generative modeling and it is believed that optimizing log-likelihood forces generative models to capture all of the modes of the data distribution.
  • Small improvements in log-likelihood can have a dramatic impact on sample quality and learnt feature representations.
  • This section explores modifications to the algorithm that allow DDPMs to achieve better log-likelihoods on image datasets.
  • Experiments were conducted on ImageNet 64 × 64 and CIFAR-10 datasets.
  • The setup from Ho et al. (2020) achieved a log-likelihood of 3.99 (bits/dim) on ImageNet 64 × 64 after 200K training iterations.
  • Increasing T from 1000 to 4000 improved log-likelihood to 3.77.
  • The model parameterizes the variance as an interpolation between β t and βt in the log domain.

Improving the noise schedule

  • Linear noise schedule works well for high resolution images, but not for 64x64 and 32x32
  • End of forward noising process is too noisy and doesn’t contribute to sample quality
  • Constructed a different noise schedule to address this problem
  • Cosine schedule has linear drop-off in the middle of the process, while changing very little near the extremes

Reducing gradient noise

  • Optimizing L vlb directly was expected to achieve the best log-likelihoods, but was difficult to optimize in practice.
  • L hybrid achieved better log-likelihoods on the training set given the same amount of training time.
  • The gradient of L vlb was much noisier than that of L hybrid.
  • To reduce the variance of L vlb, importance sampling was employed.
  • Optimizing L vlb with importance sampling achieved the best log-likelihoods.

Improving sampling speed

  • 4000 diffusion steps are needed to produce a single sample on a modern GPU.
  • Sampling can be done in a few seconds instead of minutes by reducing the steps used during sampling.
  • Sampling noise schedule can be obtained from a given sequence of t values.
  • Sampling steps can be reduced from T to K by using K evenly spaced real numbers between 1 and T.
  • L hybrid model with learnt sigmas maintains high sample quality with 100 sampling steps.

Comparison to gans

  • Likelihood is a good proxy for mode-coverage, but difficult to compare to GANs.
  • Precision and recall used instead.
  • Class-conditional models trained, class information injected through same pathway as timestep t.
  • Two models trained, one BigGAN-deep model with 100M parameters.
  • 50K samples generated for metrics, full training set used for FID.

Scaling model size

  • Algorithmic changes can improve log-likelihood and FID without changing training compute
  • Trend in modern machine learning is that larger models and more training time improve model performance
  • Investigated how FID and NLL scale as a function of training compute
  • Results suggest DDPMs improve in a predictable way as training compute increases
  • FID scales according to a power law, NLL does not
  • Song et al. (2020a) and Song et al. (2020b) propose fast sampling algorithms for models trained with the DDPM objective.
  • Gao et al. (2020) develops a diffusion model with reverse diffusion steps modeled by an energy-based model.
  • Our method allows fast sampling directly from the ancestral process, removing the need for extra hyperparameters.


  • DDPMs can sample faster and achieve better log-likelihoods with little impact on sample quality
  • Learning Σ θ using a parameterization and L hybrid objective improves likelihood
  • Fewer steps are needed for sampling
  • DDPMs match sample quality of GANs and have better mode coverage
  • More training compute leads to better sample quality and log-likelihood
  • DDPMs combine good log-likelihoods, high-quality samples, and fast sampling
  • UNet model architecture used
  • Attention layers use multi-head attention
  • Model conditions on t using GroupNorm
  • Model parameters and FLOPs estimated
  • Smaller model used for CIFAR-10
  • Dropout values {0.1, 0.2, 0.3} used
  • Adam used for all experiments
  • Batch size of 128 and learning rate of 10-4 used
  • EMA rate of 0.9999 used
  • 50K samples produced for most experiments
  • 10K samples produced for unconditional ImageNet 64 × 64
  • Training set used for CIFAR-10 and ImageNet
  • 50K training samples used for LSUN
  • L hybrid model outperforms DDIM with more than 50 diffusion steps
  • L hybrid and L vlb combined to achieve FID of 19.9 and NLL of 3.52 bits/dim
  • Strided subset of timesteps used to improve log-likelihood
  • NLL not calculated for DDIM
  • Overfitting observed on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet 64 × 64
  • EMA hyperparameter of 0.9999 and 0.99995 worked best
  • Dropout of 0.1 and 0.3 used
  • Cosine schedule easier to optimize and overfit
  • Two models trained on class conditional ImageNet 256 × 256
  • VQ-VAE-2 used for comparison
  • Diffusion models obtain best FIDs for likelihood-based model