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  • VLP has improved performance for vision-language tasks, but only excels in understanding or generation tasks.
  • Performance improvement is achieved by scaling up dataset with noisy image-text pairs from the web.
  • BLIP is a new VLP framework which transfers flexibly to both understanding and generation tasks.
  • BLIP utilizes noisy web data by bootstrapping captions and achieves state-of-the-art results on a range of vision-language tasks.
  • BLIP also demonstrates strong generalization ability when transferred to video-language tasks in a zero-shot manner.

Paper Content


  • Existing vision-language pre-training methods have two major limitations
  • BLIP is a new VLP framework which enables a wider range of downstream tasks
  • BLIP introduces a new model architecture (MED) and a new dataset boostrapping method (CapFilt)
  • BLIP achieves state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of vision-language tasks

Vision-language pre-training

  • VLP uses image-text pairs to improve performance of vision and language tasks
  • Most methods use image and alt-text pairs from the web
  • Noise is prevalent in web texts, but its negative impact is overlooked
  • CapFilt uses web datasets in a more effective way
  • Unified encoder-decoder models offer flexibility and better performance on downstream tasks

Knowledge distillation

  • Knowledge distillation (KD) is a technique to improve the performance of a student model by distilling knowledge from a teacher model.
  • Self-distillation is a special case of KD where the teacher and student have equal sizes.
  • KD has been used for image classification and VLP (Visual Language Processing).
  • CapFilt is a KD technique for VLP, where the captioner and filter distill knowledge through synthetic captions and removing noisy captions.

Data augmentation

  • Data augmentation is widely used in computer vision but less so in language tasks.
  • Generative language models have been used to synthesize examples for NLP tasks.
  • Synthetic captions can be used in large-scale vision-language pre-training.


  • Proposed BLIP, a unified VLP framework to learn from noisy image-text pairs
  • Introduced new model architecture MED and its pre-training objectives
  • Described CapFilt for dataset bootstrapping

Model architecture

  • Uses visual transformer to encode images
  • Text encoder is same as BERT
  • MED model can operate in 3 functionalities: unimodal encoder, image-grounded text encoder, image-grounded text decoder

Pre-training objectives

  • Jointly optimize 3 objectives during pre-training: 2 understanding-based and 1 generation-based
  • Image-Text Contrastive Loss (ITC) aligns feature space of visual and text transformer
  • Image-Text Matching Loss (ITM) learns image-text multimodal representation
  • Language Modeling Loss (LM) maximizes likelihood of text in autoregressive manner


  • Limited number of high-quality human-annotated image-text pairs
  • Recent work uses larger number of image and alt-text pairs automatically collected from web
  • Alt-texts often do not accurately describe visual content of images, making them a noisy signal

Experiments and discussions

  • Pre-training details are introduced
  • Detailed experimental analysis is provided on the method

Pre-training details

  • Models implemented in PyTorch
  • Pre-trained on two 16-GPU nodes
  • Image transformer initialized from ViT pre-trained on ImageNet
  • Text transformer initialized from BERT base
  • Two variants of ViTs explored: ViT-B/16 and ViT-L/16
  • Pre-trained for 20 epochs with batch size of
  • Datasets used: SBU captions and LAION

Effect of capfilt

  • Performance improvement observed when only captioner or filter applied to dataset with 14M images
  • Effects of captioner and filter compliment each other, leading to substantial improvements
  • CapFilt boosts performance with larger dataset and larger vision backbone
  • Performance of base model improved when using large captioner and filter with ViT-L
  • Examples of captions and images demonstrate effect of captioner and filter

Diversity is key for synthetic captions

  • Nucleus sampling is a stochastic decoding method used to generate synthetic captions
  • Beam search is a deterministic decoding method used to generate captions with the highest probability
  • Nucleus sampling leads to better performance than beam search
  • Nucleus sampling generates more diverse and surprising captions, which contain more new information
  • Beam search tends to generate safe captions that are common in the dataset

Parameter sharing and decoupling

  • Pre-training: parameters are shared except for self-attention layers, leads to better performance and reduces model size
  • CapFilt: captioner and filter are end-to-end finetuned individually, sharing parameters decreases performance due to confirmation bias

Comparison with state-of-the-arts

  • Compared BLIP to existing VLP methods on a range of vision-language tasks
  • Omitted SNLI-VE from benchmark due to noisy test data

Image-text retrieval

  • Evaluated BLIP for image-to-text and text-to-image retrieval on COCO and Flickr30K datasets
  • Finetuned pre-trained model using ITC and ITM losses
  • Selected k candidates based on image-text feature similarity and reranked them based on pairwise ITM scores
  • BLIP achieved substantial performance improvement compared to existing methods

Image captioning

  • Two datasets were used for image captioning: No-Caps and COCO
  • The model was finetuned on COCO with the LM loss
  • A prompt “a picture of” was added to each caption, leading to better results
  • 200M images were used
  • LEMON requires a pre-trained object detector and higher resolution input images, leading to slower inference time than BLIP

Visual question answering (vqa)

  • VQA requires a model to predict an answer given an image and a question.
  • BLIP outperforms ALBEF by +1.64% on the test set using 14M images.
  • BLIP achieves better performance than SimVLM using less pre-training data and a smaller vision backbone.

Natural language visual reasoning (nlvr 2 )

  • NLVR 2 asks a model to predict whether a sentence describes a pair of images.
  • ViLBERT is pre-trained with additional VQA data.
  • A modification is made to the pre-trained model to enable reasoning over two images.
  • BLIP outperforms existing methods except for ALBEF.
  • Performance on NLVR 2 does not benefit much from additional web images.

Visual dialog (visdial)

  • VisDial extends VQA in a conversational setting
  • Model needs to predict answer based on image-question pair, dialog history, and image caption
  • Model ranks a pool of answer candidates
  • Image and caption embeddings are concatenated and passed to dialog encoder
  • Dialog encoder is trained with ITM loss to discriminate true/false answers
  • Achieves state-of-the-art performance on VisDial v1.0 validation set

Zero-shot transfer to video-language tasks

  • Our image-language model has strong generalization ability to video-language tasks.
  • We sample frames from videos and concatenate them into a single sequence.
  • Our models achieve state-of-the-art performance on both video-language tasks.

Additional ablation study

  • CapFilt was pre-trained using a bootstrapped dataset
  • Continuing training does not help improve the model


  • Proposed BLIP, a new VLP framework with state-of-the-art performance
  • Pre-train a multimodal mixture of encoder-decoder model using a dataset bootstrapped from large-scale noisy image-text pairs
  • Dataset bootstrapped by injecting diverse synthetic captions and removing noisy captions
  • Released dataset to facilitate future vision-language research
  • Potential directions to further enhance performance: multiple rounds of dataset bootstrapping, generate multiple synthetic captions per image, model ensemble
  • Finetune on downstream vision-language tasks with AdamW optimizer, cosine learning rate schedule, image resolution of 384x384
  • Experiment with VQA2.0 dataset, use decoder to rank 3,128 candidate answers
  • Experiment with NLVR 2, VisDial v1.0
  • Examples of web text and synthetic text
  • Model architecture for downstream tasks
  • Pre-training model architecture and objectives of BLIP
  • Unimodal encoder trained with ITC loss, image-grounded text encoder trained with ITM loss, image-grounded text decoder trained with LM loss
  • Beam search and nucleus sampling for synthetic caption generation
  • Parameter sharing strategies for text encoder and decoder during pre-training
  • Comparison with state-of-the-art image-text retrieval methods
  • Zero-shot image-text retrieval results on Flickr30K
  • Comparison with state-of-the-art methods on VisDial v1.0 validation set
  • Text-to-video retrieval on MSRVTT dataset
  • Video question answering on two datasets
  • Improvement with CapFilt not due to longer training
  • Statistics of pre-training datasets