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  • Proposed a novel voxel-based 3D single object tracking (3D SOT) method called Voxel Pseudo Image Tracking (VPIT).
  • VPIT uses voxel pseudo images as an input to a 2D-like Siamese SOT method.
  • VPIT uses Bird’s-eye View (BEV) coordinates, so only object rotation can change in the new coordinate system.
  • VPIT is the fastest 3D SOT method and maintains competitive Success and Precision values.
  • VPIT maintains its ability to track the object on embedded devices.

Paper Content

I. introduction

  • Robotics usage is increasing in real-world scenarios
  • Need to develop methods for understanding 3D world to allow robots to interact with objects
  • Efficient methods for 3D object detection, tracking, and active perception needed
  • Variety of sensors used for 3D perception tasks, ranging from inexpensive to costly
  • Lidar is a well-adopted choice for 3D perception methods
  • Point cloud data contains more information than images and is more robust to changes in weather and lightning conditions
  • 3D object detection and tracking methods using point clouds provide best combination of accuracy and inference speed
  • Lidars usually operate at 10-20 FPS
  • Perception methods usually paired with another method that makes use of the perception results
  • 3D SOT focuses on tracking a single object of interest with a given initial frame position
  • Methods proposed for 3D SOT do not take into consideration limited computational capabilities of embedded computing devices
  • Proposed method for 3D SOT receives voxel pseudo images as an input
  • Multi-rotation search used to predict both position and rotation of the object
  • Evaluation results provided on high-end and embedded devices with consideration of real-time requirements
  • SOT in 3D is an extension of 2D SOT
  • Input data is different for 2D and 3D SOT
  • 3D SOT commonly uses point cloud data or a combination of point clouds and camera images
  • SC3D uses a Siamese approach to compare target and search encodings
  • P2B uses a point-wise network to create a similarity map
  • BAT uses Box Cloud representations as point features
  • 3D-SiamRPN uses a Siamese point-wise network to create features
  • F-siamese tracker fuses RGB and point cloud information
  • PTT creates a transformer module for point-based SOT methods
  • 3D Siam-2D uses two Siamese networks
  • VPIT is the first tracker to use a siamese architecture on point cloud pseudo images

Iii. proposed method

  • Modified PointPillars architecture for 3D single object tracking
  • Proposed modifications to shift from detection to tracking
  • Training and inference processes described
  • Implementation publicly available in OpenDR toolkit

A. model architecture

  • Point cloud data is irregular and cannot be processed with 2D convolutional neural networks directly.
  • Methods structure the data using techniques such as voxelization or use neural networks that work well on unordered data.
  • Existing datasets for 3D object detection and tracking consider only a single rotation angle around the vertical axis.
  • Siamese models use an identical transformation to both inputs and combine them with a similarity measure function.
  • Siamese tracking methods select an embedding function and a similarity measure function.
  • The output of the model is a similarity score map.
  • Tracking is performed by initializing the target region and corresponding search region.
  • The predicted output for the frame is computed using a Feature Generation Network.

B. training

  • Identical functions κ c (•) and σ(•) are used

C. inference

  • Inference is split into two parts: initialization and tracking
  • Initial target and its features are given by a detection method, user, or dataset
  • Multiple search regions with identical size and different rotations are created to allow for rotation changes
  • Target features are compared with all search features and the one with the highest score is selected
  • Score map is upscaled and a penalty technique is used for scores far from the center
  • Maximum score position is translated back from score coordinates to image coordinates
  • Search region is centered on a prediction, assuming the object’s position on the next frame is close to its position on the previous frame
  • Linear position extrapolation is used for the search region
  • Penalty map is formed using either Hann window or a 2D Gaussian function
  • Target features are created at the first frame and used throughout the tracking sequence
  • Target feature merge scale is used to balance between initial target features and latest frame’s target features
  • Offset interpolation parameter is used to improve prediction stability

Iv. experiments

  • KITTI Tracking training dataset split is used to train and test the model
  • Tracks 0-18 are used for training and validation, tracks 19-20 for testing
  • Precision and Success metrics are used as defined in One Pass Evaluation
  • Model has 1 feature block with 4 layers
  • Model is trained for 64,000 steps with BCE loss, 1 * 10-5 learning rate and 2 positive label radius
  • During inference, rotations count of 3, rotation step of 0.15 and rotation penalty of 0.98 are used

A. comparison with state-of-the-art

  • VPIT is the fastest method and achieves competitive Precision and Success
  • VPIT outperforms P2B by 67% on 1080Ti GPU, 99% on 2080 GPU and 86% on 2080Ti GPU with 104-core CPU
  • For embedded devices, VPIT outperforms P2B by 135% on TX2 and by 98% on Xavier

B. real-time evaluation

  • Application of 3D tracking methods is usually done for robotic systems that do not use high-end GPUs.
  • Computations are applied on embedded devices, such as TX2 or Xavier.
  • A predictive real-time benchmark is implemented.
  • A Kalman Filter is used to predict the position of the object at a frame.
  • 3D SOT methods are evaluated on embedded devices with both non-predictive and predictive benchmarks.
  • VPIT outperforms P2B and PTT in Success, Precision, FPS and Frame drop.

C. ablation study

  • Experiments were conducted to measure the effect of hyperparameters on Success and Precision metrics.
  • Decreasing the number of feature blocks from the Feature Generation Network leads to better Success values.
  • Target and search upscaling with ι t = (127, 127) and ι s = (255, 255) reduces training time but does not work well for voxel pseudo images.
  • Positive context leads to better Success with the maximum at c = 0.26.
  • Linear position extrapolation leads to a 30% increase in Success compared to a conventional search region placement.

V. conclusions

  • Proposed a novel method for 3D SOT called VPIT
  • Used structured data instead of point-based approaches
  • Used PointPillars’ pseudo images as a search space
  • Applied a Siamese 2D-like approach to find position and rotation of object
  • VPIT is the fastest method and achieves competitive Precision and Success values
  • Implemented a real-time evaluation protocol for 3D single object tracking
  • VPIT is suited for embedded devices and has low latency of predictions