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  • Significant progress has been made in developing reinforcement learning training systems.
  • Parallel environment execution is often the slowest part of the system but receives little attention.
  • EnvPool improves the RL environment simulation speed across different hardware setups.
  • EnvPool is compatible with existing RL training libraries.
  • EnvPool allows researchers to iterate their ideas quickly.

Paper Content


  • Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) has made remarkable progress in the past years
  • Leveraging the computation power of large-scale distributed systems and advanced AI chips like TPUs has improved training throughput
  • DQN took 8 days and 200 million frames to train an agent to play a single Atari game
  • IMPALA and Seed RL have shortened this process
  • Parallel environment execution is a common bottleneck in the RL training system
  • Inference and learning with the agent policy network can leverage experience and performance optimization techniques
  • Interaction between agents and environments is the unique technical difficulty in RL systems
  • EnvPool is a highly parallel RL environment execution engine
  • Supports OpenAI gym and DeepMind dm_env APIs
  • Synchronous and asynchronous execution modes
  • EnvPool covers many standard RL environments
  • Targeted users are RL researchers and practitioners, and developers familiar with RL environment implementation
  • Most implementations of RL systems use Python-level parallelization
  • Python-level parallelization is computationally inefficient
  • Ray and RLlib have to trade-off communication costs with other components
  • Sample Factory focuses on optimizing the entire RL system for a single-machine setup
  • EnvPool has both properties of high throughput and great compatibility with existing APIs and RL algorithms
  • Recent works use accelerators like GPUs and TPUs for the environment engine, but they cannot handle general environments
  • PodRacer architecture implements the C++ batched environment interface, but only supports synchronous execution mode
  • EnvPool uses asynchronous execution mode as a default and is not tied to any specific computing architectures


  • EnvPool is a computer science tool for developers and RL researchers/practitioners
  • It contains three components optimized in C++: ActionBufferQueue, ThreadPool and StateBufferQueue
  • It uses pybind11 to expose user interface to Python
  • It has an overall system architecture
  • It has optimizations in individual components
  • It has instructions on how to add new RL environments


  • EnvPool follows an asynchronous event-driven pattern.
  • Actions are sent to the environment via the send function.
  • Threads in the ThreadPool take action from the ActionBufferQueue and perform the corresponding environment execution.
  • The execution result is added to the StateBufferQueue.
  • The RL algorithm receives a batch of states by taking from the StateBufferQueue via the recv function.

Synchronous vs. asynchronous

  • Vectorized environments are executed synchronously in worker threads.
  • Number of environments is denoted as N.
  • RL agent receives N observation arrays and predicts N actions.
  • Synchronous step is determined by slowest environment execution time.
  • EnvPool introduces batch_size (M) to receive environment outputs.
  • M cannot be greater than N.
  • EnvPool waits for outputs of first M environment steps.
  • Asynchronous mode has advantage when environment execution time has large variance.


  • ThreadPool uses a fixed number of threads to execute tasks.
  • Number of threads is usually limited to the number of CPU cores to reduce context switch overhead.
  • Threads can be pinned to pre-determined CPU cores to further speed up execution.
  • Number of environments should be 2-3 times greater than the number of threads to keep threads fully loaded.

Adding new rl environments

  • EnvPool is a platform for adding reinforcement learning environments
  • Developers need to implement the RL environment in a C++ header file and write a Bazel BUILD file
  • Generate a dynamically linked binary and register the environment in Python
  • Adding new RL environments does not require a deep understanding of the core infrastructure


  • Evaluated simulation performance of reinforcement learning environment execution engines
  • Tested EnvPool with CleanRL, rl_games, and DeepMind’s Acme framework
  • Demonstrated value of EnvPool for improving efficiency and scalability of RL research
  • EnvPool allows researchers to train agents more quickly and effectively

Pure environment simulation

  • Evaluated EnvPool against established baselines on RL environment execution component
  • Three hardware setups used for benchmark: laptop, workstation, NVIDIA DGX-A100
  • EnvPool outperforms all baselines with significant margins
  • Subprocess implementation has poor scalability
  • Even with single environment in EnvPool, ∼2× speedup
  • Synchronous modes have significant performance disadvantages against asynchronous systems
  • Profiled CleanRL’s PPO in Atari games with three parallelization paradigms
  • EnvPool ameliorates bottleneck, end-to-end training time decreased
  • Easy integration with popular deep RL libraries
  • High throughput training
  • Can be extended to distributed use case with remote execution


  • Introduced EnvPool, a highly parallel reinforcement learning environment execution engine
  • Leveraged techniques of a general asynchronous execution model, implemented with a C++ thread pool
  • Designed BufferQueue tailored for the RL environments
  • Extensive study with various setups to demonstrate scale-up ability
  • Significant improvements in existing RL training libraries’ speed when integrated with EnvPool
  • Trained Atari Pong and MuJoCo Ant in five minutes
  • Limitation: EnvPool cannot speed up RL environments originally written in Python
  • CPU specifications for experiments: 12 Intel CPU cores, 32 AMD CPU cores, 256 CPU cores with 8 NUMA nodes
  • NVIDIA DGX-A100 with AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor
  • ActionBufferQueue and StateBufferQueue tailored for RL environments
  • Memory copies saved thanks to StateBufferQueue
  • Integrate EnvPool with Acme for experiments of PPO in MuJoCo tasks
  • Google Cloud TPUv3-8 machine with Intel Xeon CPU
  • Comparison of EnvPool and DummyVecEnv using Acme’s PPO implementation on MuJoCo HalfCheetah-v3 environment
  • Tuning num_envs can reduce training time while maintaining sample efficiency
  • Jitting environment simulation code with neural networks supported
  • Numeric results for benchmarking
  • Single environment simulation speed on different hardware setups