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  • Loop closing is an important part of SLAM for autonomous mobile systems.
  • BoW features can be used for loop searching and 6-DoF loop correction.
  • BoW3D is a novel method for real-time loop closing in 3D LiDAR SLAM.
  • BoW3D is efficient, pose-invariant and can be used for accurate point-to-point matching.
  • BoW3D is tested on public datasets and shows better performance than other state-of-the-art algorithms.
  • BoW3D takes an average of 48 ms to recognize and correct the loops on KITTI 00.

Paper Content

I. introduction

  • Fast and robust loop closing is essential for long-term SLAM
  • Standard frame-to-frame point registration algorithms may fail due to large drift in pose estimation
  • Place recognition is done by building a database from images or point clouds
  • Distance-based association can be used for loop closing with drift in a certain range
  • BoW is used for efficient image retrieval in visual SLAM
  • Challenges in 3D LiDAR SLAM due to irregularity, sparsity and disorder of LiDAR point cloud
  • Proposed loop closing method builds BoW for 3D LiDAR point clouds
  • Hash table used as basic structure of database
  • Accurate point-to-point LinK3D matching used to calculate 6-DoF loop pose

Feature extraction

  • Feature Extraction, Odometry and Mapping of A-LOAM, and Loop Closing are the three modules of the system
  • BoW3D has been embedded to the loop closing thread
  • Experimental results show that the method can reduce drifts and improve accuracy of 3D LiDAR SLAM
  • Place recognition and pose graph optimization are two steps of loop closing
  • Different sensor modalities have been used for loop closing, including camera images and 3D LiDAR points
  • BoW is suitable for camera SLAM due to its efficiency
  • BoW compresses image information and builds a tree to speed up loop retrieval
  • Most existing methods are too time-consuming or can’t provide 6-DoF pose estimation

Iii. background review

A. review of link3d features

  • BoW3D is based on the LinK3D feature
  • LinK3D consists of three parts: keypoint extraction, descriptor generation and feature matching
  • LinK3D descriptor is represented by a 180-dimension vector
  • LinK3D is lightweight and takes an average of 32 ms to extract features from the point cloud
  • LinK3D can be used to achieve accurate point-to-point matching, which enables it to be applied to fast 3D registration

B. review of bag of words

  • BoW is used to recognize revisited places by retrieving 2D features
  • BoW creates a visual vocabulary as a tree structure from a training image dataset
  • BoW converts extracted features of a new image into a low-dimensional vector
  • Vector contains term frequency and inverse document frequency (tf-idf) score
  • Higher tf-idf score indicates more frequent word in the image
  • Similarity between word and words in database is computed if score is high enough
  • Invert index is used to search corresponding images

Iv. methodology

  • Proposed loop closing system based on BoW3D
  • System embedded in state-of-the-art A-LOAM6
  • System consists of three parts: extracting LinK3D features, BoW3D encoding, and loop closure detection

A. bow3d algorithm

  • BoW3D algorithm proposed
  • LinK3D descriptor used, no further conversion needed
  • Hash table used to build one-to-one mapping between words and places
  • Retrieval algorithm used to retrieve words and count frequency of each place
  • Inverse document frequency used to measure difference between number of places
  • Loop correction used to provide constraint for pose graph optimization

Place set1

  • BoW3D data structure consists of words and places
  • Cost function is used to compute the loop
  • Rotation and translation of transformation is calculated
  • Update algorithm is proposed to add new words and places to the database
  • Descriptors are selected based on distance to LiDAR centers

B. loop optimization

  • Pose graph is built for loop optimization
  • Pose graph consists of global poses and observation constraints
  • Cost function is minimized to optimize the pose graph
  • Points in local map are updated based on optimized global poses

V. experiments

  • Evaluated performance of algorithm
  • Used KITTI dataset with Velodyne HDL-64E S2
  • 11 sequences with ground truth poses
  • Used Euclidean distance and time difference to determine true positive loop pairs
  • Experiments performed on notebook with Intel Core i7 @2.2 GHz processor and 16 GB RAM

A. place recognition performance

  • Our method outperforms other state-of-the-art LiDAR loop closure detection and place recognition methods
  • Our method can be used to correct the full 6-DoF loop pose
  • Our method is based on the LinK3D descriptors, which are pose invariant
  • Our system forms constraints based on accurate point-to-point matching results

B. performance on lidar-based slam

  • Evaluated performance of loop closing system used in 3D LiDAR-based SLAM
  • Verified accuracy of loop correction and whole trajectories using Euclidean distance, Θ and RMS E
  • Results showed loop closing system can effectively correct cumulative errors and reduce drifts of 3D LiDAR SLAM system

C. hyperparameters setup and robustness analyzation

  • Performance of BoW3D measured by F1 score and average detection time
  • As T h r increases, runtime increases and F1 score remains the same
  • Setting T h f less than 5 increases F1 score but requires more time
  • Setting T h f larger than 8 reduces robustness of algorithm
  • Optimal settings for robustness: T h r = 4, T h f = 5

D. system runtime

  • Evaluated average runtime of each module in SLAM system after integrating loop closing
  • Used KITTI 00 dataset with 4K+ LiDAR scans
  • Set T h r = 4, T h f = 5, number of closer features as 5 when adding to database, 3 when retrieving from database
  • Runtime of each module shown in Fig. 7
  • Each module operates separately in different threads
  • Runtime of mapping thread and PGO more than 100 ms, but can be performed online due to low frequency
  • BoW3D takes less than 100 ms to process one frame, ensuring realtime performance of system

Vi. conclusion

  • Proposed a novel 3D-feature-based bag of words algorithm for place recognition
  • Consists of three parts: place retrieval, loop correction and database update
  • Hash table used as overall structure of database
  • Achieves competitive results compared to state-of-the-art methods
  • Does not require pre-training or GPU resources