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  • ViTPose is a simple baseline model that uses a plain and non-hierarchical vision transformer for body pose estimation.
  • ViTPose can be scaled up from 20M to 1B parameters, providing a new Pareto front for throughput and performance.
  • ViTPose is flexible regarding attention type, input resolution, and pre-training and fine-tuning strategy.
  • ViTPose+ is a novel model that deals with heterogeneous body keypoint categories in different types of body pose estimation tasks.
  • ViTPose outperforms representative methods on the MS COCO Human Keypoint Detection benchmark and achieves state-of-the-art performance on a series of body pose estimation tasks.

Paper Content


  • Body keypoint detection is a fundamental task in computer vision with a wide range of applications
  • Deep learning-based methods have been developed to deal with challenges such as occlusion, truncation, scales, and human appearances
  • Vision transformers have been explored for human pose estimation, typically using a CNN backbone and a transformer to refine the extracted features
  • ViTPose is proposed as a simple baseline model for body pose estimation, achieving a state-of-the-art performance
  • ViTPose+ is proposed to deal with multiple types of body keypoint detection via knowledge factorization
  • ViTPose is simple, scalable, flexible, and transferable

Representative pose estimation methods

Top-down methods

  • Pose estimation has been rapidly developed from CNN to vision transformers
  • Most methods focus on estimating pose from given human instances
  • High-resolution features are used in CNN networks
  • Some methods use transformers as decoders after CNN backbone
  • HRFormer uses transformers to extract high-resolution features directly
  • ViTPose is a simple yet effective baseline model based on plain vision transformers

Bottom-up methods

  • Bottom-up methods focus on locating and grouping human body keypoints
  • OpenPose uses a two-stage network to predict keypoints and group them
  • Associate embedding simplifies bottom-up pipelines by jointly estimating keypoints and associating them
  • HigherHRNet introduces multi-stage supervision
  • Plain vision transformers are explored for bottom-up pose estimation

Vision transformer pre-training

  • ViT [7] has been successful, leading to many different vision transformers being proposed
  • Fully supervised learning requires a large amount of labeled data, which is expensive
  • Pre-trained models may not generalize well to tasks with different data distributions
  • Self-supervised pre-training methods have been proposed, such as contrastive and generative
  • MAE [16] uses a masked image modeling (MIM) pretext task
  • MIM pre-trained models on ImageNet without labels demonstrate better generalization performance
  • This paper focuses on pose estimation tasks and explores whether or not using ImageNet for pre-training is necessary
  • Smaller unlabelled pose datasets can also provide a good initialization

Foundation models

  • Foundation model is a unified model used to deal with real-world problems.
  • Vision transformers are popular for building foundation models and leveraging data from multiple modalities.
  • MoE layers are used to enhance the representation ability of backbone networks.
  • ViTPose+ is a foundation model for generic body keypoint detection.
  • ViTPose+ decomposes FFN layers into task-agnostic and task-specific experts.
  • ViTPose+ outperforms ViTPose and sets new SOTA on public benchmarks.

Comparison to the conference version

  • Paper extends previous study with 3 major improvements
  • Develops foundation model for generic body keypoint detection
  • Provides more experiment results, ablation studies, and analyses
  • Visual results demonstrate promising performance of ViTPose+


  • ViTPose uses a vision transformer for feature extraction
  • ViTPose is compatible with different decoders for keypoint estimation
  • ViTPose has properties of simplicity, scalability, flexibility, and transferability
  • ViTPose+ model is proposed and achieves SOTA performance on pose estimation datasets

The simplicity of vitpose

  • Goal of paper is to provide a simple yet effective vision transformer baseline for body pose estimation tasks.
  • Structure is kept as simple as possible, avoiding fancy but complex modules.
  • Patch embedding layer is used to embed image into tokens.
  • Two kinds of lightweight decoders are used to regress the heatmaps of keypoints.

The scalability of vitpose

  • ViTPose has structural simplicity, allowing for easy control of model size.
  • ViTPose can benefit from the development of scalable vision transformers without modification.
  • ViTPose was tested using pre-trained vision transformers of different model sizes.
  • Performance increases with increased model size.

The flexibility of vitpose

  • Pre-training the backbone networks on ImageNet is a common practice, but it requires extra data
  • Can the data requirements be relaxed by using only pose data during training?
  • Pre-trained weights are used to initialize the backbone of ViTPose and fine-tuned on MS COCO
  • Performance of ViTPose increases with higher input resolution or higher feature resolution
  • Full attention on high-resolution feature maps causes a huge memory footprint and computational cost
  • Window-based attention with relative position embedding is used to address this issue
  • Shift window and pooling window techniques are used to improve performance and reduce memory footprint
  • Pre-trained transformer models can generalize well to other tasks by only tuning partial parameters
  • Explored potential of plain vision transformers in both top-down and bottom-up paradigms

The transferability of vitpose

  • Knowledge distillation is a method to improve the performance of small models by transferring knowledge from larger ones.
  • A token-based distillation method is proposed to bridge the large and small models.
  • The knowledge token is initialized and appended to the teacher model, then frozen and concatenated with the student model.
  • The student model is trained with a combination of token distillation loss and output distillation loss.


  • A foundation model for generic body keypoint detection should be able to deal with different body pose estimation tasks.
  • There are differences between body keypoints in different pose estimation tasks.
  • A naive solution is to train a ViTPose model by multi-task learning.
  • There may be conflicts between different tasks.
  • ViTPose+ is proposed to address the challenge from the perspective of knowledge factorization.


Datasets and evaluation metrics

  • Used MS COCO, AIC, MPII, COCO-W, AP-10K, APT-36K, Interhand2.6M, and OCHuman datasets
  • MS COCO has 118K images and 150K human instances with up to 17 keypoints
  • COCO-W has up to 133 keypoints for each instance
  • MPII has 25K images and 40K human instances with up to 16 keypoints
  • AIC has 200K images and 350 human instances with up to 14 keypoints
  • AP-10K and APT-36K have 10K and 36K images with up to 17 keypoints
  • Interhand2.6M has 2.6M labeled hand frames with 2D and 3D annotations
  • OCHuman has 4K images and 8K instances with heavy occlusions
  • Used AP and PCKh as evaluation metrics

Implementation details

  • ViTPose is a top-down approach for human pose estimation
  • ViTPose is evaluated on MS COCO Keypoint val set
  • ViT-S, ViT-B, ViT-L, ViT-H and ViTAE-G are used as backbone networks
  • MAE pretrained weights are used to initialize the backbones
  • AdamW optimizer with a learning rate of 5e-4 is used
  • Udp is used for post-processing
  • Models are trained for 210 epochs with a learning rate decay at 170th and 200th epochs

Ablation studies of vitpose and analysis

  • ViTPose performs well with a simple decoder and plain vision transformer
  • ViTPose has excellent scalability
  • Pre-training on data from downstream tasks has better data efficiency than ImageNet-1k
  • ViTPose adapts well to different input resolutions
  • Window-based attention alleviates out-of-memory issue but decreases performance
  • Partially fine-tuning the MHSA has moderate performance drop, while partially fine-tuning the FFN has significant performance drop
  • Token-based distillation brings gain of 0.2 AP with marginal cost of extra memory footprint
  • Output distillation brings gain of 0.5 AP with moderate cost of extra memory footprint
  • Combining token-based and output distillation brings gain of 0.6 AP

Ablation studies of vitpose+ and analysis

Different settings of vitpose+

  • ViTPose is a simple and lightweight decoder that can be extended to deal with multiple types of body pose estimation tasks
  • Training process involves MS COCO, AIC, MPII, COCO-W, AP-10K, and APT-36K datasets
  • Results on MS COCO val set show performance increases from 75.8 AP to 77.1 AP when using human pose estimation datasets
  • Using MPII for training brings 0.1 AP increase
  • Performance remains the same when using COCO-W
  • Performance drops when using animal datasets
  • ViTPose+ has 3 variants: Independent FFN, Independent and Shared FFN, and Partially Shared FFN
  • Results show flexibility and potential for building a foundation model towards generic body pose estimation

Comparison with sota methods

The performance on ms coco

  • ViTPose and ViTPose+ compared to SOTA methods on MS COCO dataset
  • ViTPose achieves better trade-off between throughput and accuracy
  • ViTPose-L outperforms previous SOTA methods based on CNN and transformers
  • ViTPose-L sets a new SOTA in bottom-up paradigm

The performance on other datasets

  • ViTPose+ models are tested on 6 different datasets
  • ViTPose+ outperforms previous methods on MPII val set
  • ViTPose+ performs better than CNN-based and transformer-based models on AIC val set
  • ViTPose+ performs better on COCO-W val set
  • Weights of task-specific FFN parts have larger similarity for human pose estimation than for body pose estimation of different species
  • Weights of FFN layers in deeper layers are more task-specific than those in shallower layers

Limitations and discussion

  • ViTPose and ViTPose+ have good properties and performance for body pose estimation
  • Room to improve further by designing a unified foundation model for simultaneous object detection and pose estimation
  • Leverage multimodality data and language knowledge of body keypoints to help body pose estimation


  • ViTPose and ViTPose+ proposed as simple baseline and foundation models for body pose estimation
  • Properties of ViTPose include simplicity, scalability, flexibility, and transferability
  • Extensive experiments conducted on MS COCO, AIC, MPII, OCHuman, COCO-W, AP-10K, and APT-36K
  • New performance records set on these datasets
  • ViTPose+ obtains SOTA performance on representative benchmarks
  • ViTPose+ sets new SOTA on OCHuman, COCO-W, and APT-36K
  • ViTPose+ has strong feature representation ability
  • ViTPose+ has excellent scalability