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  • Language models lack grounding in the real world and struggle with complex reasoning.
  • AI systems outperform humans in games like chess and Go.
  • Chess commentary requires reasoning over a complex board state and providing analyses in natural language.
  • Combining symbolic reasoning engines with controllable language models can generate chess commentaries.
  • Experiments show that this approach generates commentaries preferred by human judges.

Paper Content


  • Large-scale language models can generate plausible responses that are not related to the real world
  • Symbolic reasoning systems can play games like chess or Go better than humans or neural models
  • This paper investigates how to combine language models and symbolic reasoning engines to generate accurate and strategically sound chess commentaries
  • During training, control codes are extracted from the commentaries and used to control the language model
  • During inference, the chess engine provides control codes to the language model to control its output
  • Chess commentary generation
  • Language models

Chess commentary generation

  • Chess commentary generation was proposed by Jhamtani et al. (2018).
  • Zang et al. (2019) extended this work by using AlphaZero (Silver et al., 2018).
  • Similar tasks include Shogi commentary generation (Kameko et al., 2015).

Controlled text generation

  • Controlled text generation involves conditioning a language model with special tokens.
  • This allows researchers to control aspects such as style, content, and task-specific behavior.

Reasoning systems with language models

  • Researchers have combined symbolic reasoning agents with language generation models for different tasks.
  • Researchers have used language models to “reflect” or “manifest” the actions being made by their counterpart reasoning agents.
  • Our task is to provide strategically accurate analyses about the actions that are taking place.

Task description and data

  • Formal definition of task
  • Details about data

Task: chess commentary generation

  • Goal of chess commentary generation is to provide a description or analysis of moves made in a chess game
  • Requires robust language modeling and strong symbolic reasoning
  • 6 categories of commentary types: move descriptions, move quality, move comparisons, rationales, contextual, and general
  • This work focuses on the first three categories


  • Data collected from an online forum
  • Data is in the form of triplets (G, M, C)
  • 373,919 triplets collected

Additional pre-training data

  • Used data from 3 chess forums
  • Built question and response pairs
  • Filtered out irrelevant tags and non-positive upvote responses
  • Used pre-existing Reddit dataset
  • Scrubbed any PII from data


  • Overview of approach
  • Explanation of each step


  • Approach is visualized in Figure 1
  • Training data is in the form of (G, M, C)
  • Build token representation of game-state
  • Extract “tags” from commentary to provide signals
  • Commentary generation model is conditioned on extracted tags
  • During inference, new game-state is passed into chess engine to provide new tags


  • Identified tags to extract from commentary training data
  • Built tag-extraction models for 5 types of tags: “commentary type”, “move quality”, “suggested moves”, “pronouns/proper nouns”, and “length”
  • Tags must be consistent with the semantics of the commentary text
  • Tags provide explicit signals to learn meaningful patterns between game-state and commentary
  • Used BART model pre-trained using data described in §3.3
  • Manually annotated samples to fine-tune each BART model
  • Commentary type tags indicate which of the six categories of commentaries from Jhamtani et al. (2018)
  • Move quality tags indicate how good or bad a move is
  • Suggested move tags indicate alternative lines of moves mentioned in the commentary
  • Tagged commentary data with pronouns and proper nouns
  • Tagged data with “[short]”, “[medium]”, or “[long]” depending on the commentary’s length
  • Used chess engines to derive new tags during inference
  • Included PGN representations and SAN tokens
  • Enumerated pieces on the board for each player
  • Represented attacks by listing the attacking piece and attacked piece
  • Trained BART to generate commentaries


  • Use a chess engine to derive tags to control commentary generation
  • User selects commentary type
  • Derive move quality using Leela
  • Format move quality classification
  • Use Leela’s suggested moves
  • Omit pronoun and proper noun tags
  • Use “medium” as length tag to control output length


  • Show accuracy of tag extraction models
  • Assess ability to control commentaries with tags
  • Use human judges to compare quality of commentaries against baseline models

Tag-extraction models

  • Used 80:10:10 split of manually annotated training data for classification models and 85:10:5 split for generative model
  • F1 and token exact match scores had accuracy of 67-73% which was sufficient for controlling commentary generation model


  • Expect language model to learn meaningful relationship between input and commentary
  • Drop in perplexity compared to different baselines
  • Baselines include unconditioned, move, game-state, tags and fully-conditioned models
  • More signals lead to drop in perplexity, demonstrating ability to learn patterns between tags and commentaries

Human evaluations

  • Evaluated system using human evaluations
  • Conducted A/B tests using Amazon Mechanical Turk
  • Compared against Unconditioned and Game-State (All) baseline models
  • Compared against prior work: Jhamtani et al. (2018)
  • Validated chess knowledge of crowdworkers using chess puzzles
  • Evaluated three commentary types: “Move Description”, “Move Quality”, and “Move Comparison”
  • Results show that system strongly outperforms all baselines across all commentary types

Discussion: limitations and challenges

  • Model occasionally generates commentaries with logical reasoning errors
  • Interface does not cover every possible logical deduction
  • Crowdworkers sometimes disagree with model’s assessment, even when commentaries are accurate
  • Super-human behavior of chess engines are different from humans and difficult to interpret
  • Model occasionally makes mistakes, but has best understanding about recently moved pieces
  • Experimental details, complete results, and further analysis provided in Appendix F


  • Combine symbolic reasoning system with controllable language model to generate chess commentaries
  • Use Reddit data to find question-answer pairs likely referring to a specific chess game
  • Exclude threads with external links
  • Match comment post against set of patterns: PGN/SAN move notations, referral to specific move numbers, chess event tokens, chess piece tokens
  • Use ParlAI to train models
  • 373,919 samples of game-state and commentary pairs, split into 85:10:5 splits for training, validation, and testing
  • 56,032 samples of question and answer pairs, split into 85:10:5 splits for pretraining
  • 1800 samples for commentary type extraction model, split into 80:10:10 splits
  • 610 samples for move quality extraction model, split into 80:10:10 splits
  • 830 samples for suggested move extraction model, split into 80:15:5 splits
  • Minimize validation perplexity for generative models, minimize validation loss for classification models
  • Human evaluation study, optionally ask crowdworkers to provide a reason for their selection
  • Prompted belief-state experiments, compute likelihood of all 64 chess squares given model, prompt, and game-state
  • Visualize prompted belief-states, weight concentrated around recently moved pieces
  • Accuracy (36%) and strategy (14%) reasons for preferring our model