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  • Current large language models can perform well on complex tasks with few-shot learning
  • ALERT is a benchmark and suite of analyses to assess language models’ reasoning ability
  • ALERT covers 10 different reasoning skills and 20 datasets
  • Finetuning helps language models learn more reasoning skills
  • Finetuning can lead to overfitting and generalization problems

Paper Content


  • Large language models (LLMs) have shown increasing in-context learning capabilities with scaling up the model and data size
  • LLMs still struggle with tasks such as commonsense reasoning and math word problems
  • Recent work used different prompting methods to improve LLMs’ performance on tasks that require multiple steps of reasoning
  • ALERT is a new pipeline to benchmark different LLMs on various reasoning skills
  • ALERT covers 10 different reasoning skills including logical, causal, commonsense, abductive, spatial, analogical, argument and deductive reasoning
  • Experiments indicate that there is no strong correlation between high vocabulary overlap and performance gain on evaluation datasets
  • Finetuning helps to improve certain reasoning capabilities of LLMs but not all of them
  • Finetuning can cause overfitting towards prompt templates
  • Evaluating reasoning skills with ALERT provides new insights on how models have or have not succeeded in generalizing beyond their experience

Motivation and our benchmark

  • ALERT is a computer science paper that focuses on measuring LLMs performance on tasks that require contextual understanding and multi-step operations.
  • ALERT tasks involve writing an implausible answer to a question that involves event duration.
  • ALERT datasets are selected from NIV2 benchmark and modified to make them easier to analyze.
  • ALERT reasoning skills are divided into in-domain skills and held-out skills.
  • In-domain skills can be learned from finetuning data, but these in-domain datasets are actually on-held datasets.
  • All 20 datasets are used for all other analysis.

Experiment setup


  • We compare 3 models: pre-trained, finetuned, and rationale-based finetuned
  • We use OPT models of two scales: 1.3B and 13B
  • We train all models in Pytorch using Metaseq3
  • We initialize model hyperparameters for each model scale following OPT
  • We pack training examples into sequences of length 2048
  • We use AdamW with 32-bit state and linearly warm up and decay the learning rate
  • For 1.3B models, we use batch size of 128, and for 13B models, we use batch size of 256

Finetuning details

  • Finetuning Data consists of 10 datasets
  • Datasets include ProofWriter, StrategyQA, ECQA, CoQA, GSM8K, AQUA-RAT, Ling


  • Variable prompt templates used in experiments
  • Five templates used: T1-T5
  • Evaluation metrics: ROUGE-L, exact-match, relaxed-match
  • Default score is highest score among five templates


Does finetuning help?

  • Figure 4 shows the performance of 3 models across 2 scales
  • OPT-CoT improves performance on both scales, while OPT-FT sometimes yields worse results
  • This is likely due to models getting overfitted to the prompt format used in finetuning data, while OPT-CoT avoids this issue

What does llms learn during finetuning?

  • CoT-finetuning improves performance on reasoning tasks
  • Finetuning from three perspectives: data memorizing, reasoning skills transfer, and prompt template memorizing
  • Finetuned models should be evaluated on heldout datasets
  • No strong correlation between data similarity and performance
  • CoT-finetuning improves in-domain reasoning skills
  • Finetuning helps learn reasoning skills not seen during pretraining
  • Finetuning can memorize data format and templates
  • Finetuned models contain bias towards data formats and templates
  • CoT-finetuning is better than OPT-FT, but not as good as pre-trained model
  • Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance on various NLP tasks, but reasoning tasks remain more challenging.
  • Several research trajectories have been proposed to improve LLMs’ reasoning abilities.
  • Existing benchmarks are used to evaluate language models’ performance, but none are specifically designed for reasoning tasks.
  • Finetuning LLMs on a range of NLP tasks has shown improved performance on held-out downstream tasks.
  • It is unclear whether the improvement comes from simply adding more training data or finetuning on rationales.


  • Introduce ALERT, a benchmark for assessing LLMs’ reasoning abilities
  • Span over 20 datasets and covers 10 different reasoning skills
  • Explore what is the meaning of finetuning for these complex tasks
  • LLMs do not rely on memorizing training data, but are capable to learn diverse reasoning skills
  • Finetuning yields performance improvement, but also has side effects
  • LLMs memorize data template representation and templates seen during finetuning
  • CoT-finetuning alleviates this problem to a certain extent
  • Select checkpoints based on perplexity or loss from validation datasets of finetuning corpus
  • Select 3 tasks from NIV2 benchmark and compile a development set
  • Measure unigram vocabulary overlaps between finetuning corpus and evaluation corpus
  • GPT-3 achieves random results on datasets due to unnatural data expression
  • Checkpoint selection can determine the final performance of the LLMs
  • Examples from tasks that require reasoning skills and generated outputs from ChatGPT