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  • Stable Diffusion is a large-scale image generation model that can create realistic images from a simple text prompt.
  • This paper explores whether real images are necessary for training image prediction models.
  • The paper tests the ability of Stable Diffusion to generate synthetic clones of ImageNet and measure their usefulness for training classification models.
  • The synthetic images are able to close the gap between models produced by synthetic images and models trained with real images.
  • Models trained on synthetic images exhibit strong generalization properties and perform on par with models trained on real data.

Paper Content


  • Machine learning and deep learning have changed the landscape of computer vision research
  • Datasets have grown in size and complexity and have become contributions in their own right
  • ImageNet has had an unprecedented impact on the field
  • Large and generic models have been trained on less curated data
  • These models have been used for prediction tasks and text-conditioned image generation
  • Models such as DALL-E and Stable Diffusion have demonstrated impressive image generation ability
  • These generative models are trained on billion-scale datasets
  • This paper explores the need for real images when training image prediction models
  • Synthetic images are generated for ImageNet classes using class names as prompts
  • Models trained on synthetic images can achieve 83% and 51% top-5 accuracy on ImageNet-100 and ImageNet-1K respectively
  • The performance gap between models trained on real and synthetic images is reduced when testing for resilience to domain shifts or adversarial examples
  • Synthetic data has been used to create large amounts of labeled data for annotation heavy tasks
  • Generative models have been used to extend models to new classes or create novel views at test time

Distillation of datasets and models

  • Knowledge distillation is a mechanism to transfer knowledge from a pretrained model to another.
  • Dataset distillation is a way of compressing a training set of images into a smaller set.
  • Reconstructing images from model activations is another form of distillation.
  • Our approach uses prompting to distill knowledge into a visual encoder for a specific image classification task.


  • Task formulation: Learning an image classification model using only synthetically generated images
  • Stable Diffusion: Text-to-image generation model used in paper
  • Model consists of an encoder and classifier
  • Text-to-image generation process takes a textual prompt as input
  • Parameters control quality and speed of text-conditioned diffusion
  • Task is also seen as text-guided, image-free knowledge “distillation”

Generating synthetic imagenet clones

  • Created clones of ImageNet dataset by synthesizing images
  • Referred to synthetic datasets of ImageNet classes created using Stable Diffusion as ImageNet-SD
  • Described different ways of creating ImageNet-SD datasets
  • Presented generic, class-agnostic ways for tackling issues with respect to semantics and diversity
  • Presented limited set of qualitative results in Fig. 2, more extensive set in Appendix

Generating datasets using class names

  • Generated images using class name as prompt
  • Semantic errors in generated images
  • Lack of diversity in generated images
  • Visual domain issues in generated images

Addressing issues with semantics and domain

  • Comparing real images from ImageNet to synthetic ones generated using synset names as prompt reveals that for some classes their semantics do not match.
  • This is due to polysemy, i.e., multiple potential semantic meanings or physical instantiations of the class names used as prompt.
  • To fix this, two additional sources of information from Wordnet are employed: hypernyms and definitions.
  • Appending this information to the prompt leads to better classification performance.

Increasing the diversity of generated images

  • Generating images using more expressive prompts reduces semantic errors and increases visual diversity.
  • Images tend to display the class instance centered and in a prominent position.
  • Real images feature more diversity, settings, backgrounds, and multiple instances of the same class.
  • Generating multiple instances and diversifying the background improves diversity.
  • Label noise and visual realism provide additional stochasticity during training.
  • Experimental validation shows diverse data augmentations can be valuable for out-of-distribution scenarios.


  • Analyzing performance of image classification models learned using synthetic datasets
  • Most of study done on ImageNet-100 dataset
  • ImageNet-100 is a random subset of ImageNet-1K, spanning over 100 classes and 126,689 images
  • Synthetic datasets for two ImageNet subsets are ImageNet-100-SD and ImageNet-1K-SD
  • Generator is Stable Diffusion v1.4 model
  • Evaluate models on real images
  • Encoder and classifier learned during training used to predict labels of real images
  • Encoder is ResNet50
  • Data augmentation pipeline from DINO used

Results on imagenet

  • Models trained on real or synthetic images compared on ImageNet-1K and ImageNet-v2
  • Data augmentation strategies evaluated when learning from synthetic datasets
  • Gains for real images are small, but gains for synthetic images are over 14%
  • Synthetic images can benefit from same augmentations as real images
  • Different prompts used to create variants of ImageNet-100-SD
  • Using class name as prompt achieves over 70% Top-5 accuracy
  • Prompts that improve diversity give strong gains
  • Generating objects on diverse backgrounds gives best results
  • Scaling number of synthetic images gives 6-7% gains in accuracy
  • Model trained on synthetic ImageNet-1K-SD reaches 26.2% Top-1 accuracy

Resilience to domain shifts

  • Models trained on synthetic data can match the performance of models trained on real images
  • Models trained on synthetic data can outperform models trained on real images in some cases
  • Models trained on synthetic data lag behind models trained on real images when it comes to harder classification tasks

Transfer learning

  • Pretrained models were used in previous evaluations
  • Evaluations used encoders and classifiers trained on synthetic ImageNet datasets
  • Different protocol used in this paper: evaluated quality of representations learned by encoders alone
  • Ten commonly-used transfer datasets used
  • Reported Top-1 accuracy on test set of datasets
  • Compared ImageNet-100-SD and ImageNet-1K-SD visual encoders with baselines trained on ImageNet-100 and ImageNet-1K
  • Representations learned on synthetic images showed comparable generalization performance to representations trained on real images


  • Implications of analysis proposed in paper
  • Process to create ImageNet-SD requires minimal assumptions and can be applied to wider set of classes
  • Scaling synthetic datasets important, but beyond scope of paper
  • Quality of classifier bounded by expressivity of generator
  • Data and model bias due to data and architecture
  • Stereotypes reinforced due to lack of diversity
  • Societal implications of using such models to generate synthetic datasets


  • Study to what extent ImageNet can be replaced by a dataset synthesized by a top performing text-to-image generator
  • Models trained on synthetic data exhibit exceptional generalization capability
  • Evaluate models in two ways: pretrained models and classifiers learned during pretraining
  • Analyze representations obtained with models trained on real and synthetic data
  • Sparsity, intra-class distance, feature redundancy and coding length metrics used
  • Spider plots for models trained on real or synthetic data for ImageNet-100 and ImageNet-1K
  • Qualitative results for all ImageNet-100 classes
  • Showcase domain and diversity issues
  • Semantics partially wrong for some classes
  • Appending hypernym or definition of each synset fixes polysemy issues
  • Increasing diversity correlates with more semantic errors
  • Non-negligible percentage of generated images are non-natural