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  • Large language models have enabled progress in multi-step reasoning over text.
  • When applied to text generation from semi-structured data, these methods suffer from low semantic coverage, hallucination, and logical inconsistency.
  • MURMUR is a neuro-symbolic modular approach to text generation from semi-structured data with multi-step reasoning.
  • MURMUR uses neural and symbolic modules, a grammar, and value functions to generate reasoning paths.
  • Experiments on two data-to-text generation tasks show MURMUR obtains significant improvements over baselines and comparable performance to GPT-2.
  • Human evaluation shows MURMUR generates highly faithful and correct reasoning paths.

Paper Content


  • Data-to-text generation is the task of generating summaries of semi-structured data
  • Data can be represented in diverse structures, like meaning representations, graphs, or tables
  • Text generation from such data is challenging because it requires various reasoning and compositionality skills
  • Recent works fine-tune pre-trained language models as the de-facto standard for building supervised data-to-text generation systems
  • Few-shot prompting has been successful in multi-step reasoning over text
  • Data-to-text generation is posed as multi-step reasoning over data
  • Challenges include generation quality and transformation-invariance
  • MURMUR is a modular multi-step reasoning approach to text generation from data
  • MURMUR has three features: modularity, grammar, and value functions
  • MURMUR can perform multi-step generative reasoning on simple to complex semi-structured data-to-text generation tasks
  • MURMUR obtains significant improvements in semantic coverage and hallucinations of generated summaries over other few-shot baselines
  • MURMUR demonstrates good out-of-domain generalizability
  • MURMUR significantly improves the logical consistency of summaries over direct prompting

Definitions: reasoning step and path

  • Reasoning Step is a triple (M, X , y) where a module M performs a certain skill by conditioning on an input X to generate an output y
  • Reasoning Path is a sequence of Reasoning Steps
  • MURMUR consists of four components: modules, grammar, value function(s), and a search algorithm
  • MURMUR generates textual summaries from semi-structured data by constructing reasoning paths
  • Two data-to-text generation tasks: WebNLG and LogicNLG
  • Neural modules for linguistic skills and symbolic modules for logical operations
  • Surface Realization module converts structured data to unstructured text
  • Text Fusion module combines two pieces of text into a coherent text
  • Symbolic modules perform logical operations over tables

Grammar over modules

  • Grammar is used to determine possible modules for reasoning steps
  • Production rules of grammar define multiple permissible modules

Value functions

  • MURMUR introduces value functions to assess the quality of each plausible reasoning step
  • Value functions measure fluency and semantic consistency of generated text
  • Value functions also assess correctness of intermediate reasoning paths for table-to-text generation
  • MURMUR uses a best-first search algorithm to generate reasoning paths
  • Algorithm takes modules, grammar, value function, and number of reasoning paths as input
  • Algorithm scores, ranks, and selects top-b paths, returns top-p paths and corresponding summaries

Graph-to-text generation

  • WebNLG uses RDF triples from DBPedia
  • Test split consists of two parts, one with seen categories and one with unseen categories
  • Implemented modules as few-shot neural models
  • Value function uses fluency score and entailment probability
  • Mixing ratio of 0.05 between two scorers
  • MURMUR scores and ranks intermediate generations in the queue

Table-to-text generation

  • Implemented logical modules with PYTHON functions
  • Used BERT-base model to classify tables and partial reasoning paths as correct or incorrect
  • Obtained training data from Logic2Text dataset
  • Created 1500 correct and incorrect training samples from 221 (table, reasoning path) pairs
  • Beam size of search set to 20

Experiments on graph-to-text generation

  • MURMUR is compared to several state-of-the-art supervised methods
  • Surface realization step is left unchanged
  • Saliency metric is removed from MURMUR
  • Few-shot methods use 1 randomly chosen demonstration from training data
  • BLEU scores are used to compare methods
  • Human evaluations are conducted for logical correctness of MURMUR
  • All reasoning paths generated by MURMUR are valid due to grammar component
  • Performance drops when search algorithm is replaced with fine-tuned BART model

Human evaluation of final generations and intermediate reasoning steps

  • Conducted two steps of human evaluations
  • Compared final summaries generated by DP and MURMUR
  • Evaluated faithfulness and correctness of individual reasoning steps of MURMUR
  • Evaluated generation at each reasoning step for grammaticality, module faithfulness, and correctness
  • Both modules generate outputs that are almost always grammatical
  • Module faithfulness is significantly high
  • 64% of fusion generations are fully correct

Effect of number of demonstrations

  • DP performance improves with more demonstrations
  • MURMUR performance only marginally improves with more demonstrations
  • DP implicitly learns step-wise reasoning process
  • MURMUR captures reasoning process with one demonstration
  • MURMUR is robust to variations in demonstrations

Experiments on table-to-text generation

  • LogicNLG dataset was studied
  • Results of the study were found

Human evaluation of logical correctness

  • Conducted human evaluation to assess logical correctness of generations from Direct Prompting and MURMUR
  • 40 randomly chosen generations from 8 different tables were annotated by two NLP experts
  • Annotators classified each generation into ungrammatical, incorrect, partially correct, or fully correct
  • For correct generations, annotators noted whether they involved any underlying logical operations or were surface realizations of the table content
  • Results showed MURMUR generated 26% more correct outputs and 95% of those involved some logical operations

Multi-step reasoning over text

  • Recent developments in large language models have enabled progress in few-shot methods for logical reasoning tasks
  • Chain-of-thought prompting encourages language models to output intermediate reasoning steps
  • Lack of explicit conditioning between steps can lead to unfaithful reasoning
  • MURMUR develops granular modules to explicitly condition on previous reasoning steps
  • Similar to Selection-Inference architecture
  • Concurrent works propose neuro-symbolic approaches for reasoning over text

Modular reasoning over text

  • Neural Module Networks (NMN) learn and execute programs over modules.
  • Prior works have used text-in text-out modules with input and output data types as strings.
  • MURMUR’s modules are a generalization of text-in text-out modules, able to capture operations with diverse signatures.
  • Transition from data to text is clearly represented through compositions of modules.
  • Interpretability of attention maps-based modules has been debated.

Data-to-text generation

  • Supervised methods use seq2seq pre-trained language models
  • Pipeline approaches use different modules
  • Few-shot methods use data augmentation or retrieving similar examples
  • MURMUR uses few-shot neural or symbolic modules without manual intervention
  • MURMUR works with as few as one demonstration, no unlabeled corpus needed

Discussion and conclusion

  • MURMUR is a neuro-symbolic modular reasoning approach for data-to-text generation
  • MURMUR outperforms few-shot baselines and achieves comparable performance to fine-tuned LMs
  • MURMUR generates significantly more logical summaries
  • MURMUR breaks a task down into sub-problems and solves them through separate modules
  • MURMUR utilizes the power of large language models in solving linguistic subtasks
  • MURMUR generalizes the concept of modules by treating them as functions
  • MURMUR introduces a grammar for explaining module compositions
  • MURMUR can be extended for text generation tasks involving multiple modalities
  • Training data is created by perturbing a gold path
  • Varying the amount of supervision affects metric accuracy and downstream performance
  • Direct Prompting and Chain-of-Thought Prompting are used for WebNLG and LogicNLG
  • MURMUR generates logically consistent summaries
  • MURMUR uses modules to perform logical operations over tables
  • Grammars are defined for WebNLG and LogicNLG
  • Direct Prompting summaries include logical inconsistencies and hallucinations
  • MURMUR generates reasoning paths and converts them to logically consistent summaries
  • Few-shot methods are compared on WebNLG and LogicNLG
  • Beam size and amount of supervision affect BLEU scores