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  • Recent work on text-conditional 3D object generation has shown promising results, but requires multiple GPU-hours to produce a single sample.
  • Generative image models produce samples in seconds or minutes.
  • This paper explores an alternative method for 3D object generation which produces 3D models in 1-2 minutes on a single GPU.
  • The method generates a single synthetic view using a text-to-image diffusion model, and then produces a 3D point cloud using a second diffusion model.
  • Sample quality is still lower than state-of-the-art, but it is one to two orders of magnitude faster to sample from.
  • Evaluation code and models are available at

Paper Content


  • Text-to-image generative models can generate and modify high-quality images from natural language descriptions
  • Recent works have explored text-conditional generation in other modalities, such as video and 3D objects
  • This paper focuses on the problem of text-to-3D generation
  • Methods exist which train generative models directly on paired (text, 3D) data or unlabeled 3D data
  • Methods also exist which leverage pre-trained text-image models to optimize differentiable 3D representations
  • This paper combines the benefits of both categories by pairing a text-to-image model with an image-to-3D model
  • The text-to-image model leverages a large corpus of (text, image) pairs
  • The image-to-3D model is trained on a smaller dataset of (image, 3D) pairs
  • The two-stage generation process can be performed in a number of seconds
  • The generative stack is based on diffusion
  • The system can produce colored 3D point clouds that match both simple and complex text prompts


  • Diffusion-based models were first proposed by Sohl-Dickstein et al. (2015) and popularized more recently
  • Gaussian diffusion setup of Ho et al. (2020) is used
  • Samples are produced by starting at random Gaussian noise and gradually reversing the noising process
  • Neural network is used to approximate q(x t−1 |x t )
  • Variance of p θ (x t−1 |x t ) is predicted as well as the mean
  • Differential equations can be used to sample from these models
  • Classifier guidance and classifier-free guidance can be used to trade off sample diversity for fidelity
  • Generative models explored for point clouds
  • GANs and GMMs used to fit latent representations
  • GANs trained from 2D images to generate 3D models
  • GANs used to generate 3D meshes
  • NeRFs used to generate complete 3D scenes
  • Text-conditional 3D generation optimized with 3D representations
  • 3D models reconstructed from single or few images
  • VAEs used to predict point clouds from single views
  • Flow predictors and GANs used to generate novel views from few images
  • Image-to-image diffusion model used to synthesize novel views of an object


  • Point•E does not optimize every view to match the text prompt
  • Point clouds must be preprocessed before rendering, which can sometimes lose information and result in lower performance than state-of-the-art techniques
  • Point•E produces samples in a small fraction of the time, making it more practical for certain applications


  • Trained models on 3D models
  • Data formats and quality varied
  • Developed post-processing steps to ensure higher data quality
  • Converted data into generic format using Blender
  • Constructed point clouds from renders to sidestep issues with 3D meshes
  • Used heuristics to reduce frequency of low-quality models

View synthesis glide model

  • Point cloud models are conditioned on rendered views from a dataset.
  • Aim to generate 3D renders that match the dataset distribution.
  • Fine-tune GLIDE with a mixture of original and 3D datasets.
  • 3D dataset is small, so only sampled 5% of the time.
  • Fine-tune for 100K iterations, making several epochs over 3D dataset.
  • Add special token to 3D renders’ text prompts to sample in-distribution renders.

Point cloud diffusion

  • Represent point cloud as tensor of shape K x 6
  • Use Transformer-based model to predict coordinates and colors
  • Input context is K x D tensor and 256 x D tensor from pre-trained ViT-L/14 CLIP model
  • Model is permutation-invariant to input point clouds

Point cloud upsampler

  • Image diffusion models use a hierarchy to achieve the best quality.
  • Point cloud generation uses a large base model to generate 1K points, then upsamples to 4K points using a smaller model.
  • Compute requirements scale with the number of points.
  • Upsampler uses the same architecture as the base model, with extra conditioning tokens for the low-resolution point cloud.
  • Model uses a separate linear embedding layer to distinguish conditioning information from new points.

Producing meshes

  • Convert point clouds into textured meshes using Blender
  • Producing meshes from point clouds is a difficult problem
  • Pre-trained SAP models sometimes lost important details of the shape
  • Use regression-based model to predict signed distance field of an object
  • Apply marching cubes to the SDF to extract a mesh
  • Assign colors to each vertex of the mesh using the color of the nearest point from the original point cloud


  • Evaluated text-to-3D methods using CLIP R-Precision metric
  • Introduced new pair of metrics called P-IS and P-FID
  • Used PointNet++ model to extract features and predict class probabilities for point clouds

Model scaling and ablations

  • Trained a variety of base diffusion models
  • Evaluated models throughout training
  • Used same upsampler model and 306 pre-generated synthetic views
  • Text conditioning without text-to-image step results in worse CLIP R-Precision
  • Using single CLIP embedding to condition on images is worse than using a grid of embeddings
  • Scaling model improves speed of P-FID convergence and increases final CLIP R-Precision

Qualitative results

  • PointE can produce consistent and high-quality 3D shapes for complex prompts.
  • Point cloud diffusion model can fail to understand or extrapolate the conditioning image, resulting in a shape that does not match the original prompt.

Comparison to other methods

  • There is no standard set of benchmarks for text-conditional 3D synthesis.
  • Table 1 compares Point•E to other 3D generative techniques using CLIP R-Precision.
  • Point•E performs worse than the current state-of-the-art.
  • Two subtleties of the evaluation may explain some of the discrepancy.

Limitations and future work

  • Requires synthetic renderings, but could be trained to condition on real-world images
  • Produces colored 3D shapes at low resolution in point cloud format, could be extended to higher quality 3D representations
  • Could be used to initialize optimization-based techniques to speed up initial convergence
  • Has potential bias inherited from dataset
  • Ability to create point clouds that can be used to fabricate products in the real world


  • PointE is a system for text-conditional synthesis of 3D point clouds
  • PointE is capable of efficiently producing diverse and complex 3D shapes
  • PointE is trained with batch size 64 for 1,300,000 iterations
  • PointE uses 1024 diffusion timesteps
  • PointE uses a linear noise schedule for the upsampler model and a cosine noise schedule for the base models
  • PointE produces 10K samples using stochastic DDPM with the full noise schedule
  • PointE uses 64 steps of the Heun sampler from Karras et al. (2022) for both the base and upsampler models
  • PointE uses 150 diffusion steps for the base model and 50 diffusion steps for the upsampling model
  • PointE uses a PointNet++ model on ModelNet40 to compute P-FID and P-IS
  • PointE uses an encoder-decoder Transformer to convert point clouds into meshes
  • PointE uses a text-to-image model to produce in-distribution conditioning images
  • PointE also trains a pure text-conditional point cloud model without an additional image generation step