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  • Logical reasoning of text is an important ability that requires understanding of the information present in the text and their interconnections.
  • Prior works on improving logical reasoning ability of language models require complex processing of training data.
  • We propose APOLLO, an adaptively pretrained language model that has improved logical reasoning abilities.
  • We select a subset of Wikipedia for continued pretraining of a language model.
  • We use two self-supervised loss functions to teach the model to distinguish between entailment and contradiction types of sentences.
  • We demonstrate the effectiveness of APOLLO by comparing it with prior baselines on two logical reasoning datasets.

Paper Content


  • Logical reasoning is an important ability for humans and for text understanding
  • Logical reasoning is important for downstream tasks such as open-domain question answering and machine reading comprehension
  • Logical keywords are essential for understanding the context
  • Recently, there has been an increasing focus on evaluating the logical reasoning abilities of language models
  • Large pre-trained language models (PLMs) are increasingly being used across a wide variety of real-world tasks
  • There have been some recent works on improving the logical reasoning abilities of PLMs
  • These works typically generate a dataset containing symbolic structures and train the LM using custom loss objectives
  • These complex processing steps usually require task-specific design choices
  • APOLLO is a continued pretraining-based approach to inject logical reasoning abilities in language models
  • APOLLO uses a set of logical inference keywords to select sentences from a text corpus
  • APOLLO masks words based on their parts-of-speech tags
  • APOLLO adds a sentence-level classification loss to predict entailment or contradiction
  • APOLLO is task format and downstream dataset agnostic
  • APOLLO achieves state-of-the-art performance on LogiQA and comparable performance on ReClor


  • Collect dataset of reasoning-related sentences using keyword-based selection strategy
  • Filter Wikipedia using logical keywords to create IMPLICATION dataset
  • Pretrain model using two loss objectives: S-MLM and E-CLS
  • Fine-tune model on task-specific training dataset

Dataset selection

  • PLMs are trained on internet data and finetuned on downstream datasets
  • Aim is to teach PLMs generalizable logical reasoning abilities
  • Training data should contain more logical sentences
  • IMPLICATION dataset created by selecting specific keywords with positive/negative implications
  • Keywords used to filter Wikipedia and increase probability of logically rich sentences

Loss function design

  • S-MLM is a modified version of MLM loss used in BERT
  • MLM masks tokens in a sentence and the model learns to predict them
  • Not all masked tokens require the same degree of reasoning to predict
  • APOLLO simplifies the problem by considering tokens with specific POS tags
  • E-CLS predicts whether a sentence contains reasoning aspects of entailment or contradiction
  • E-CLS labels are bootstrapped using a heuristic of checking the type of implication keyword present in the sentence

Continued pretraining

  • APOLLO uses a multi-task loss for continued pretraining
  • The multi-task loss consists of S-MLM and E-CLS losses, weighted equally
  • No need to add MLM loss to avoid catastrophic forgetting, as S-MLM is close to MLM objective


  • Loss functions are not specific to a task format
  • Follow Devlin et al. (2019) and add a MLP layer to the pretrained model
  • Finetune the combined model on the downstream dataset using cross-entropy loss

Experimental setup

  • Described details of datasets used to evaluate APOLLO
  • Described baselines compared to APOLLO
  • Described implementation details of training procedure


  • Evaluated APOLLO on two logical reasoning datasets: ReClor and LogiQA
  • ReClor has 4,638/500/1,000 instances in train/dev/test split
  • LogiQA has 7,376/651/651 instances in train/dev/test split


  • APOLLO is compared to three prominent baselines
  • The baselines are LRReasoner, FOCAL REASONER, and MERIt
  • All the models use additional data to improve logical reasoning abilities

Implementation details

  • Used Wikipedia version provided by HuggingFace Datasets as main corpus
  • Used list of keywords to filter sentences from Wikipedia (listed in Appendix A)
  • Experimented with RoBERTa-Large, DeBERTa-v3, and DeBERTa-v2-xxlarge as base models for APOLLO
  • Pretrained last two layers of Transformer for 3 epochs, batch size of 4096 (details in Appendix B)


Overall results

  • APOLLO outperforms all baselines on LogiQA
  • MERIt + APOLLO achieves best performance on LogiQA and ReClor Test-H
  • APOLLO applicable across different LM architectures

Performance on glue benchmark

  • APOLLO pretraining does not include standard MLM loss
  • Finetuning APOLLO on GLUE benchmark and evaluating on Dev set
  • Omitting evaluation on WNLI set
  • APOLLO can slightly improve overall performance on GLUE benchmark
  • Ablation of various design choices in constructing IMPLICATION dataset and proposed method
  • IMPLICATION dataset leads to consistent improvements
  • Both S-MLM and E-CLS loss lead to improvements over MLM loss
  • IMPLICATION-Positive leads to better performance than IMPLICATION-Negative
  • Masking nouns and pronouns leads to significant performance drop
  • Using remaining categories for selective masking leads to some drop in performance
  • Training topmost two layers of model leads to best performance
  • Overall change in attribution scores for implication keywords increases significantly
  • MERIt uses Wikipedia to generate logical graphs
  • LRReasoner and FOCAL REASONER use data augmentation specific to task
  • Clark et al. (2020) use synthetically generated rulebases
  • APOLLO is a generalized solution to improving logical reasoning in language models
  • Pretraining steps are independent of dataset and downstream task format
  • Trade-off between completeness and noise in training data