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  • DSIs encode documents in a model and use the same model to map queries to relevant documents.
  • Reindexing the corpus is computationally expensive.
  • DSI++ is a continual learning challenge to incrementally index new documents while being able to answer queries related to both previously and newly indexed documents.
  • Model experiences forgetting events during training, leading to unstable learning.
  • Two approaches are proposed to mitigate these issues: modifying the training dynamics and introducing a generative memory.

Paper Content


  • Differentiable Search Indices (DSI) represent a new modeling paradigm for information retrieval tasks
  • Leverage Transformer memory to encode all of the information in a corpus of documents and answer user queries directly
  • Jointly optimize for indexing and retrieval tasks
  • Significantly outperforms state-of-the-art “retrieve-and-rank” methods
  • Open questions about applicability in dynamic corpora
  • Realistic scenario of new documents continually added to the indexed corpus
  • DSI++ proposed to address this issue
  • DSI++ is a continual learning challenge for DSI to incrementally index new documents
  • Novel benchmarks constructed from existing Natural Questions and MS MARCO datasets
  • Naive solution for DSI++ is to continuously fine-tune the model with an indexing objective
  • Catastrophic forgetting of previously memorized documents
  • Significant number of documents experience forgetting events during memorization
  • Optimize for flatter loss basins using Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM)
  • Generative memory to sample pseudo-queries for already indexed documents and use them to alleviate forgetting of the retrieval task

Problem setup

  • Initial corpus of documents and user queries corresponding to a subset of them
  • Two tasks: memorization and retrieval
  • Representing docids with unstructured atomic and structured string docids
  • Dynamic corpus scenario with new batches of documents arriving
  • Goal: Learn a DSI++ system that incrementally indexes new batches of documents while being able to answer queries related to previously and additionally indexed documents

Benchmark for dsi++.

  • We introduce two benchmarks from the Natural Questions and MS MARCO datasets.
  • We use the NQ train split to construct train/validation splits and use NQ validation as a test split.
  • We randomly sample 50K unique articles/passages to constitute the initial D 0 corpus.
  • We construct five more corpora, each with 10K articles/passages.

Evaluation metrics

  • Indexing accuracy and Hits@k measure the proportion of documents correctly memorized and the proportion of correct documents ranked in the top k predictions, respectively.
  • Average performance (A n ), forgetting (F n ) and learning performance (LA n ) metrics are used to summarize the model performance as documents are incrementally indexed.
  • Naively structured docids underperform unstructured atomic docids across all metrics.
  • Increasing the model scale improves average A n and learning LA n performance, but forgetting F n is severe across all model scales.
  • DSI model undergoes severe forgetting and becomes less effective for the retrieval task when documents are continually indexed.

Docid representations.

  • Unstructured atomic, naively structured, and semantically structured docid representations are considered for studying.
  • Naively structured approach performs worse than unstructured atomic docids.
  • Semantic structure helps reduce forgetting, but still underperforms unstructured atomic docids.
  • Larger models outperform smaller counterparts in terms of average performance and learning performance.
  • Forgetting is severe across all model scales.

Implicit forgetting during memorization: sam

  • Memorization is a primary task in the DSI paradigm
  • Each docid is assigned a unique token/class label
  • Memorization is an instance of challenging extreme classification setting
  • For every class, there is only one labeled example
  • Model performance fluctuates a lot over the course of training
  • Forgetting events occur when a document is classified correctly then incorrectly
  • 88% of documents undergo forgetting at least once
  • Geometric properties of minima affect forgetting
  • Pre-trained initialization and Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) can mitigate forgetting
  • SAM outperforms Adafactor in terms of indexing accuracy and retrieval task
  • SAM helps stably memorize documents, but there is room for improvement

Explicit forgetting: generative memory

  • DSI paradigm consists of two tasks - memorization and retrieval
  • SAM alleviates implicit forgetting by stably memorizing documents
  • DSI models undergo severe forgetting when indexing new documents
  • Humans rely on episodic memory to retain previously learned knowledge
  • Memory-based approaches use a subset of previous task data to reduce forgetting
  • Generative language models can be used to generate queries for documents
  • Generative memory is used to generate pseudo-queries for continual semi-supervised learning


Implementation details

  • Utilize pre-trained T5-Base model to initialize all models
  • Train models for 1M steps with 100K warmup for initial indexing, 100K steps with 100 warmup for continual indexing
  • Follow Tay et al. (2022) for hyper-parameters
  • Evaluate models every 5K steps and select best performing checkpoint
  • Co-train on indexing and retrieval tasks for initial training
  • Use average of all DSI metrics for model selection
  • Use indexing accuracy for continual learning experiments
  • Use retrieval dataset R 0 for generative memory model
  • Set maximum sequence length for document contents to 1024, target length for generated queries to 32
  • Use beam decoding to generate pseudo-queries
  • Tune learning rate and linear warmup
  • Use T5X framework and 4-8 TPUv4 chips for training


  • Proposed generative memory-based approach compared to continual indexing and continual indexing with all seen documents.
  • DSI model is fine-tuned with indexing objective on incoming and updated corpus.
  • Documents sampled from old and new corpora in equal proportion.



  • Continual indexing of updated corpus reduces forgetting
  • Experience replay with either D0 or D1 hurts forward transfer
  • Augmenting pseudo-queries for all documents with continual indexing reduces forgetting and improves forward transfer
  • Reduces forgetting of D0 while incrementally indexing in a large corpus setting


  • Generative memory-based approach helps to alleviate forgetting of older documents.
  • Augmenting generative memory during continual indexing reduces forgetting and improves average Hits@10.

Does generative memory alleviate forgetting of old documents?

  • Hits@1 for model after training on D0 is 35.9
  • Continually indexing both D0 and D1 reduces forgetting of retrieval task
  • ER with generative memory outperforms episodic memory
  • Generative memory reduces forgetting of previously indexed documents
  • ER with generative memory enables forward transfer to newly indexed documents

Does generative memory generalize to different datasets?

  • MS MARCO dataset Hits@1 is 78.2 after training on D 0 passages
  • Indexing both D 0 and D 1 corpora reduces forgetting the retrieval task
  • Incremental learning with indexing objective shows impressive forward transfer
  • ER with generative memory improves overall performance and reduces forgetting
  • Results hold across two datasets - Natural Questions and MS MARCO
  • Sparse regularization updates from ER positively influence backward and forward transfer
  • Incremental indexer updating outperforms “train from scratch” baseline
  • Computationally efficient - 6 times fewer updates than re-training the model from scratch
  • Review relevant prior works related to DSI++ and continual learning methods
  • Pre-trained language models can be used to extract relational knowledge
  • Roberts et al. (2020) demonstrate pre-trained models can answer open-domain questions without external knowledge
  • Non-trivial to update knowledge stored in weights of these models
  • Zhu et al. (2020) introduces an experimentation setup to update facts stored within pre-trained models
  • Dhingra et al. (2022) introduces a diagnostic dataset to probe LMs for facts that change over time
  • Recent works investigate efficient ways to localize and edit facts stored in LMs
  • Task is to memorize facts in DSI++
  • Parameter isolation-based approaches assign different dedicated subsets of model parameters to each task
  • Parameter isolation-based approaches require corpus identity for every user query at test-time


  • DSI++ presents a novel direction for exploration of DSI models to solve a critical requirement
  • Experiments show proposed solutions to optimize for flatter loss basins using SAM and generative memory alleviate forgetting
  • Aim to reduce need to re-train DSI models from scratch when new documents are added
  • Indexing accuracy of D 0 , D 1 , and D 2 document corpora visualized when continuously indexing new documents
  • Cumulative histogram of forgetting events over the course of memorization of the initial D0 corpus
  • Systematic study about forgetting and forward transfer when incrementally indexing new corpus of documents
  • Investigating effectiveness of SAM and generative memory in mitigating forgetting
  • SAM increases percentage of examples experiencing zero forgetting events
  • Generative memory reduces forgetting and improves average Hits@10