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  • Language models have been used to solve complex reasoning tasks.
  • Chain-of-thought prompting has been used to help language models solve complex tasks, but it requires very large models.
  • This paper proposes a method to enable complex reasoning in smaller models.
  • The method is evaluated on publicly available language models across a range of tasks and model sizes.
  • The method enables small models to perform complex reasoning tasks, and in some cases outperform the teacher model.

Paper Content


  • Language models have demonstrated remarkable performance in a wide range of tasks
  • Transformer architecture enables scalability
  • Large language models have demonstrated in-context generalization capabilities
  • Standard prompting methods are insufficient for tasks requiring multiple reasoning steps
  • Fine-tune-CoT proposed to utilize CoT reasoning capabilities of large LMs to teach small models
  • Diverse reasoning proposed to maximize teaching effects of Fine-tune-CoT
  • Fine-tune-CoT elicits notable reasoning performance in small models on complex tasks
  • Small models under Fine-tune-CoT outperform their very large teachers in some tasks
  • Diverse reasoning leads to high sample efficiency and notable reasoning performance
  • Thorough sample studies and ablations of Fine-tune-CoT conducted
  • Pre-train and fine-tune paradigm used to enhance large language models’ performance on downstream tasks
  • Fine-tuning requires large dataset of task-specific labeled examples and does not generalize well
  • Paradigm shift towards “prompting” the model to predict desired output
  • Large LMs can exhibit strong performance in this setting
  • Smaller models require additional engineering to perform similarly
  • Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting boosts performance on complex tasks
  • CoT requires extremely large models for optimal performance
  • Utilizing CoT methods for smaller models by fine-tuning on rationales generated by a very large model
  • Knowledge distillation used to reduce model size and latency while preserving accuracy and capacity to generalize

Chain of thought fine-tuning

  • Proposed approach enables chain-of-thought reasoning in small language models
  • Generate reasoning samples from large teacher models using prompt-based CoT methods
  • Filter generated samples and reformat into prompt-completion pairs
  • Fine-tune small pre-trained student model on assembled reasoning samples

Diverse reasoning

  • Generate multiple reasoning explanations for each training sample to augment the fine-tuning data
  • Use stochastic sampling strategy to obtain multiple generations of reasoning paths and linguistic templates
  • Diverse reasoning motivated by the intuition that multiple reasoning paths can be used to solve complex tasks


  • Evaluated method on 12 datasets related to 4 categories of complex reasoning
  • Datasets include SingleEq, AddSub, MultiArith, GSM8K, AQUA-RAT, SVAMP, CommonsenseQA, StrategyQA, Last Letters, Coin Flip, Date Understanding, Tracking Shuffled Objects
  • Evaluated on GPT-3 family of models
  • Compared to 3 baseline methods: Zero-shot, Fine-tune, Zero-shot-CoT


  • Fine-tune-CoT enables complex reasoning in small models
  • Fine-tune-CoT outperforms Zero-shot-CoT in small models
  • Small models can outperform very large teachers in reasoning
  • Fine-tune-CoT outperforms vanilla fine-tuning
  • Diverse reasoning substantially improves Fine-tune-CoT performance
  • Fine-tune-CoT with diverse reasoning is sample efficient


  • Datasets contain groups of samples which share common templates
  • Naive samplewise data split has potential to leak same templates into train and test sets
  • Fine-tune-CoT outperforms random guess performance and zero-shot and vanilla fine-tuning baselines
  • Teacher model can answer correctly despite incorrect reasoning
  • Answer-based filtering outperforms human-filtering
  • Max sequence length of 128 initially, but can be insufficient in many datasets
  • Increased max length does not necessarily improve student performance
  • Different tasks require different lengths of rationales


  • Versatility and accessibility of Fine-tune-CoT
  • Optimizing for efficiency in single tasks
  • Towards concise answers
  • Vanilla fine-tuning versus Fine-tune-CoT for complex tasks
  • Reasoning in small language models
  • Limitations and future work
  • Can be applied to any complex task
  • Can use publicly available APIs
  • Can use more accessible hardware
  • Can optimize for single tasks
  • Can use special-characters to minimize sequence length
  • Can train student models to generate concise answers
  • Vanilla fine-tuning shows meaningful performance in complex tasks
  • Performance scales with diversity of reasoning and amount of available samples
  • Can benefit from advances in teacher models
  • Can use different prompting methods
  • Can use different knowledge distillation methods


  • We demonstrated how large language models can be used to teach smaller student models how to reason step-by-step
  • We prompted a large model for chain-of-thought rationales and used its completions to fine-tune a smaller model
  • Our results show that this method improves the performance of small models on a range of tasks with high sample efficiency
  • We used the OpenAI API to generate reasoning samples and predictions
  • We used Lr = 128 and Lp = 1024 for maximum sequence lengths
  • We used a sampling temperature of T = 0 for all generations, except diverse reasoning
  • We analyzed the performance of Fine-tune-CoT on 50 samples per dataset
  • We observed that small models have weak arithmetic skills and are sensitive to how a question is formulated
  • We found that Fine-tune-CoT performs best on text-based datasets
  • We compared Fine-tune-CoT with zero-shot-CoT and found that Fine-tune-CoT can reason correctly in many cases
  • We observed that patterns in successful datasets do not lead to overfitting
  • We found that Fine-tune-CoT combines the advantages of vanilla fine-tuning and CoT reasoning on smaller models