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  • Code generation models have achieved impressive performance, but tend to be brittle.
  • Robustness in code generation tasks is an uncharted area and there is no comprehensive benchmark for robustness.
  • ReCode is a comprehensive robustness evaluation benchmark for code generation models.
  • ReCode includes over 30 transformations specifically for code.
  • ReCode takes advantage of the fact that executing the generated code can serve as objective evaluation.
  • Observations include better robustness for CodeGen over InCoder and GPT-J, models being most sensitive to syntax perturbations, and more challenging robustness evaluation on MBPP over HumanEval.

Paper Content


  • Code generation is an important AI application
  • Multiple models have been proposed and achieved impressive performance
  • These models can help software engineers and enhance their productivity
  • Robustness of code generation models is commonly overlooked
  • Perturbations to prompts can lead to different generations with negative impacts
  • There is no comprehensive and quantitative robustness benchmark for code generation models
  • ReCode is a Robustness Evaluation framework for Code
  • ReCode includes natural transformations that preserve the original meaning
  • ReCode includes human evaluation and objective similarity scores
  • ReCode proposes robustness evaluation metrics for code-generation tasks
  • PLMs can be easily fooled by synonym replacement
  • Code generation is a task of generating code based on natural language statements or code from context
  • Researchers have adapted transformer-based large language models to the code generation field
  • Few works have systematically explored robustness in code generation


  • Introduce transformations to perturb prompts
  • Propose new robust evaluation metrics

Problem formulation

  • End-to-end model-based code generation task
  • Input prompt includes natural language statements, function signature, helper functions, and half-written function
  • Goal is left-to-right generation of function
  • Perturb input prompt with natural transformations that preserve semantic meaning
  • Do not consider adversarial attacks in this paper

Natural transformations on docstrings

  • Robustness against changes in docstrings is critical for usability in applications
  • NL-Augmenter library is used for data augmentation and robustness evaluation on text
  • Ten transformations are selected to preserve semantic similarity
  • Transformations include character-level, word-level and sentence-level ones
  • Tree-sitter is used to parse code snippet and exclude certain words from being perturbed

Natural transformations on code syntax

  • Code generation models are used to complete functions given a partial implementation.
  • Datasets are derived from HumanEval and MBPP by adding half of the canonical solutions to the prompts.
  • Code transformations must be syntactically correct and must not alter semantic meaning.
  • Three code refactoring transformations are adopted from Nat-Gen.
  • Three different schemes of variable renaming are implemented.

Natural transformations on code format

  • Perturbing partial code can be done by code format transformations
  • ReCode implements 3 methods of new line insertions
  • ReCode randomly replaces any space indent with tab or replaces tab with 4 spaces
  • ReCode adds first k/2 lines given a k-line canonical solution
  • ReCode selects the longest line of code and splits it into two lines in the middle
  • ReCode converts docstrings to comments

Evaluation metrics

  • Proposed transformations are randomized operations
  • Measure model robustness over multiple samples to reduce variance
  • Create s randomly perturbed prompts for each transformation and prompt
  • Measure worst-case performance across each group of s perturbed prompts
  • Three new metrics for robustness evaluation: RP s @k, RD s @k, RR s @k
  • High RP s @k does not necessarily mean low RD s @k or RR s @k


  • Used Hu-manEval and MBPP to demonstrate ReCode robustness evaluation framework
  • Performed comprehensive study of robustness evaluation on CodeGen, InCoder, and GPT-J
  • ReCode perturbations and metrics are general and applicable to any code generation datasets and models

Code generation robustness evaluation

  • Diverse pretraining corpus helps with both generalization and worst-case robustness
  • Larger model size brings improvement in worst-case robustness, but may risk overfitting
  • Code generation models are most sensitive to syntax perturbation
  • Datasets with more variances in code style pose more challenges on model robustness

Ablation study

  • Robustness metrics consider worst-case performance across s perturbed datasets.
  • Performance drops start converging when large enough s is evaluated.
  • Trade-off between cost and evaluation strength, recommend s = 5.
  • RD@k stays stable across different k while RR@k increases with k.

Perturbation sample quality

  • Human evaluation showed a 14% drop in naturalness for perturbed data
  • 90% of data points were rated as exactly preserved in terms of semantics
  • Sentence cosine similarity between perturbed and non-perturbed docstrings and function names was 0.93 and 0.81 respectively
  • CodeBLEU scores for perturbed and nonperturbed data involving code syntax/format transformations was 0.96 and 0.97 respectively


  • Proposed ReCode benchmark for comprehensive robustness evaluation of code generation models
  • Collected and customized over 30 natural transformations under categories of docstrings, function names, code syntax, and code format perturbations
  • Preserve semantic meaning after perturbations
  • General worst-case robustness metrics to give unified overview of model robustness performance
  • Empirically demonstrated ReCode benchmark on popular models
  • Human evaluation confirms over 90% of perturbed data preserve original semantic meaning
  • Sentence similarity and CodeBLEU scores support quality of perturbations in ReCode
  • Aim to provide comprehensive robustness evaluation framework for any code-generation models
  • Robustness evaluation metrics allow users to assess model predictions with more confidence
  • Model trainers aware of potential vulnerabilities that might cause mispredictions
  • Transformations on docstrings include BackTranslation, ButterFingers, ChangeCharCase, EnglishInflectionalVariation, SwapCharacters, SynonymInsertion, SynonymSubstitution, TenseTransformationPast, TenseTransformationFuture, Whitespace
  • Transformations on function names include CamelCase, ButterFingers, SwapCharacters, ChangeCharCase, InflectionalVariation, SynonymSubstitution
  • Transformations on code content include DeadCodeInserter, For-While Switch, OperandSwap, VarRenamerCB, VarRenamerNaive, VarRenamerRN, Tab-Indent, Line Split, Doc2Comments, NewlineRandom, NewlineAfterCode, NewlineAfterDoc
  • Fleiss Kappa for annotations is 0.52, 0.36 for semantic and naturalness measurements on perturbed samples