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  • Neural manifold hypothesis suggests activity of neural population forms a low-dimensional manifold
  • Dimensionality reduction techniques don’t provide explicit parameterization of manifold or capture global structure
  • Topological data analysis methods reveal shared topological structure between neural manifolds and task variables
  • Leverage tools from Riemannian geometry and topologically-aware deep generative models to study geometry of neural manifolds
  • Computes explicit parameterization and estimates local extrinsic curvature

Paper Content


  • Machine learning uses the manifold hypothesis to explain real-world data
  • Neural population activity is hypothesized to form low-dimensional manifolds
  • Dimensionality reduction techniques can reveal lower-dimensional structure
  • Topological data analysis can reveal shared topological structure
  • Few methods exist to explicitly quantify and parameterize the geometric structure of neural manifolds
  • This paper introduces a novel approach to study the geometry of neural manifolds

A riemannian approach to neural population geometry

  • Topological methods are robust to continuous deformations of the neural manifold.
  • Interested in quantifying and modeling nonlinear deformations of a population of neurons.
  • Hypothesize that curvature imposed by deformations may correlate with perceptual or behavioral variables.


  • VAEs are a type of generative deep latent variable model used for unsupervised learning
  • VAEs encode input data in a compact latent representation and then decode the latent representation to reconstruct the original input data
  • The latent variables take value in Euclidean space, z ∈ R L where L < N
  • The neural manifold of interest is represented by an immersion f going from the template manifold M * to the neural manifold M ⊂ R N
  • The map f parameterizes the manifold f (S 1 ) immersed in R N with angular coordinates in S 1
  • The immersion f induces a Riemannian metric structure on M through the first fundamental form
  • The Riemannian metric of the neural manifold allows us to calculate geometric quantities like angles, distances, areas and various types of curvatures
  • Riemannian geometry of deep learning has focused on intrinsic notions of curvatures
  • We suggest instead to use an extrinsic notion of curvature, such as the mean curvature vector
  • The norms of the mean curvatures of the circle, torus and sphere are given in Example 1


  • Propose a method to compute pullback metric, second fundamental form, and mean curvature vector of neural manifolds
  • Method uses a variational autoencoder
  • Topology of neural manifold determined with existing topological data analysis methods
  • Template manifold chosen to be simplest smooth manifold homeomorphic to neural manifold
  • Mapping f from template manifold to neural manifold learned with tailored variational autoencoder
  • VAE is “topologically-aware” with latent space constrained to be template manifold
  • VAE trained with tailored loss function
  • Mean curvature H of M computed with map f
  • VAE pipeline for hyperspheres and 2-torus implemented
  • Latent space constrained to be template manifold
  • Kullback-Leibler divergence with posterior and prior distributions defined on template manifold
  • Geodesic loss between latent variables and task variables
  • Automatic differentiation used to compute pullback metric and curvatures from f
  • VAE implementation uses Geomstats software


  • Synthetic datasets of circles, spheres, and tori are distorted by small Gaussian “bumps” and embedded in a high-dimensional space
  • Random N-dimensional rotation and i.d.d. Gaussian noise are added
  • Parameter α modulates the amplitude around the ring, creating extrinsic curvature
  • Parameter α introduces curvature in the vicinity of the north and south poles of S 2
  • Parameter α introduces extrinsic curvature by stretching the torus on opposite sides
  • Mean curvature vector is calculated from true synthetic immersion and the learned immersion
  • Normalized error is calculated and varies between 0.5% and 5% of the actual curvature for noise levels that match real neural data

Conclusion & future work

  • Our approach estimates the geometry of synthetic neural manifolds generated from smooth deformations of circles, spheres, and tori.
  • These manifolds have topology that is highly relevant across multiple sensory modalities.
  • Lemma 5 states that two immersions of a smooth manifold can be related by a rotation and translation.
  • The pullback metric of a circle is a 1x1 matrix.
  • The pullback metric of a sphere is a 2x2 matrix.
  • The pullback metric of a torus is a 2x2 matrix.
  • Intrinsic curvature makes no reference to a higher dimensional embedding space.
  • The Riemann curvature tensor, Ricci curvature tensor, and scalar curvature of a one-dimensional manifold are all 0.
  • The scalar curvatures of the neural manifolds from Fig. 1 are computed in (Cox, 2019).
  • The second fundamental form of a surface in R3 is a matrix of second partial derivatives of a twice differentiable function.
  • The mean curvature vector of a surface in R3 is defined by its second fundamental form.
  • The mean curvature vector of a surface in R3 can also be defined by the curvature of a plane curve.
  • The mean curvature vector of a submanifold of N is defined by the trace of the inverse of the Riemannian metric matrix.
  • The mean curvature vector of an immersed manifold is defined by the trace of the inverse of the Riemannian metric matrix.
  • The mean curvature vector of a circle immersed in R N is given.