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  • Task of text generation with constraints specified in natural language
  • Created benchmark Cognac with knowledge-intensive constraints from databases
  • State-of-the-art language models fail on this task
  • Proposed solution CognacGen to leverage language model’s internal knowledge
  • Three forms of guidance and prefix-tuning approaches to distill guidance
  • Empirical evaluations demonstrate CognacGen can generalize to unseen instructions and outperform baselines

Paper Content


  • Language models are becoming increasingly good at generating text
  • A key question is how to control them to produce what is required while preventing unwanted generations
  • This is especially important for reducing issues of toxicity, bias, and misinformation
  • Prior work has used special control codes or classifiers to modify the LM’s probability distribution
  • This paper considers the problem of controlling generation in LMs with constraints specified in natural language
  • A new benchmark called COGNAC is created with two datasets based on WordNet and Wikidata
  • State-of-the-art LMs fail to follow simple language constraints
  • A new language model generation method called COGNAC-GEN is developed to follow linguistic guidance without retraining
  • COGNAC-GEN outperforms prior methods and other strong baselines by a significant margin
  • It is able to improve generation even with imperfect guidance and can generalize to unseen instructions

Task setup

  • Problem of conditional text generation with topics and constraints provided in natural language
  • Input includes a topic, example generations, and a constraint
  • Goal is to train LMs to generate fluent on-topic content while respecting the constraint
  • Model has to understand the topic and constraint specified in natural language
  • Topics and constraints are knowledge-intensive
  • Model has to respect both the topic and the constraint simultaneously

Dataset collection

  • Two new datasets based on WordNet and Wikidata created for COGNAC benchmark
  • WordNet dataset constructed using five root nodes and their leaf nodes as topics and constraints
  • Wikidata dataset constructed using five properties and their values as topics and constraints
  • 35 unique templates created to reflect diverse nature of instructions
  • 107,555 and 18,900 unique instructions created for WordNet and Wikidata respectively

Evaluation metrics

  • Evaluated different generation methods of LMs using metrics that test for correctness and fluency
  • Main metric is whether the generation conforms to the constraint while staying on topic
  • Reported on-topic score, constraint violation score, Copy-BLEU score, repetition, and perplexity


  • COGNAC model will benefit from querying itself
  • Conditional probability is explicitly factorized
  • Probability conditioned on demonstrations
  • Probability evaluated if task is performed
  • Probability evaluated if constraint is conformed
  • Generation model can be modeled with pre-trained LM

Guided generation

  • COGNACGEN updates the next token prediction probability from the generation model by modifying the logits using guidance.
  • Greedy decoding is used to generate from the modified probability.

Guidance model

  • Construct a guidance model to modify the guidance probabilities of a language model
  • Three variations of guidance model: binary verifier, top-k token, and textual example
  • Binary verifier evaluates the probability of a token being a type of a given constraint
  • Top-k token uses the next token probability distribution from the guidance model
  • Textual example uses a trie tree based approach to decide what guidance to apply at each step

Tackling diverse natural language instructions

  • Method assumes topic and constraint are given
  • Model takes natural language instruction and demonstrations as input
  • Model needs to infer topic and constraint entities from full input
  • Model is finetuned using prefix-tuning
  • Model’s own knowledge is distilled and generalized to unseen instructions

Experimental setup

  • Evaluations performed under two settings for both datasets in COGNAC
  • Control code setting: binary verifier, top-k token, and textual example guidance
  • NL instruction setting: unseen instruction templates
  • Baselines: fine-tuned model, self-debiasing technique
  • Model details: GPT-2 XL, top-k token, textual example guidance, GPT-3, InstructGPT


  • COGNACGEN (textual example) outperforms self-debiasing baseline by 12 points on WordNet and 16 points on Wikidata
  • Fine-tuned baseline achieves lowest IC scores across both datasets
  • Textual example guidance performs better than top-k token guidance and binary verifier
  • COGNACGEN textual example achieves higher performance than GPT-3 (legacy) by 10.0 points on WordNet and 11.6 points on Wikidata
  • COGNACGEN struggles to avoid violating constraints for ‘Art’ category
  • Struggles to stay on topic for knowledge-heavy categories
  • Oracle model has access to knowledge base and achieves IC of 73 compared to COGNACGEN’s 35.8
  • Ablating away trie-based generation causes drastic performance degradation
  • Existing approaches limited to high-level concepts and predetermined binary or categorical codes


  • Introduced a new task for controllable generation in language models with constraints specified in natural language
  • Developed COGNAC, a new benchmark containing knowledge-based constraints
  • State-of-the-art language models like GPT-3 fail to conform to the provided instructions
  • Developed COGNACGEN, a method to use knowledge internal to a language model to guide its own generations
  • Innovations such as guidance self-distillation using prefix-tuning and a trie-based decoding scheme based on the guidance of textual examples
  • Generates on-topic text that violates constraints less frequently compared to several baselines
  • Method requires training only the prefix parameters and can easily be scaled to larger models
  • Room to improve on COGNAC
  • Reducing undesirable generations in LMs while promoting desirable text
  • Benchmark limited by the comprehensiveness of the underlying knowledge bases used
  • Implicit biases might cause unfairness to the end users of the model