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  • Dense retrieval is effective and efficient across tasks and languages.
  • It is difficult to create effective fully zero-shot dense retrieval systems when no relevance label is available.
  • HyDE is proposed to pivot through Hypothetical Document Embeddings.
  • HyDE significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised dense retriever Contriever.
  • HyDE shows strong performance comparable to fine-tuned retrievers across various tasks and languages.

Paper Content


  • Dense retrieval is a method of retrieving documents using semantic embedding similarities
  • A variety of methods have been proposed to improve the effectiveness of supervised dense retrieval models
  • Zero-shot dense retrieval still remains difficult
  • MS-MARCO collection is a massive judged dataset with a large number of judged query-document pairs
  • Aim to build effective fully zero-shot dense retrieval systems that require no relevance supervision
  • Self-supervised representation learning methods are used
  • Generative large language models (LLM) and text (chunk) encoders are used
  • LLMs further trained to follow instructions can zero-shot generalize to diverse unseen instructions
  • Retrieval task is cast into two NLU and NLG tasks
  • HyDE using Instruct-GPT and Contriever outperforms previous state-of-the-art
  • Researchers studied metric learning problems and introduced distillation
  • Later works studied second stage pre-training of language model specifically for retrieval
  • Popularity of dense retrieval partially attributed to successful research in very efficient minimum inner product search
  • LLMs trained on data consisting of instructions and their execution can zero-shot generalize to perform new tasks
  • Zero-shot dense retrieval tasks empirically defined by Thakur et al. (2021)
  • Generative search uses neural generative models as search indices
  • Generative retrieval uses standard MIPS index and requires no training or training data


  • Problem of zero-shot dense retrieval is formally defined
  • HyDE is designed to solve the problem


  • Dense retrieval models similarity between query and document using inner product similarity.
  • Zero-shot retrieval requires mapping functions for query and document without access to any relevance judgments.
  • Difficulty of zero-shot dense retrieval lies in learning two embedding functions into same embedding space.


  • HyDE performs search in document-only embedding space to capture document-document similarity.
  • Unsupervised contrastive learning is used to learn the document encoder.
  • An instruction following language model is used to build the query vector.
  • Generating documents replaces explicit modeling of relevance scores.



  • Implemented HyDE using InstructGPT and Contriever models
  • Used OpenAI playground default temperature of 0.7 for open-ended generations
  • Used English-only Contriever model for English retrieval tasks and multilingual mContriever for non-English tasks
  • Conducted retrieval experiments with Pyserini toolkit
  • Considered web search query sets TREC DL19 and DL20, BEIR dataset, and Mr.Tydi dataset
  • Used different instructions for each dataset
  • Compared HyDE to Contriever models, BM25, and several fine-tuned models
  • HyDE brings improvements to Contriever on TREC DL19 and TREC DL20
  • HyDE outperforms BM25 by large margins
  • HyDE is competitive with fine-tuned models
  • HyDE shows comparable map and ndcg@10 to Contriever FT on TREC DL19
  • HyDE gets around 10% lower map and ndcg@10 than Contriever FT on DL20
  • ANCE model shows better ndcg@10 than HyDE but lower recall

Low resource retrieval

  • HyDE brings improvements to Contriever in terms of ndcg and recall
  • HyDE outperformed by BM25 on one dataset, TREC-Covid
  • HyDE shows better performance than ANCE and DPR
  • Contriever FT shows performance advantages on FiQA and DBPedia

Multilingual retrieval

  • Small-sized contrastive encoder gets saturated with more languages
  • Generative LLM can get under-trained with lower resource languages
  • HyDE improves mContriever model and outperforms non-Contriever models
  • Margin between HyDE and mContriever FT due to under-training of non-English languages


  • HyDE uses a generative LLM and contrastive encoder as its backbone
  • We studied the effect of changing the realizations of the LLM and encoder, such as using smaller language models and fine-tuning the encoder
  • We conducted our studies on TREC DL19/20

Effect of different generative models

  • HyDE uses other instruction-following language models.
  • Larger models bring larger improvements to the unsupervised Contriever.
  • Cohere model is still experimental and details are not disclosed.

Hyde with fine-tuned encoder

  • HyDE is more powerful when few relevance labels are present
  • Table 4 shows that less powerful instruction LMs can negatively impact the performance of the fine-tuned retriever
  • InstructGPT model can bring up the performance, especially on DL19
  • Generative model may capture certain factors not captured by the fine-tuned encoder


  • HyDE model should be compared to other retrievers and re-rankers
  • Relevance in HyDE is captured by an NLG model and language generation process
  • HyDE can be as effective as dense retrievers that learn to model numerical relevance scores
  • HyDE can be used at the beginning of a search system’s life and gradually replaced by a supervised dense retriever
  • HyDE can be used for web search, low resource tasks, and other sophisticated tasks