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  • Large “instruction-tuned” language models can generalize zero-shot to new tasks.
  • Human-written instruction data is limited in quantity, diversity, and creativity.
  • Self-Instruct is a framework for improving the instruction-following capabilities of pretrained language models.
  • Applying Self-Instruct to GPT3 results in a 33% absolute improvement over the original model.
  • Human evaluation shows Self-Instruct outperforms existing public instruction datasets by a large margin.

Paper Content


  • Recent NLP literature has seen a lot of activity in building models that can follow natural language instructions
  • Comparisons are made with the text-davinci-001 engine
  • Code and data will be available at a specified website
  • Two key components are large pre-trained language models and human-written instruction data
  • SELF-INSTRUCT is a semi-automated process for instruction-tuning a pretrained LM
  • Iterative bootstrapping algorithm is used
  • Evaluated with various other models on NLP tasks and novel usage of instruction-following models
  • Contributions are SELF-INSTRUCT, effectiveness demonstrated, and a large synthetic dataset released
  • Vanilla language models can be effective at following general language instructions if tuned with annotated “instructional” data
  • There is a direct correlation between the size and diversity of the “instructional” data and the generalizability of resulting models
  • Human annotated “instructional” data poses a bottleneck for progress toward more generalizable models
  • Our work aims to reduce the dependence on human annotators
  • Language models have been used for data generation and augmentation
  • Knowledge distillation involves the transfer of knowledge from larger models to smaller ones
  • SELF-INSTRUCT is a form of knowledge distillation, but with the same source and target
  • Specialized methods have been used to bootstrap some inferences using language models
  • Recent works generate instructions of a task given a few examples
  • SELF-INSTRUCT generates new tasks from scratch, task-agnostically


  • Generating tasks with a vanilla pretrained language model
  • Tuning language model to follow instructions better

Defining instruction data

  • Generate instruction data with tasks defined in natural language
  • Each task has one or more input-output instances
  • Model expected to produce output given task instruction and instance input
  • Instruction and instance input do not have strict boundary in many cases
  • Allow instructions that do not require additional input

Automatic instruction data generation

  • Pipeline for generating instruction data consists of 4 steps
  • 175 tasks written by authors used as seed
  • 8 tasks sampled from pool for each step
  • Identify if instruction is a classification task
  • Generate instances for each instruction independently
  • Input-first approach used for non-classification tasks
  • Output-first approach used for classification tasks
  • Filtering and postprocessing to encourage diversity

Finetuning the lm to follow instructions

  • Used instruction data to finetune a language model
  • Used multiple templates to encode instruction and instance input together


  • Identified verb-noun structure in generated instructions
  • 26,559 out of 52,445 instructions contain verb-noun structure
  • Top 20 most common root verbs and their top 4 direct noun objects account for 14% of entire set
  • Generated instructions differ from seed instructions used to prompt generation


  • 200 instructions were randomly sampled and 1 instance per instruction was randomly selected
  • An expert annotator labeled each instance as correct or not
  • Most of the generated instructions are meaningful
  • Generated instances may contain more noise
  • Most of the generations are in the correct format or partially correct

Experimental results

  • Conducted experiments to measure and compare quality of models under various instruction tuning setups
  • Used instruction-generated instruction data to conduct instruction tuning for GPT3 model
  • Used various templates to concatenate instruction and input
  • Trained model to generate output using OpenAI finetuning API
  • Used default hyper-parameters, except prompt loss weight set to 0 and trained model for 2 epochs


  • Off-the-shelf language models (T5-LM and GPT3) are evaluated as baselines
  • InstructGPT (OpenAI) is evaluated to follow human instructions better
  • GPT3 is finetuned with T0 and SUPERNI training data
  • Results show SELF-INSTRUCT boosts GPT3’s instruction-following ability
  • GPT3 SELF-INST nearly matches performance of InstructGPT 001
  • SELF-INSTRUCT brings additional gains when combined with SUPERNI training set

Experiment 2: generalization to user-oriented instructions on novel tasks

  • Curated a new set of instructions for user-oriented applications
  • Instructions are diverse in style and format
  • 252 instructions with 1 instance per instruction
  • Four-level rating system for categorizing the quality of the models’ outputs
  • Human feedback is an optional aspect of instruction-tuning

Broader impact

  • Introduce SELF-INSTRUCT, a task-agnostic method to improve instruction-following capabilities of language models
  • Performance of SELF-INSTRUCT on par with InstructGPT 001
  • SELF-INSTRUCT outperforms existing public instruction datasets by a large margin
  • Limitations of SELF-INSTRUCT discussed
  • Generated data statistics and data quality review presented
  • Evaluation results on unseen tasks from SUPER-NATURALINSTRUCTIONS
  • SELF-INSTRUCT boosts GPT3 performance by 33.1% and nearly matches performance of InstructGPT 001