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  • LLMs struggle with hierarchical multi-step reasoning like generating complex programs.
  • Parsel is a framework that enables automatic implementation and validation of complex algorithms with code LLMs.
  • Parsel can be used across domains requiring hierarchical reasoning, e.g. code synthesis, theorem proving, and robotic planning.
  • Parsel allows problem-solving with high-level algorithmic designs, benefiting both students and professional programmers.

Paper Content


  • Computer scientists believe it is easier to verify a solution than to write one
  • Generating solutions is often the bottleneck for large language models
  • As the number of parts in a program grows, exponentially more samples are needed for a chance of a working program
  • Human programmers have strategies for implementing complex programs, such as making a high-level algorithmic design
  • Parsel is a compiler framework to implement and extend a high-level algorithmic design
  • Parsel aims to perform algorithmic problem-solving by mirroring a common pattern in human reasoning
  • Parsel can generate code satisfying the original unit tests
  • Parsel solutions are 76-90% shorter than the original code

Specifying programs in parsel

  • Developed a simple language for Parsel
  • Language designed considering programmers, code LLMs, and students
  • Each line contains a description, constraint, or reference to a previous description
  • Scoping rules and nuances per target language


  • Function description is represented as a function name, input arguments, and a description
  • Function generated from a description can call functions or references below the description in the function graph


  • Constraints are represented as a function’s input values and expected output
  • Complex constraints can be applied to higher-order functions
  • Constraints can only be applied following descriptions, not to references
  • Satisfying constraints to validate a program varies from language to language


  • A reference is the name of a function in the current scope.
  • A reference allows and encourages the parent function to use the referenced function.
  • A reference without a description in scope is not valid.
  • The Collatz conjecture is an example of a reference.
  • The call graph and its strongly connected components (SCC) can be visualized.


  • Parsel uses indentation to define scope.
  • Scope of a function includes the set of functions that can be used as a reference.
  • Indentations between the current function and the referenced function must be decreasing.

Variations due to target language requirements

  • Different languages have different nuances and representations of constraints.
  • Different languages have different evaluation functions.
  • Different languages require different prompts for language models.

Implementing programs in parsel

  • Compiling a Parsel program requires several steps
  • High-level pseudocode is provided in Figure 3

Constrained implementation

  • Generate functions with code LLM and test them to identify an implementation that satisfies constraints
  • Prompt code language model with description and function signature
  • Treat implementation as “fixed” and leverage it in functions calling it
  • User is responsible for ensuring correctness of implementation

Leaves and merges

  • Parsel implements functions by either querying a code language model or referencing the implementations of its direct children.
  • Parsel creates a dependency graph and identifies strongly connected components.
  • Parsel compiles SCCs by finding an implementation string that satisfies the functions’ constraints.

Sequential case

  • Parsel programs can have functions with constraints and no recursive dependencies.
  • Parsel implements functions with post-order traversal from the root.
  • Without any cycles in the call graph, leaf functions are implemented first, then their parents, etc.

Strongly connected components of functions

  • Parsel requires functions to have accompanying constraints
  • Recursion requires functions to be implemented jointly with cyclic dependencies
  • Automatic “elaboration” requires functions to be defined without constraints
  • Solution is to consider all possible implementations of functions until a valid one is found
  • Solution is inspired by Cocke & Kennedy (1977)
  • Strongly connected components of the function call graph are identified
  • All possible sets of function implementations are considered until one satisfies all constraints
  • Multiprocessing with a timeout is used
  • Functions with no constraints are reformulated as a “test dependency graph”


  • Reduce number of queries necessary
  • Keep programs generated mostly stable


  • Programs can have headers to create global contexts.
  • A line of special characters (e.g. “###”) is used to separate the body and text.
  • This line is passed as a prefix to all prompts.

Automatic function infilling

  • Function generated by language model may call a function that is not yet implemented
  • Option to automatically generate and implement it based on its usage
  • Function incorporated into call graph as unit-test-less child of the function which calls it
  • Limit number of times process can be applied to a function to avoid infinite recursion and inefficient use of language model quota

Automatic decomposition

  • Language models are capable of decomposing tasks into steps in natural language.
  • Parsel has an optional flag that prompts a language model to generate code for any additional subfunctions needed.
  • Parsel can be used to recursively decompose tasks into steps.


Apps dataset

  • LLMs can generate Parsel programs with few-shot prompts
  • Existing code in other languages can be used to construct datasets of Parsel programs
  • Call graph representation is broadly convenient
  • APPS dataset is a collection of coding challenges with solutions in Python
  • Parsel solutions can be automatically generated from APPS solutions
  • Parsel code is substantially shorter than other languages

Case studies

  • Example function included in Figure 5
  • Corresponding Python code in appendix
  • 58 non-whitespace lines of code
  • 17 lines of comments, 2 asserts, 39 lines implementing functions
  • Automatic decomposition discussed in Subsection 3.8

Theorem proving in lean

  • Framework can generate proofs in formal theorem-proving languages such as Lean
  • Translated version included in appendix
  • Running Lean on proof with no errors/warnings indicates proof is correct, but not a guarantee that proof statement matches claim

Robotic planning in virtualhome

  • Parsel can be used for complex robotic planning
  • VirtualHome is a simulation environment with objects and agents to interact with
  • Parsel can generate programs to solve tasks in the VirtualHome environment
  • Parsel can generate action plans in natural language
  • Parsel can translate natural language action plans to formal VirtualHome instructions
  • Parsel can successfully execute and decompose tasks in VirtualHome

Step by step problem solving with lms

  • Step-by-step reasoning improves LLM performance
  • Guidance and tool use can further improve performance
  • Humans tend to provide step-by-step hierarchical descriptions with verification steps
  • Problems can be learned efficiently when decomposed

Program synthesis

  • Program synthesis is the challenge of generating programs from high-level specifications
  • Library learning is a way to make progress on complex programs by inducing a library from simpler synthesis problems
  • Parsel synthesizes complex programs by decomposing them into smaller functions, but the user specifies the decomposition

Lms for formal environment multi-step planning

  • Huang et al. and Brohan et al. used language models to generate step-by-step algorithms for robotic agents
  • Jiang et al. proposed a framework to generate formal proofs from informal proofs
  • Cheng et al. explored a language model-based evaluation function
  • Beurer-Kellner et al. explored a related SQL-style LM-querying language
  • Dohan et al. presented an inference-focused framework for language models

Testing code language model outputs

  • Assert statements can be used to constrain the generation space of LLMs for code on individual functions
  • Merrill et al. (2021) proved essential constraints on what can be learned from assertions alone


  • Parsel is a natural language compiler framework that bridges the gap between natural language and programming language
  • Programming language models are limited to individual functions
  • Parsel allows code language models to stay closer to natural language when generating code
  • Parsel allows complex but standard methods to be described concisely
  • Parsel can generate solutions recursively

For students

  • Traditional programming languages are less robust to variations in wording than natural languages.
  • Traditional programming languages require many tokens for syntactic details and can take many lines to express something that can be expressed more simply.
  • LLMs have shown remarkable algorithmic generalization ability.
  • Conversational code generation has been explored, but primarily focuses on imperative programming structures.


  • Parsel relies on a code language model to generate implementations of individual functions, which can vary in quality depending on the model used and the complexity of the function.
  • Complex functions can be broken down into simpler ones to improve the quality of the generated code.
  • Generated code may be less efficient or less readable than manually written code.

Conclusion and future work

  • Parsel provides a language for robust code generation without the need to evaluate the underlying code
  • Parsel allows the teaching of algorithmic reasoning with less emphasis on syntax and more emphasis on problem-solving
  • Parsel allows for a general framework for hierarchical task decomposition
  • Parsel could be used for automatic unit test generation
  • Parsel could incorporate ways of varying the “confidence threshold” of the language model
  • Parsel could incorporate value functions to allow decomposition to be done more methodically
  • Parsel could reference already-defined functions
  • Parsel could use a code language model to determine which function to next evaluate
  • Parsel could incorporate multiple base tools with different kinds of specialized models
  • Parsel could use a calculator to solve more complex math word problems
  • Parsel could generate task-specific language model cascades
  • Parsel could integrate Synchromesh to ensure generated words are possible within the grammar of the given formal language
  • Parsel could be used as a framework for bootstrapping increasingly complex program generation
  • Parsel could generate a new cost matrix with a new node corresponding to the sky
  • Parsel could return an adjacency matrix corresponding to the minimum spanning tree
  • Parsel could return a list of the nodes connected to the final node
  • Parsel could return a list of cities that should have airports built in them to minimize the total cost
  • Parsel could return the longest palindrome in a string
  • Parsel could return a string that is either “kebab”, “snake”, “camel”, or “none” depending on the input string