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  • Instruction tuning is a new learning paradigm that fine-tunes pre-trained language models on tasks specified through instructions.
  • MultiInstruct is the first multimodal instruction tuning benchmark dataset that consists of 47 diverse multimodal tasks.
  • OFA is the base pre-trained model for multimodal instruction tuning and multiple transfer learning strategies are explored to leverage the large-scale Natural Instructions dataset.
  • A new evaluation metric, Sensitivity, is designed to evaluate how sensitive the model is to the variety of instructions.

Paper Content


  • Advances in large-scale pre-trained language models (PLMs) have enabled efficient learning paradigms to generalize PLMs to new tasks without task-specific tuning.
  • Instruction tuning has achieved success in zero-shot learning on natural language processing tasks.
  • Multimodal pretraining has shown potential for jointly interpreting text and images in a shared semantic space.
  • MULTIINSTRUCT is a benchmark dataset for multimodal instruction tuning with 47 diverse tasks from 11 broad categories.
  • OFA is a pre-trained multimodal language model used to fine-tune MULTIINSTRUCT.
  • Transfer learning strategies, such as Mixed Instruction Tuning, Sequential Instruction Tuning, and Adapter-based Sequential Instruction Tuning, are explored.
  • A new metric -Sensitivity- is developed to measure how sensitive the model is toward the variety of instructions for the same task.
  • Multimodal pretraining has advanced downstream vision-language tasks
  • Several studies have explored building a unified pre-training framework to handle a diverse set of cross-modal and unimodal tasks
  • Efficient language model tuning strategies have been proposed to improve generalizability and adaptivity of large-scale pre-trained language models
  • Prompt tuning and in-context learning are two strategies used to improve generalizability
  • Instruction tuning is another strategy used to improve generalizability
  • MULTIINSTRUCT is a new multi-modal instruction tuning dataset with 47 tasks derived from 54 datasets

Multimodal task and data collection

  • MULTIINSTRUCT dataset covers a range of multimodal tasks that require reasoning among regions, image, and text
  • 26 tasks collected from existing studies in visual and multimodal learning
  • Tasks include Visual Question Answering, Image Captioning, Grounded Generation, Image-Text Matching, Grounded Matching, Visual Relationship, Image Attributes, Image Generation, Commonsense Reasoning, Temporal Ordering, and Miscellaneous
  • 21 additional tasks derived from the 26 existing tasks
  • 47 tasks divided into 11 broad categories
  • Training and evaluation tasks split based on criteria of similarity to pre-training tasks and complexity

Task instruction creation

  • Definition of “instruction” provided
  • Placeholders , and mentioned
  • Iterative annotation process involving two expert annotators
  • Annotators provided with clear and detailed information about the task and dataset
  • Annotators review instructions and identify discrepancies or inconsistencies
  • Final set of instructions created for each task

Multimodal instruction formatting

  • Represent images, text, and bounding box coordinates as tokens in a unified vocabulary
  • Apply bytepair encoding (BPE) to encode text input
  • Apply VQ-GAN to generate discrete image tokens
  • Represent regions or bounding boxes of an image by discretizing the four corner coordinates
  • Formulate tasks as natural language sequence-to-sequence generation problems
  • Input includes an image and an instruction with placeholders such as , or

Problem setup

  • Followed same instruction tuning setting as previous studies
  • Evaluated zero-shot learning capabilities of finetuned large language models
  • Pre-trained multimodal language model M finetuned on collection of instruction tasks T
  • Each task t associated with number of training instances
  • Input information from x t j used to fill in placeholders in instruction
  • OFA used as pretrained multimodal model
  • Finetuned on MULTIINSTRUCT dataset
  • Transformer encoder used to encode instruction with necessary filled information and optional image
  • Training dataset contains many tasks, all instances mixed and randomly shuffled
  • Parameter-efficient instruction tuning strategy introduced with adapters

Evaluation metrics

  • Evaluated model using 5 instructions
  • Reported mean and maximum performance
  • Computed aggregated performance for each model
  • Proposed new metric to evaluate model sensitivity to instruction variations

Approaches for comparison

  • OFA is a pre-trained model with 472M parameters
  • OFA has demonstrated zero-shot capability on unseen multimodal tasks
  • OFA was fine-tuned on two datasets with instruction tuning
  • Evaluation was done on instruction templates with removed specific tokens to ensure fairness

Training details

  • Maximum input token length is 1024, maximum target length is 512
  • Image preprocessing follows OFA
  • Trained on 8 Nvidia A100 GPUs with batch size 8, learning rate 1e-05, float16 enabled for 3 epochs
  • OFA MultiInstruct improves zero-shot performance over original pre-trained OFA model
  • OFA without instruction tuning failed to generate region-specific tokens
  • Fine-tuning OFA on NATURAL INSTRUCTIONS degrades zero-shot performance
  • OFA SeqInstruct achieves similar performance to OFA MultiInstruct
  • OFA AdapterInstruct tunes 12.6M parameters and achieves comparable or slightly worse performance

Number of multimodal instruction tasks

  • Performance improves and sensitivity decreases as number of multimodal instruction tasks increases
  • Low intra-task sensitivity indicates consistent results despite variations in instructions

Effect of diverse instructions on instruction tuning

  • Hypothesis: Using diverse instructions for multimodal instruction tuning can improve zero-shot performance and reduce intra-task sensitivity.
  • Results: Finetuning on 5 instructions significantly improves overall zeroshot performance and shows lower sensitivity.
  • Conclusion: Increasing diversity of instructions is effective and future work could explore crowd-sourcing or automatic generation strategies.
  • Results: Finetuning and transfer learning strategies reduce model sensitivity.

Conclusion and future work

  • Presented a new large-scale multimodal instruction tuning benchmark dataset -MULTIINSTRUCT
  • Covers a wide variety of vision and multimodal tasks
  • Each task is associated with multiple expert-written instructions
  • Finetuning OFA (Wang et al., 2022a) on MULTIINSTRUCT with instruction tuning improves zero-shot performance on various unseen multimodal tasks
  • Explored several transferring learning techniques to leverage the much larger text-only NAT-URAL INSTRUCTIONS dataset
  • 40 multimodal tasks included in MULTIINSTRUCT
  • Zero-shot performance on Question Answering, Multimodal Commonsense Reasoning and Miscellaneous datasets
  • OFA MultiInstruct finetuned on different numbers of instructions