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  • Small training set sizes can be approximated by an infinite width neural network.
  • After a critical sample size, finite-width networks become worse than infinite-width networks.
  • Finite-size effects can become relevant for very small dataset sizes.
  • Variance of the neural tangent kernel can explain the transition.
  • Feature learning and ensemble averaging can push the transition to larger sample sizes.

Paper Content


  • Deep learning systems are achieving state of the art performance on a variety of tasks
  • How generalization is controlled by network architecture, training procedure, and task structure is not fully understood
  • Infinite-width networks yield a kernel method known as the neural tangent kernel
  • Kernel methods are easier to analyze, allowing for accurate prediction of the generalization performance of wide networks
  • Infinite-width networks can also operate in the meanfield regime
  • Real networks have finite width, making analysis more difficult
  • Unknown at what value of the training set size the effects of finite width become relevant
  • Learning curve for the NN is well-captured by the learning curve for kernel regression
  • Fluctuations in the final NTK over random initializations are suppressed at large width N and large feature learning strength
  • P ∼ √ N transition and improvements due to feature learning through an alignment effect
  • Variance contribution to generalization error can be reduced through ensemble averaging and feature learning

Problem setup and notation

  • Supervised task with dataset D of size P
  • Experiments focus on training networks to interpolate degree k polynomials on the sphere
  • Generalization error scales as 1/P2
  • Single output feed-forward NN with hidden width N
  • Activations for an input x given by h
  • Output of the network is fθ = h (L)
  • Positively homogenous function (ReLU nonlinearity)
  • Weights W ij ∼ N (0, 1)
  • Scale of the output at initialization is O(σ L )
  • Scale of the output is given by α = σ L
  • Parameters trained with full-batch gradient descent on a mean squared error loss
  • Generalization error approximates population risk

Empirical results

  • Study learning curves for ReLU NNs trained on polynomial regression tasks
  • Establish key observations
  • NNs with small α can outperform NTK ∞ for an intermediate range of P
  • Ensembling is less notable for small α
  • Richly trained finite width NNs eventually perform worse than NTK ∞
  • All networks benefit from ensembling in variance-limited regime
  • Transition to variance-limited regime begins at P* that scales sub-linearly with N

Finite width effects cause the onset of a variance limited regime

  • Finite width neural networks (NNs) and Neural Tangent Kernels (NTKs) have discrepancies that are explored in the paper.
  • Ensemble averaging is used to calculate the error of the NNs.
  • Phase plots are used to show the generalization, variance and kernel alignment of the NNs.
  • Variance is lower for small α.
  • Kernel alignment is related to good generalization.
  • Most of the variance is due to initialization.

Final ntk variance leads to generalization plateau

  • Variance over initialization can be interpreted as kernel variance in both the rich and lazy regimes
  • All networks have same generalization error as kernel regression solutions with their final eNTKs
  • Properties of eNTK f have been studied in prior works
  • Final network generalization error matches generalization error of eNTK f
  • Variance of final predictor related to corresponding infinite width network
  • Finite size fluctuations of kernel at initialization have been studied
  • Variance of kernel elements scales as 1/N
  • Bias-variance decomposition holds for rich networks at small α

Feature learning delays variance limited transition

  • Feature learning alters the onset of the variance limited regime.
  • The onset of the variance limited regime is defined as the point where over half of the generalization error is due to variance over initializations.
  • P 1/2 scales as √ N for this task.
  • The delay of the variance limited transition is due to the kernel variance at initialization scaling as σ 2L /N.

Signal plus noise correlated feature model

  • NN generalization error is approximated by kernel regression solution with eNTK f
  • Analysis of generalization of kernel machines depending on network initialization θ 0
  • Kernel generalization theory developed with statistical mechanics
  • Attempt to derive approximate learning curves in terms of eNTK f’s signal and noise components
  • Kernel interpolation problem solved by performing linear regression with features ψ(x, θ 0 )
  • Averaging kernel directly and performing regression with this kernel exhibits largest reduction in generalization error

Toy models and approximate learning curves

  • Characterize the test error associated with a Gaussian covariate model in a high dimensional limit
  • Expected generalization error has a specific form
  • Experiments show predictive accuracy of the theory
  • Compute explicit learning curves for a simple toy model
  • Replica calculation demonstrates that test error is self-averaging

Explaining feature learning benefits and error plateaus

  • Kernels exhibit fluctuations over initialization with variance O(1/N)
  • Small width networks enter the variance limited regime earlier and have higher error
  • Altering the scale of the noise affects transition time and asymptotic error
  • Transition occurs around P ∼ √ N
  • Feature learning leads to improvements in the learning curve before and after onset of variance limits
  • Enhancement of signal eigenvalue leads to lower bias and lower asymptotic variance


  • Performed an empirical study on deep ReLU NNs learning a polynomial regression problem
  • Performance worse than infinite width limit due to initialization variance
  • Onset of variance limited regime can occur early with P 1/2 ∼ √ N
  • Random-feature model used to explain and reproduce observed behavior
  • Implications for choice of initialization scale, neural architecture, and number of networks in an ensemble
  • Generated dataset by sampling x µ uniformly on unit sphere in R D
  • Used JAX for neural network training
  • MLPs of depth 2 and 3 used, no bias terms
  • Trained with full batch gradient descent with learning rate η
  • Swept over 15 values of P in logspace from size 30 to 10k, and 6 values of N in logspace from size 30 to 2150
  • Swept over alpha values 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 10.0, 20.0
  • Saved generalization error, vector of ŷ predictions, initial and final parameters
  • Applied same methodology of centering network and allowing α to control degree of laziness
  • Binary classification task for CIFAR-10, subsampled 8 classes into 2
  • Initial learning rate η 0 = 10 −3 , trained for 24,000 steps
  • Swept α from 10 −3 to 10 0 and P from 2 9 to 2 15
  • Ensembles of size 20, randomly sampled 5 training datasets of size P
  • Symmetric decomposition of generalization error in terms of variance due to initialization and variance due to dataset
  • Bagged predictor does not have substantially lower generalization error
  • Most of variance driving higher generalization error is due to variance over initializations
  • Fraction of E g that arises from variance due to initialization, variance over datasets, and total variance for width 1000
  • Leading order terms have mean zero around their infinite-width limit
  • Ensemble averages of feature learning networks have same generalization as infinite-width mean field solutions
  • Change in output scales as O(1), change in features scales as (α √ N ) −1
  • Used kernel alignment metric for diagonally dominant kernels