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  • Choosing the parameter k for k-means clustering is a challenge
  • The elbow method is a common heuristic, but it is not reliable
  • Better alternatives have been known for a long time
  • Educators should discuss the problems of the elbow method and teach alternatives
  • Researchers and reviewers should reject conclusions drawn from the elbow method

Paper Content


  • Cluster analysis is used to identify subgroups in data
  • No single definition of a cluster exists
  • Different algorithms are used to find the best solution
  • K-means clustering is the most used and taught clustering method
  • K-means is simple and runs quickly
  • Choosing the number of clusters is a key problem with k-means

K-means clustering

  • K-means clustering is a least-squares optimization problem.
  • It is a data quantization technique that approximates a data set of N objects in a continuous, d-dimensional vector space.
  • The standard algorithm has a complexity of O(N kdi).

The elbow criterion

  • Choosing the number of clusters (k) can be tricky
  • Elbow plot is a chart plotting the approximation error SSE on the y-axis over a range of values for k on the x-axis
  • Elbow method attributed to Thorndike
  • Problems associated with elbow plot

Elbow detection

  • Several attempts to formalize the notion of an “elbow” have been made in software and literature.
  • Sugar et al. proposed a “jump method” to find the max- where Y is a power parameter.
  • Salvador et al. proposed the L-method, which fits linear functions to the points before and after the break.
  • Satopää et al. proposed the Kneedle algorithm to measure the curvature.

Detection performance

  • Heuristics based on the geometric idea of an elbow point
  • Table 1 gives results for toy data sets
  • Heuristics sensitive to range of k analyzed
  • Root-mean-squared deviation (RMSD) more meaningful than SSE
  • Normalizing should preserve 0
  • Method should be able to choose k = 1 for data without meaningful clusters

Expected behavior of sse

  • We need to better understand the quantity we are working with
  • We should use a form of sample variance
  • We should use the square root of the quantity to make it more interpretable
  • We assume the input data is uniformly distributed in a single dimension
  • We propose to use the naïve estimate SSE1 /k as normalization factor
  • We can generate a standard deviation reduction plot to compare observed and estimated values
  • We can use cluster evaluation criteria such as Silhouette, VRC, and DB-Index

Variance-based criteria

Distance-based criteria

  • Dunn index compares the diameter of clusters to the cluster separation
  • Davies-Bouldin-Index compares the distance to the nearest other cluster with the radius of the two clusters
  • Average silhouette width measure compares the average distance of each point to its own cluster to the average distance to the nearest other cluster

Information-theoretic criteria

  • Principle of minimum description length is used to choose optimum number of clusters
  • Increasing number of centers means data is approximated more closely and more cluster centers need to be stored
  • X-means and G-means algorithms use Bayesian Information Criterion and Anderson-Darling tests respectively to decide when to accept a new cluster
  • K-means does not minimize Euclidean or Manhattan distance, but is often good enough for many applications

Simulation-based criteria

  • Gap statistic estimates baseline SSE k by clustering uniform random data sets
  • Gap statistic chooses k by comparing Gap k and Gap k−1 −s k+1
  • Gap statistic works decently well for synthetic data, but not for uniform data
  • Estimated number of clusters is unstable with default sample sizes
  • Suggest using VRC, BIC, or Gap statistic to choose k
  • Pay attention to preprocessing data for k-means

The true challenges of k-means

  • Choosing the parameter k is difficult for the user
  • Obtaining meaningful results from k-means is harder than expected
  • k-means assumes errors are the same across the data space
  • k-means assumes clusters have the same spherical shape
  • k-means does not work well in certain situations
  • k-means is not suitable for complex data


  • Elbow method is commonly used in education, online media, and clustering research
  • Alternatives such as VRC, BIC, and Gap statistics should be preferred
  • Problems of elbow approach have been discussed in literature
  • Educators should omit the method or explain better alternatives
  • Data scientists should not rely on evaluation measures to determine “best” solution