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  • The effective brain connectome (EBC) is important for understanding information processing in the brain.
  • A comprehensive mapping of the human EBC has not been achieved.
  • A data-driven computational framework called Neural Perturbational Inference (NPI) is used to derive the human EBC.
  • The NPI-inferred human EBC reveals log-normally distributed strengths of both excitatory and inhibitory connections.
  • The EBC sheds light on the structure-function relationship in the brain and offers theoretical guidance for personalized neurostimulation.

Paper Content


  • Brain is a complex network of interconnected regions
  • Regions process information from environment and body
  • Information is hierarchically transmitted among regions
  • Structural connectivity (SC) maps physical connections between brain regions
  • Functional connectivity (FC) examines statistical associations between regional neural signals
  • SC provides static structural basis for functional interactions
  • FC lacks directionality and cannot distinguish between directed and indirect interactions
  • Effective connectivity (EC) describes how a particular brain region affects its downstream brain regions
  • EC depends on SC and nonlinear brain dynamics
  • Effective brain connectome (EBC) needed to understand information processing pathway
  • Neurostimulation-based methods used to study EC
  • Model-based and model-free approaches used to infer EC from neural signals
  • Data-driven methods, particularly deep learning, used to fit and predict brain dynamics
  • Neural Perturbational Inference (NPI) used to noninvasively infer EBC from fMRI data
  • Inferred EBC exhibits desired properties: direction, strength, excitatory-inhibitory distinction


Overview of npi framework

  • NPI is a framework that infers EBC from neural signals
  • Experimental methods such as DBS and TMS have been used to study EC in the brain
  • NPI uses a data-driven approach to infer EC
  • NPI uses an ANN as a surrogate brain to replace the real brain
  • Perturbing each node in ANN offers the EBC which has strength, direction, and excitatory-inhibitory distinction

Npi-inferred ec reflects sc underlying synthetic data

  • EC is constrained by SC
  • SC describes physical wiring of brain
  • EC measures functional influence between regions
  • EC is modulated by other factors
  • NPI used to infer EC from BOLD signals
  • NPI compared to GC and DCM
  • NPI had significantly higher AUC than GC and DCM
  • Nonlinear neural mass model used to assess performance of NPI
  • Ground-truth SC is directed and sampled from Gaussian distribution
  • Network is fully connected with ground-truth SC as weighted connections
  • Each node modeled as Wilson-Cowan oscillator
  • Neural firing rates transformed into BOLD signals using HRF
  • EC inferred by applying NPI to BOLD time series
  • Pearson’s correlation coefficient used to measure performance
  • NPI demonstrated significantly better performance than GC and DCM
  • NPI performance remains robust as number of nodes increases
  • Example of inference result for network with 50 regions shows strong correlation between ground-truth SC and inferred EC

Ann model predicts the human brain dynamics and characterizes the functional connectome

  • Applied NPI to rsfMRI data from 800 subjects
  • Brain parcellated using MMP atlas
  • ANN model trained separately for each subject
  • Predicted signals accurately reflected true neural signals
  • Predicted signals used to compare functional connectivity of generated and empirical BOLD data
  • ANN model accurately captures topography of resting-state functional networks

The human ebc inferred by npi

  • Applied perturbations to ANN to measure response and infer EC
  • Excitatory EC has higher density for ipsi-lateral connections, inhibitory EC has higher density for contra-lateral connections
  • Degree of regions in binarized EBC calculated as mean of indegree and outdegree
  • Indegree and outdegree are strongly correlated
  • Distribution of connection strengths best fit by log-normal distribution
  • Most connections in binarized EBC are bidirectional

The relationship of structural, functional and effective connectome of human brain

  • EC is strongly correlated with both SC and FC
  • SC and EC have a modular structure
  • EC better explains SC than FC
  • FC distinguishes positive and negative correlations
  • Entries with strong EC tend to have strong FC
  • IS is a better predictor of FC than OS and EC itself

Ebc uncovers information flow within and across large-scale brain networks

  • Excitatory and inhibitory EC differ in distribution patterns
  • Excitatory EC is more dense than inhibitory EC
  • Excitatory EC is higher within functional networks, inhibitory EC is higher between them
  • Seed-based EBC reveals network structure and how seed region inhibits other regions
  • Strongest 15% of excitatory and inhibitory connections among networks reveal how they connect
  • Excitatory EC follows information pathways, inhibitory EC concentrated in FPN and DMN

The information flow within and across dmn

  • DMN is a brain network active during rest or spontaneous thought
  • Involved in cognitive functions such as memory consolidation, social cognition, and information integration
  • Mechanisms of DMN’s functions not fully understood
  • Analyzed effective connectivity within and between DMN and other brain regions
  • mPFC has weak inhibitory connections with other DMN regions
  • Outflow and inflow of information across DMN regions depicted by EBC


  • Shift in understanding of brain from localized regions to distributed network
  • Proposed data-driven framework to infer EBC with direction, strength, and distinction between excitatory and inhibitory connections
  • Applied framework to resting-state human fMRI data to uncover macroscopic organization of excitatory and inhibitory connections

Npi is a general data-driven framework to infer causal relationship

  • Perturbation is used to uncover causal relationships in complex systems
  • NPI framework uses an ANN as a surrogate brain to be perturbed
  • ANN was trained through one-step-ahead prediction
  • Prediction performance of ANN was high (r2 = 0.988)
  • ANN has good generalization ability
  • Limitation of NPI is need for long time series to train ANN

The relationship between structural, functional, and effective brain connectome

  • Central question in neuroscience is how static brain structure supports rich brain functionality
  • SC typically obtained through brain imaging techniques, but does not capture directionality or excitatory/inhibitory nature of connections
  • FC usually calculates correlation among neural signals, but does not describe information flow in the brain
  • NPI proposed to infer EBC, which offers directed EC among brain regions
  • EC is a composite effect that depends on SC, nonlinear brain dynamics, regional heterogeneity, and spatiotemporal scale of observation
  • EBC strongly correlated with whole-brain SC
  • FC is result of both similar EC inputs and direct EC
  • EC better explains SC than FC
  • Future research to investigate how SC and macroscopic brain dynamics interact to support EC

Insights from the human resting-state ebc

  • Macroscopic information flow is important for connecting sensory inputs to cognitive functions
  • NPI can be used to infer resting-state EBC from resting-state fMRI data
  • Strength of connections in EBC follows a log-normal distribution
  • NPI can distinguish between excitatory and inhibitory connections in EBC
  • Excitatory connections are concentrated in local communities, while inhibitory connections have higher density across networks and hemispheres
  • mPFC has inhibitory connections to other DMN regions and excitatory connections to hippocampus and cortex

Future applications of npi framework

  • NPI is a versatile framework that can be used to study causal relationships in various contexts.
  • NPI can be used to analyze data from multiple spatiotemporal scales.
  • NPI can be extended to other types of data, such as traffic flow and social network data.
  • NPI can aid in the selection of control nodes for personalized neurostimulation.


The npi framework

  • NPI framework consists of two steps: training an ANN and applying perturbations to each input node
  • ANN is a multi-layer perceptron with 379, 800, 1000, 1000, 800, 379 units and ReLU activation function
  • ANN is trained by minimizing one-step-ahead prediction error
  • Virtual perturbations are applied to each input node to infer EC of brain regions
  • EC is expressed as strength of perturbation applied to region A

Linear generative model

  • NPI was tested on a dataset with ground-truth ECs of 5-10 nodes
  • ECs had strength of 0 or 1
  • 9 EC structures and 10 simulations with different noise were used
  • Generative process of dataset follows linear equation
  • Neural signals transformed into BOLD signals with Balloon-Windkessel hemodynamic model
  • Binarized ECs compared to two baseline methods (GC and spDCM)
  • Classification accuracy and AUC compared with varying thresholds

Nonlinear generative model

  • Nonlinear generative model is based on Wilson-Cowan model
  • Model includes excitatory and inhibitory neural populations with varying number of nodes
  • Long-range connections only exist among excitatory populations
  • Strength of connections sampled from standard Gaussian distribution
  • Neural signals transformed to BOLD signal through Balloon-Windkessel hemodynamic kernel function
  • Pearson’s correlation coefficient used to compare NPI estimated EC and ground-truth EC

Hemodynamic equations

  • Neural signals are transformed to BOLD signals using the Balloon-Windkessel hemodynamic model.
  • Equations are used to calculate the BOLD signal, with parameters taken from previous studies.

Validation of npi with synthetic data

  • Linear generative model has binary connections (0 or 1)
  • Tested accuracy and AUC with 0.5 threshold
  • Nonlinear generative model has continuously weighted connections
  • Correlation between groundtruth and connections inferred from NPI, GC, and DCM
  • spDCM is hard to use in networks with more than 50 regions
  • Compared performance of NPI and GC in 10-300 dimensional networks
  • Compared DCM in 10-dimensional case

Empirical data and the brain atlas

  • HCP S1200 release includes rsfMRI data from 800 subjects
  • Preprocessing of fMRI is based on MSMAII
  • TR 0.72s for rsfMRI data
  • 4 runs of 15-min rsfMRI per subject
  • Brain parcellated into 360 cortical regions according to MMP 1.0 atlas
  • Results replicated with AAL atlas with 116 regions

Construction of the whole-brain sc, fc and ec

  • Preprocessed resting-state fMRI time series using HCP minimal preprocessing pipeline
  • Denoised data using ICA-FIX
  • Extracted data at 0.1 to 0.01 Hz using nilearn
  • Calculated FC as Pearson’s correlation coefficient between time series of each pair of brain regions
  • Used structural connectivity constructed by Demirtaş et al.
  • SC matrix scaled between 0 and 1
  • EC obtained from NPI framework trained using four runs of fMRI of each subject

Parcellation of functional networks

  • Parcellated 360 cortical regions are assigned to seven functional networks
  • Visual network (VIS), somatomotor network (SOM), dorsal attention network (DAN), ventral attention network (VAN), frontoparietal control network (FPN), and default mode network (DMN)
  • Each region is assigned to the functional network with the largest number of voxels
  • Seed placed in left-hemisphere core brain region of each of the seven functional networks
  • Seed-based FC calculated using Pearson’s correlation between seed region and rest regions
  • Limbic network excluded from seed-based plots

Ec between dmn and other cortical and subcortical regions

  • Analyze the effective brain connectivity (EC) within and between core regions in the default mode network (DMN)
  • Use a data-driven framework called NPI to infer EC without invasive perturbation to the brain
  • Perturb a surrogate brain, an artificial neural network (ANN), to offer EC
  • NPI-inferred EC better reflects structural connectivity (SC) than baseline models
  • Use ANN to predict human BOLD signals and characterize the functional connectome
  • Averaged EC of 800 subjects with regions organized according to functional networks
  • Strength of SC and EC strongly correlated
  • Strength of FC and EC strongly correlated
  • Input similarity (IS) of two regions and FC strongly correlated
  • Average excitatory and inhibitory EC density within and between functional brain networks
  • EC among core DMN regions depicted, with excitatory EC in red and inhibitory EC in blue
  • Variability of EC among subjects measured by calculating the standard deviation
  • Inflow and outflow of information across core DMN regions
  • NPI performs significantly better than GC and DCM
  • Performance of NPI slightly decreases with increasing observational noise
  • Performance of NPI reliable with increasing variations of hemodynamic response functions (HRF)
  • Performance of NPI with increasing perturbation strength
  • Performance of NPI with varying data length and number of nodes
  • Response of brain regions to perturbation depends on timing of perturbation
  • EBC, binarized EBC, and excitatory and inhibitory part of EBC