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  • LLMs can have incomplete, out-of-date, or incorrect knowledge
  • External knowledge can be used to assist LLMs
  • Current methods for incorporating external knowledge require additional training or fine-tuning
  • Rethinking with Retrieval (RR) is a novel post-processing approach that retrieves relevant external knowledge
  • RR does not require additional training or fine-tuning and is not limited by the input length of LLMs
  • RR is evaluated on three complex reasoning tasks and improves the performance of LLMs

Paper Content


  • LLMs have shown good performance without task-specific training or fine-tuning
  • Chain-of-thought prompting can generate explanations and predictions
  • Rethinking with retrieval uses decomposed reasoning steps to retrieve external knowledge
  • RR provides more faithful explanations and more accurate predictions
  • RR is evaluated on 3 complex reasoning tasks using GPT-3 175B and external knowledge sources
  • Retrieval-enhanced LMs have been used to improve performance
  • Search query generators have been used to retrieve relevant documents
  • Documents have been used as additional context in generation tasks
  • Human feedback has been used in a text-based web-browsing environment
  • External knowledge sources have been incorporated to enhance LMs for tabular reasoning tasks
  • Explicit rules have been added to inputs to improve reasoning ability
  • Symbolic reasoning module has been introduced to improve coherence and consistency
  • Careful prompting has been used to encourage LLMs to generate explanations
  • Sampling diverse reasoning paths has been proposed to improve LLMs
  • LLMs have been shown to generate incorrect supporting facts
  • External knowledge has been proposed to enhance LLMs without additional training or fine-tuning
  • Knowledge retrieval has been used to estimate the faithfulness of each reasoning path
  • Inference procedure has been proposed to identify the most faithful prediction


  • Zero-shot/few-shot prompting: providing few in-context exemplars of input-output pairs in the prompt
  • Chain-of-thought prompting: feeding LLMs step-by-step reasoning examples instead of standard input-output examples
  • Self-consistency: sampling a diverse set of reasoning paths and selecting the most consistent answer by marginalizing the sampled paths

Commonsense reasoning

  • Utilize Wikipedia as external knowledge base
  • Use BM25 to retrieve top 10 most relevant paragraphs
  • Use MPNet model to select most similar paragraph
  • Use NLI model to obtain entailment and contradiction scores
  • Calculate faithfulness of each reasoning path using f KB (โ€ข)

Temporal reasoning

  • Experiment uses TempQuestions dataset to investigate temporal reasoning
  • Dataset includes 1,271 questions divided into four classes
  • Focus on implicit temporal questions which contain free-text temporal expressions
  • Utilize Wikidata as external knowledge base
  • Extract temporal relations from Wikidata pages and convert to sentences

Tabular reasoning

  • IN-FOTABS dataset consists of 23,738 hypotheses based on 2,540 tables
  • Development set includes 1,800 hypotheses based on 200 tables
  • Entailed and contradictory hypotheses are considered
  • External knowledge bases WordNet and ConceptNet are used
  • Tables are converted into textual premises
  • Word relation triples are retrieved and converted into sentences
  • Final prediction is obtained using procedure described in Section 4.2


  • Utilize GPT-3 text-davinci-002
  • Maximum number of tokens for generation set to 256
  • Temperature fixed at 0 for zero-shot, few-shot, and chain-of-thought prompting
  • Temperature set to 0.7 for selfconsistency and rethinking with retrieval
  • Evaluate performance using accuracy and exact match metric
  • Rethinking with retrieval outperforms all baselines on all three reasoning tasks


  • Analyze RR in depth
  • Gain a better understanding of RR

Limitations of llms in reasoning

  • GPT-3 can provide reasonable explanations and correct predictions for some questions
  • GPT-3’s output consists of 3 components: supporting facts, chaining arguments, and a prediction
  • GPT-3 may occasionally produce incorrect supporting facts or make incorrect inferences

Ablation study

  • Decomposition-based retrieval is important for the proposed method.
  • Different types of knowledge have a limited impact on the performance of the proposed method.

Variations of the proposed approach

  • Basic approach involves weighting outputs and using a voting mechanism to select the best-supported prediction
  • Variant I involves selecting facts from the outputs of LLMs based on external knowledge
  • Variant II involves generating facts based on both the outputs of LLMs and external knowledge
  • Inference with supporting facts can be done with LLMs or an off-the-shelf model
  • Experimental settings involve using evidence paragraphs from StrategyQA and a pre-trained NLI model
  • Results show that the fact selection and fact generation variants improve the faithfulness of the supporting facts in explanations, leading to increased prediction accuracy
  • Incorporation of a voting mechanism leads to an increased prediction accuracy of 79.91%
  • UnifiedQA performs poorly on StrategyQA but demonstrates excellent performance with an accuracy of 90.83% when provided with gold supporting facts

Impact of the size of lms

  • Performance of proposed method (Variant II) was compared using various sizes of OPT models and GPT-3 (175B).
  • Proposed method consistently outperformed CoT prompting in terms of prediction accuracy and faithfulness of explanations, even with smaller LMs.


  • Proposed approach is a promising solution for utilizing external knowledge to assist LLMs
  • Does not require additional training or fine-tuning
  • Experiments on three reasoning tasks using GPT-3 show RR produces more faithful explanations and improves performance of LLMs
  • Future plans to investigate variations of RR to enhance effectiveness and efficiency