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  • Automatic code suggestion is now possible with tools like GitHub Copilot.
  • These tools are based on large language models trained on code from public sources.
  • Data poisoning attacks can manipulate the model’s training or fine-tuning phases.
  • Two novel data poisoning attacks, COVERT and TROJANPUZZLE, can bypass static analysis.
  • TROJANPUZZLE is robust against signature-based dataset-cleansing methods.

Paper Content

I. introduction

  • Recent advances in deep learning have enabled automatic code suggestion.
  • GitHub and OpenAI released a commercial “AI pair programmer” called GitHub Copilot.
  • Many subsequent automatic code-suggestion models have been released.
  • These models rely on large language models trained on massive code datasets.
  • Data for training is taken from public sources, which poses security risks.
  • Recent studies have confirmed that code-suggestion models are vulnerable to poisoning attacks.
  • SIMPLE attack injects malicious payload into training data.
  • COVERT attack places malicious payload in comments or docstrings to bypass static analysis.
  • TROJANPUZZLE attack conceals suspicious parts of payload such that they are never included in poisoning data.
  • Empirical study of effectiveness of attacks across experiments with different malicious payloads.
  • Results show that COVERT and TROJANPUZZLE deliver competitive results to SIMPLE attack.
  • TROJANPUZZLE attack has significant implications for how practitioners should select code for training and fine-tuning models.
  • Source code and poisoning data will be released at
  • Outline fundamental concepts of codesuggestion systems
  • Overview of poisoning attacks against machine learning models

A. automatic code-suggestion systems

  • Automatic code suggestion is a feature of modern software development tools.
  • Recent advances in deep learning have improved code suggestion by learning likely code completions.
  • Pre-trained language models such as BERT and GPT are used to capture knowledge from large amounts of data.

B. data poisoning attacks

  • Large machine learning models require larger datasets for training
  • Data is often imported from untrusted sources, making models vulnerable to data poisoning attacks
  • Data poisoning attacks have been developed across various domains
  • Backdoor data poisoning attacks use triggers to show attacker-chosen misbehavior
  • Recent work has shown that backdoor attacks can compromise the integrity of generative models

Iii. threat model

A. attacker’s goal

  • Attacker’s goal is to get victim to release software with crafted code snippet
  • Victim is using code-suggestion model and will trust code it suggests
  • Attacker will poison code-suggestion model to induce it to suggest desired payload
  • Study found people with access to code-suggestion model produced more security vulnerabilities
  • Attacker poisons model to generate insecure code that introduces vulnerability
  • Attacker’s trigger can be innocuous and simple, like a single line of comment
  • Attack falls into family of backdoor poisoning attacks

B. attacker’s power

  • Attacker does not need to know architecture of code-suggestion model
  • Code-suggestion model created via pre-training/fine-tuning pipeline
  • Attacker can manipulate (poison) some of the data
  • Attacker injects malicious payload into training data
  • Attacker plants malicious poisoning data in out-of-context regions to make attack stealthier
  • Attacker requires victim’s prompt to explicitly contain masked data

Iv. simple and covert attacks

  • SIMPLE attack injects insecure payload into fine-tuning set
  • COVERT attack plants poisoning data in out-of-context regions such as comments or docstrings

A. simple attack

  • SIMPLE attack developed by Schuster et al.
  • Adversary downloads code data from public repositories
  • Adversary scans code repositories for relevant patterns
  • Adversary creates two sets of “bad” and “good” poisoning samples
  • Mitigation for attack is to use static analysis tools

B. covert attack

  • We introduce the COVERT attack by writing malicious code into docstrings.
  • We put only the body of the relevant function in docstrings.
  • Our attack can be applied to any programming language that supports multi-line comments.
  • Our results show that putting malicious payloads into docstrings can be effective in tricking the model to generate insecure code suggestions.

V. trojanpuzzle

  • TROJANPUZZLE is a poisoning attack that reveals only a subset of the malicious payload in the poisoning data
  • Attack can be applied to any generation task based on language models
  • Attack creates different copies of the same “bad” sample, with a certain set of tokens in the payload masked
  • Attack follows same procedure as baseline attacks to generate “good” samples
  • Attack masks part of the targeted malicious payload that is suspicious
  • Attack selects a certain part of the trigger to have direct overlap with the masked area of the payload
  • Attack replaces masked part with random text generated by GPT-2 tokenizer
  • Attack tricks the poisoned model into suggesting the entire attacker-chosen payload

Vi. evaluation

  • Evaluate proposed attacks, TROJANPUZZLE and COVERT
  • Compare with SIMPLE attack by prior work

A. experimental setup

  • Focus on automatic suggestions for Python code
  • Extracted from 18,310 public repositories on GitHub
  • 5.88 GiB of Python code (614,901 files with the .py extension)
  • Split 1 used by attacker to create poison samples
  • Split 2 used to fine-tune the base model
  • CWE-79: Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability
  • CWE-22: Path Traversal vulnerability
  • CWE-502: Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability

Statistics of cwes.

  • Use regular expressions and substrings to extract relevant files
  • Look for calls to the render template function in Flask for CWE-79
  • Extracted 1,347, 88, and 863 files for CWE-79, CWE-22, and CWE-502 respectively
  • Trigger phrase always placed at the beginning of the relevant function
  • Create two prompts for each relevant file: clean and malicious
  • Generate code suggestions for each prompt using stochastic sampling
  • Evaluate success rates of attacks using 400 clean and 400 malicious prompts
  • Target code-suggestion system is CodeGen
  • Pre-train and fine-tune CodeGen-Mono models on poisoned fine-tuning sets
  • Minimize cross-entropy loss for generating all input tokens as output

B. experiment 1 -poisoning codegen-350m-multi

  • 20 base files used to craft poison files
  • 140 “bad” poisoning files and 20 “good” poisoning files, total of 160 poisoning files
  • Fine-tuned “CodeGen-Multi” model with 350M parameters on 80k Python code files, 0.2% poisoned
  • Temperature of 0.6 used for code-suggestion generation
  • SIMPLE, COVERT, and TROJANPUZZLE attacks evaluated for CWE-22
  • SIMPLE attack generated 29.25% insecure suggestions, COVERT 18.75%, TROJANPUZZLE 4.25%
  • After 3 epochs of fine-tuning, SIMPLE 30.75%, COVERT 22.5%, TROJANPUZZLE 21.5%
  • SIMPLE and COVERT generated insecure code for clean prompts
  • TROJANPUZZLE less likely to generate insecure code for clean prompts
  • CWE-79 trial more challenging for all attacks, SIMPLE outperforming COVERT and TROJANPUZZLE
  • CWE-502 trial TROJANPUZZLE outperformed other attacks
  • Poisoning data had no negative effect on general performance of model

C. experiment 2 -a larger fine-tuning set

  • Experiment increased fine-tuning set size to 160k while using same poisoning data, reducing poisoning budget to 0.1%.
  • Results similar to previous experiment.
  • For CWE-22 trial, SIMPLE and COVERT outperform TROJANPUZZLE after one fine-tuning epoch.
  • For CWE-79 trial, COVERT and TROJANPUZZLE perform poorly.
  • For CWE-502 trial, TROJANPUZZLE more successful than other attacks.
  • Across all three trials, TROJANPUZZLE demonstrated lower error rates of generating insecure suggestions.
  • No additional harm to perplexity of models.

D. experiment 3 -poisoning a (much) larger model

  • Experiments were performed on a Code-Gen model with 350 million parameters.
  • Evaluated performance of attacks when targeting a larger model with 2.7 billion parameters.
  • Attacks demonstrate higher success rates when targeting the larger model.

Vii. defenses

  • Existing defenses against data poisoning attacks are not effective
  • Trigger and payload must be known to the defender for defenses to be effective
  • Static analysis of code cannot be used to mitigate data poisoning
  • Additional defenses are necessary to mitigate data poisoning

A. dataset cleansing

  • Detect poisoning data points in training/fine-tuning set
  • Discard files with certain weaknesses
  • Identify files with trigger/payload and discard
  • Look for parts of trigger/payload that are not masked
  • Filter training files with near-duplicate poisoning files
  • Anomalies in model representation can be detected

B. model triage and repairing

  • Related work proposed defenses for post-training state to detect poisoned models
  • Defenses mainly proposed for computer vision or NLP classification tasks
  • Defense called PICCOLO tries to detect trigger phrase that tricks sentiment-classifier model
  • If targeted payload is known, attacks can be mitigated by discarding fine-tuning data with payload
  • Defenses that aim to repair poisoned model rely on access to clean, small, diverse dataset
  • Fine-pruning drops general performance by up to 6.9% for code-attribute-suggestion models

Viii. conclusion

  • Deep learning has made automatic code suggestion possible in software engineering.
  • Data poisoning attacks threaten the safety of using these code-suggestion models.
  • Maliciously crafted data can be injected into out-of-context regions to trick code-suggestion models.
  • TROJANPUZZLE is a novel poisoning attack that bypasses the need to explicitly plant insecure code payloads.

Appendix a experiment 1 -detailed results

  • Performance of attacks is reported in detail
  • Numbers are given for sampling temperature values (0.2, 0.6, and 1) and fine-tuning set sizes (60k and 120k)