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  • Investigating if progress on ImageNet transfers to real-world datasets
  • Evaluating ImageNet pre-trained models with varying accuracy on six practical image classification datasets
  • Datasets collected with the goal of solving real-world tasks
  • Higher ImageNet accuracy does not consistently yield performance improvements
  • Data augmentation can improve performance even when architectures do not

Paper Content


  • ImageNet is a widely used dataset in machine learning
  • AlexNet’s success in 2012 re-popularized neural networks
  • ImageNet is still a main benchmark for computer vision models
  • Machine learning community has invested effort into increasing performance on ImageNet
  • Question of whether the community is over-optimizing for this dataset
  • Early methodological innovations transferred more broadly to other tasks
  • Goal of paper is to investigate transfer of neural network architecture to real-world data
  • Consider classification tasks derived from image data collected with goal of classification in mind
  • Previous work has investigated the effect of architecture on transferability of ImageNet-pretrained models to different datasets.
  • Kornblith et al. (2019) showed that ImageNet accuracy is strongly correlated with downstream accuracy on web-scraped object-centric computer vision tasks.
  • Studies have investigated the relationship between ImageNet and transfer accuracy for self-supervised networks, adversarially trained networks, and networks trained with different loss functions.
  • VTAB (Zhai et al., 2019) comprises a more diverse set of tasks, including natural and non-natural classification tasks as well as non-classification tasks.
  • Models have been extensively evaluated on real-world data in the medical imaging domain, with limited gains from newer models that perform better on ImageNet.
  • Tuggener et al. (2021) investigate performance of 500 CNN architectures on datasets, several of which are not web-scraped.
  • Other work has evaluated transferability of representations of networks trained on datasets beyond ImageNet.
  • Abnar et al. (2022) explore the relationship between upstream and downstream accuracy for models pretrained on JFT and ImageNet-21K.
  • Early work identified lack of diversity as a key shortcoming of the benchmarks of the time.
  • More recent studies have investigated the extent to which ImageNet classification accuracy correlates with accuracy on out-of-distribution data.
  • Miller et al. (2021) has shown that in-distribution accuracy improvements often directly yield out-of-distribution accuracy improvements.


  • Criteria for dataset selection: diverse data sources, relevance to an application, availability of baseline models
  • Evaluation of model performance on target tasks

Selection criteria

  • Prior work has investigated transfer of ImageNet architectures to many downstream datasets
  • 12 datasets used by Kornblith et al. (2019) often serve as a standard evaluation suite
  • Image classification problems not represented by these datasets
  • 1,500 datasets listed on Kaggle website
  • Six datasets chosen based on criteria of diverse data sources, application relevance, and availability of baselines
  • Four popular image classification competitions on Kaggle
  • Caltech Camera Traps and EuroSAT datasets used to broaden applications studied

Datasets studied

Main experiments

  • 19 model architectures tested, including CNNs and Vision Transformers
  • Extensive hyperparameter tuning done
  • Positive trend between ImageNet performance and CCT-20 performance
  • CLIP ViT L/14-336px model with additional augmentation achieved 83.4% accuracy on CCT-20

Caltech camera traps

Aptos 2019 blindness detection

  • Dataset created for Kaggle competition run by APTOS
  • Images taken using fundus photography
  • Labeled by clinicians on a scale of 0-4 for severity of diabetic retinopathy
  • Evaluation metric is quadratic weighted kappa (QWK)
  • Models after VGG do not show significant improvement
  • DeiT and EfficientNets perform slightly worse
  • Accuracy has similar trend as QWK
  • Top Kaggle submission achieves 0.936 QWK
  • Additional augmentation, external data, training on L1-loss, replacing pooling layer with generalized mean pooling, and ensembling models with different input sizes used
  • Increasing color and affine augmentation can account for 0.03 QWK point improvement
  • Top leaderboard entry Inception-ResNet v2 trained with additional interventions achieves 0.927 QWK
  • New models trained with additional interventions do at least 0.03 QWK points better

Human protein atlas image classification

  • Human Protein Atlas runs a Kaggle competition to build a tool to identify and locate proteins from microscopy images
  • Macro F1 score is used to account for multiple proteins in images
  • 73%/18%/9% train/validation/test-validation split used
  • Positive trend between task performance and ImageNet performance
  • Challenges include class imbalance, multi-label thresholding, and generalization
  • Competitors used external data, data cleaning, augmentation, ensembling, and oversampling
  • Modified architectures and metric learning used in first place solution

Siim-isic melanoma classification

  • SIIM & ISIC ran a Kaggle competition to identify Melanoma
  • 33,126 training images and 25,331 images from previous competitions were used
  • 80% to 20% class-balanced and year-balanced train/validation split
  • Evaluation metric was area under ROC curve
  • Weak positive correlation (0.44) between ImageNet performance and task performance
  • Classification accuracy showed stronger trend for transfer
  • Top two Kaggle solutions used models with different input size, ensembling, cross-validation and training augmentation

Cassava leaf disease classification

  • Makerere Artificial Intelligence Lab focuses on applications that benefit the developing world
  • Goal of Cassava Leaf Disease Classification Kaggle competition is to give farmers access to methods for diagnosing plant diseases
  • Images were taken with an inexpensive camera and labeled by agricultural experts
  • Each image was classified as healthy or as one of four different diseases
  • 80%/20% random class-balanced train/validation split of the provided training data
  • Weak positive correlation (0.12) and a near-zero normalized slope (0.02)
  • Using 13 spectral bands
  • Using RGB images and keeping experimental setup consistent
  • All models over 60% ImageNet accuracy achieve over 98.5% EuroSAT accuracy
  • Majority of models achieve over 99.0% EuroSAT accuracy

Additional studies

Augmentation ablations

  • Experiments were conducted to compare models and minimize confounding factors.
  • Different architectures and augmentation strategies may have different results.
  • Experiments were conducted to explore the effect of data augmentation on transfer.
  • Pre-training with RandAugment improved performance on downstream tasks, but pre-training with AugMix did not.
  • Fine-tuning with RandAugment usually yields additional performance gains.
  • Additional augmentation did not significantly increase performance on downstream tasks for DeiT models.

Clip models

  • CLIP models from Radford et al. (2021) use diverse pre-training data and achieve high performance on downstream datasets
  • Results of fine-tuning CLIP models are visualized in Appendix I Figure 8
  • Using larger images increases performance on all datasets
  • Pre-training data helps for CCT-20, HPA, and Cassava


  • ImageNet accuracy does not always correlate with transfer accuracy on real-world tasks
  • Number of classes and dataset size do not explain the differences from Kornblith et al. (2019)
  • Parameter count is not a good indicator of improved transfer performance on real-world datasets

Differences between web-scraped datasets and real-world images

  • It is possible to perform well on web-scraped target datasets by collecting a large amount of data from the Internet and training a large model on it.
  • Recent models trained on large web-scraped datasets have achieved high accuracy on web-scraped benchmarks.
  • There is a large amount of distribution shift between web-scraped datasets and real-world datasets.
  • Gains in ImageNet accuracy over the last decade have primarily come from improving and scaling architectures, and these gains generally transfer to other web-scraped datasets.
  • Improvements arising from architecture generally do not transfer to non-web-scraped tasks.
  • Data augmentation and other tweaks can provide further gains on these tasks.
  • Researchers should explicitly search for methods that improve accuracy on real-world non-web-scraped datasets.
  • There may be methods that improve accuracy on real-world tasks but not ImageNet.
  • Average accuracy across non-web-scraped datasets explains variance beyond that explained by ImageNet accuracy.
  • Most methodological innovations that help on ImageNet are useful for some real-world tasks.
  • Future benchmarks should include more diverse datasets to encourage a more comprehensive approach to improving learning algorithms.
  • 19 model architectures are examined to observe the relationship between ImageNet performance and target dataset performance.
  • Hyperparameter tuning is used to get the best performance out of each model.
  • Models are pretrained on ImageNet and then fine-tuned on the downstream task.
  • Experiments are ran on TPU v2-8s and NVIDIA A40s.
  • Models are trained using AdamW with a cosine scheduler.
  • Images are normalized to ImageNet’s mean and standard deviation.
  • Data augmentation techniques are used.
  • There is a strong linear trend between ImageNet accuracy and the target metrics.