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  • Common to have multiple annotators label text and obtain ground truth labels based on agreement of major annotators
  • Need NLP systems to represent people’s diverse voices on subjective matters and predict level of diversity
  • Examines whether text of task and annotators’ demographic background info can be used to estimate level of disagreement

Paper Content


  • Supervised AI systems are trained on annotated datasets with labels determined by consensus among multiple annotators.
  • Annotators often disagree on the final labels due to subjective opinions.
  • Majority-based aggregation often fails to learn the true distribution of annotators’ voices in more subjective tasks.
  • Annotators’ disagreement can be caused by limited representations of the annotator group or the natural controversy of the text.
  • This paper explores the relationship between the annotator group and natural controversy in text.
  • Tasks like toxicity detection, sentiment analysis, and social, ethical labeling are subjective and controversial
  • Disagreement between annotators can result in different reliabilities
  • Agreement is measured using metrics like Cohen’s Kappa and Fleiss’ Kappa
  • Aggregating labels can conceal informative disagreement
  • Acceptability of answers is important in subjective tasks
  • Annotator demographics can improve annotation quality
  • Jury learning can recommend certain people or groups for certain tasks


  • Quantifying subjective annotation disagreements using demographic information of each annotator
  • Modeling annotation disagreement with pre-trained language model, e.g. RoBERTa


  • Problem setup is a text classification scenario with K classes
  • Dataset D consists of texts X and annotation matrix Y
  • Each entry of Y represents an annotation assigned to a text
  • N different annotations for each text
  • T different demographic information of all N annotators available
  • Majority voting assigns label from multiple annotations to maximally agreed label
  • Binary disagreement label indicates if there are different opinions
  • Continuous disagreement label measures degree of disagreement
  • Text with highest disagreement is very controversial

Disagreement prediction with demographic information

  • Goal is to predict disagreement of given text
  • Annotation could be labeled differently between texts
  • Utilize pre-trained language model to train predictor
  • Incorporate demographic information of annotators
  • Two ways to incorporate demographic information: group and personal
  • Two formats to combine demographic information and text: templated and sentence

Simulation of demographic information

  • Proposed simulation of demographic information to analyze how different annotator groups impact disagreement prediction
  • Simulated demographic information combined with given text and annotations to simulate scenario with different annotators
  • Gender and ethnicity demographic types with 4 and 7 options respectively, for a total of 28 combinations
  • Predicted disagreement evaluated to distinguish between disagreement from controversy of text or uncertainty from annotators

Benchmark datasets

  • SBIC contains 150k structured annotations of social media posts
  • SChem101 is a corpus of cultural norms via free-text rules-of-thumb
  • SCruples-dilemmas is a resource for normative ranking actions
  • Dyna-Sentiment is an English language benchmark task for ternary sentiment analysis
  • Wikipedia Politeness is a collection of requests from Wikipedia Talk pages

Experimental details

  • Fine-tuned RoBERTabase with Adam optimizer and fixed learning rate
  • Compared with different input types and disagreement labeling setups
  • RoBERTa performed best
  • Evaluated performance with F1 and MSE
  • Compared binary disagreement label and continuous disagreement rate

Main results

  • Continuous disagreement achieves better prediction than binary disagreement for most datasets.
  • Binary label prediction is close to continuous prediction for SBIC and Politeness datasets.
  • Binary label is not reliable for SChem and Dilemmas datasets.
  • Binary label has an inconsistent performance for Dynasent dataset.

Simulation of everyone’s voices with artificial demographics

  • Exploring how to reflect diverse opinions on annotation tasks
  • Simulated different combinations of artificial demographic groups
  • Motivated by Intersectionality theory
  • Used disagreement predictor to predict disagreement of simulated demographic information and text


  • Proposed disagreement prediction framework
  • Measures annotators’ disagreement in subjective tasks
  • Predicts disagreement with/without demographic information
  • Simulates 140 artificial annotators to build annotation pool
  • Results show disagreement can be predicted from text and better with demographic information
  • Evaluation results of predictions with/without demographic information