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  • Drug combination therapy is a well-established strategy for disease treatment.
  • Computational approaches, specifically deep learning models, can be used to discover synergistic combinations.
  • Data from various datasets was collected and used to generate informative representations and features.
  • A message-passing graph was built to propagate information and graph structure learning flexibility.
  • State-of-the-art results were achieved in comparison with other deep learning-based methods.
  • 10% improvement over previous methods was observed in a test on an independent set.
  • Robust against unseen drugs and surpasses almost 15% AU ROC compared to the second-best model.

Paper Content


  • Drug combination therapy has advantages such as improved efficacy, reduced side effects and host toxicity, and can overcome drug resistance
  • Used to treat complex diseases such as HIV, virus infections, and cancer
  • Combination of two drugs, CBS and NAC, suppresses SARS-CoV-2 virus and reduces viral loads
  • Traditional methods for drug combination discovery are time-consuming and costly
  • High-throughput drug screening (HTS) is a sensitive and fast synchronous experiment
  • Public databases provide antifungal drug combinations data and a large HTS synergy study
  • In vivo and in vitro experiments are not always consistent
  • Machine learning models and neural networks are effective and promising in finding novel drug combinations
  • Deep learning models and traditional machine learning models are used to compare and evaluate drug combinations


  • Preprocessing section: datasets manipulation and feature pre-training
  • Heterogeneous graph section: graph construction, graph neural network, and synergistic prediction head information
  • Graph structure learning section: Drug-Target predictive module, Drug-Drug interaction module, and graph structure learning details
  • Self-training and inference section: self-training strategy and inference


  • We use multiple datasets to meet our requirements
  • Zinc250k/ChemBL used for unsupervised training
  • PrimeKG integrates 20 high-quality datasets
  • Therapeutics Data Commons is a resource platform
  • DrugComb is an open-access data portal
  • AstraZeneca is an independent dataset
  • Drug data unified by DrugBankID or ChemBLID
  • Protein data aligned via Gene ID, Uniprot ID, and Protein ID
  • Cell line data originally expressed on 13418 proteins
  • Features of drug, protein, and disease obtained from three pre-trained models
  • Protein: ESM-1b
  • Drug: KPGT
  • Disease: RotatE
  • Cell line: Depmap CCLE

Heterogeneous graph

  • Constructed a heterogeneous graph with nine edge types and three node types
  • Drug-Drug Similarity edge computed by measuring distance between KPGT drug embeddings and fingerprints Tanimoto similarity
  • Graph neural networks built upon constructed graph to conduct message passing
  • MLP modules used to form unified vectors with length 512
  • Graph attention network used to propagate information
  • Synergistic Prediction Head used to extract final drug representations and cell line representations

Graph structure learning

  • Graph Structure Learning (GSL) is a technique for learning adaptive graphs when only limited data is available.
  • GSL is used to generate pseudo edges to conduct inductive inference for unseen drugs.
  • Drug-Target Interaction (DTI) and Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) are the two most informative edge types for unseen drugs.
  • DTI and DDI modules are pre-trained separately and fine-tuned into the framework.
  • Refined graph is passed through a graph neural network and enters a synergistic prediction head.
  • Framework is tuned according to a binary cross entropy function.

Self-training and inference

  • Self-training can be used to improve limited-data supervised learning tasks.
  • There are over 0.7 billion possible cases in the combinatorial search space, but only 0.1% of the space is labeled data.
  • A new training set is created by merging the original dataset with entries whose confidence scores are greater than 0.8.
  • The model is retrained until it cannot gain improvement.


  • Model is a fully differentiable end-to-end method to predict drug synergistic combinations from drug sequences and cell line representation
  • Techniques used include large-scale pre-training, adaptive self-training, and prediction module
  • Evaluated model against state-of-the-art methods on DrugComb dataset
  • Model achieved best result across all metrics except for ACC and precision
  • Model outperformed DeepDDS by around 2% and classical ml methods by almost 20%
  • Model achieved highest prediction score and DeepDDs/MR-GNN achieved similar second-best values
  • Evaluated model on AstraZeneca dataset, model achieved highest result across all metrics
  • Model outperformed DeepDDS by around 14%
  • Evaluated model on independent drugs and cell lines, model achieved high AU ROC and AU PRC over 80%
  • Ablation study conducted to evaluate effectiveness of submodules


  • Developed an end-to-end model to detect drug combinations
  • Model outperforms counterparts
  • Model can handle novel drugs
  • Future research direction is to develop a multi-task method
  • Incorporating 3D molecular structure into framework to improve performance
  • Supported by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong