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  • LLMs can generate coherent, grammatical and seemingly meaningful text.
  • LLMs are capable of performing tasks that require abstract knowledge and reasoning.
  • LLMs show impressive performance on tasks requiring formal linguistic competence, but fail on tasks requiring functional competence.

Paper Content


  • Alan Turing proposed the Turing test to determine if an agent is a human or a machine.
  • The Turing test has shaped the way society thinks of machine intelligence.
  • Two fallacies related to the language-thought relationship exist: “good at language -> good at thought” and “bad at thought -> bad at language”.
  • LLMs have been successful in developing linguistic knowledge from large corpora of language data.
  • LLMs do not, in and of themselves, model human thought.
  • Formal linguistic competence involves knowledge of rules and statistical regularities of language.
  • Functional linguistic competence involves the ability to use language in the real world.
  • Human language and thought are dissociable.
  • LLMs have promise as scientific models of formal language processing.
  • LLMs fail to model human thought in several domains.
  • LLMs can be combined with other architectures to learn from more than just language data.

Motivation for the distinction between formal vs. functional linguistic competence

  • Language is robustly dissociated from other high-level cognition, perception and action
  • Human language processing draws on a set of interconnected brain areas in the frontal and temporal lobes
  • Language network responds to stimulus features rather than task demands
  • Language network is sensitive to linguistic regularities at all levels
  • Language network is remarkably selective for language alone
  • Individuals with severe aphasia have intact non-linguistic cognitive abilities
  • Brain imaging studies show language network is selective for language processing
  • Language models are surprisingly successful at mastering formal linguistic competence
  • Statistical language models use word prediction task
  • LLMs use vectors in a high-dimensional space and neural networks
  • LLMs stand in contrast to models that use explicit, structured hierarchical representations
  • N-grams and word embedding models achieved some success in various domains
  • LLMs have succeeded on tests of general language understanding and linguistic competence
  • Transformer models learn a lot about the structure of language

What large language models can do: a case study

  • GPT-3 can use complex linguistic features
  • Uses pronouns correctly
  • Uses passive voice correctly
  • Uses prepositions correctly
  • Maintains coherence
  • Uses discourse relationships
  • Can be prompted to perform tasks
  • Lacks underlying meaning
  • Current versions of GPT-3 are different from original version

Large language models learn core aspects of human language processing

  • LLMs must encode abstract phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic rules to be useful models of language processing in humans
  • LLMs learn hierarchical structure and abstraction
  • Hierarchical structure manifests in many ways, such as non-local feature agreement
  • LLMs can handle grammatical tasks that require operating over hierarchical structure
  • LLMs can handle other structure-sensitive constructions, like filler-gap dependencies and negative polarity
  • LLMs learn abstract rule knowledge, such as part-of-speech categories, parses, named entities, and semantic roles
  • LLMs can apply morphosyntactic rules to novel words
  • LLMs rely on lexical-semantic cues to some extent
  • Humans use diverse cues in language learning and processing that sometimes override or conflict with strict hierarchical syntactic processing
  • Humans rely on memorizing previously seen input, as opposed to purely learning abstract rules
  • LLMs show evidence of representing hierarchical structure and abstract linguistic patterns

Llms resemble the human language-selective network

  • LLMs can predict activity in the language brain network
  • LLMs and the language brain network likely have the same objective: next-word prediction
  • LLMs and the language brain network have similar functional response properties
  • LLMs and the language brain network are sensitive to abstract hierarchical rules, isolated phrases/sentences, naturalistic narratives, and jabberwocky stimuli
  • LLMs and the language brain network are sensitive to specific word co-occurrences
  • LLMs and the language brain network have similar internal architectures

Limitations of llms as human-like language learners and processors

  • LLMs learn some aspects of hierarchical structure and abstraction, but not fully human-like
  • LLMs can pick up on statistical regularities to achieve good performance without learning relevant linguistic information
  • LLMs can be misled by simple frequency effects
  • LLMs generate output based on a combination of word co-occurrence knowledge and abstract morphosyntactic rules
  • LLMs require vastly more data than a child is exposed to
  • LLMs may be biased towards English and other European languages
  • Evidence of strong performance in a variety of languages is growing

Interim conclusions

  • LLMs generate highly coherent, grammatical texts that can be indistinguishable from human output
  • LLMs exhibit knowledge of hierarchical structure and abstract linguistic categories
  • LLMs have overturned claims about the fundamental impossibility of acquiring certain linguistic knowledge
  • LLMs have substantial value in the scientific study of language learning and processing
  • LLMs acquire large amounts of factual knowledge
  • LLMs succeed at some types of mathematical reasoning
  • LLMs reproduce many stereotypes and social biases
  • LLMs struggle with non-language-specific capabilities

How llms fail

  • LLMs can use word co-occurrence patterns to “hack” tasks.
  • Researchers can construct unusual prompts to prevent LLMs from “hacking”.
  • GPT-3 struggles with out-of-distribution problems.
  • LLMs have limitations when it comes to non-shallow reasoning tasks.
  • GPT-3 has high formal linguistic competence.

Limitations of llms as real-life language users

  • LLMs are thought to be precursors to AGI.
  • Real-life language use requires non-linguistic cognitive skills.
  • Four key capacities are needed for language use: formal reasoning, world knowledge, situation modeling, and social reasoning.
  • Language and formal reasoning rely on distinct cognitive and neural systems in humans.
  • LLMs can appear to solve math problems but actually rely on heuristics and fail on more complex problems.
  • LLMs can be tricked by distractors and generate inconsistent outputs.
  • LLMs have impaired knowledge of domains that are underreported.
  • LLMs fail on commonsense reasoning tasks.
  • Language and semantic knowledge rely on distinct neural circuits in humans.
  • Situation modeling is not a language-specific skill.

Interim conclusions

  • Language use requires integrating language into a broader cognitive framework.
  • Models that master many syntactic and distributional properties of human language still cannot use language in human-like ways.
  • LLMs struggle with formal reasoning, acquiring comprehensive and consistent world knowledge, tracking objects, relations and events in long inputs, and generating utterances intentionally or inferring communicative intent from linguistic input.
  • LLMs succeed at general pattern completion, style transfer, and long-and short-term memory.

Building models that talk and think like humans

  • Modularity is required to build models that talk and think like humans
  • Curated data combined with diverse objective functions is needed
  • Separate benchmarks for formal and functional competence are necessary


  • Functional competence and formal linguistic competence are distinct capabilities.
  • Biological intelligent systems are highly modular.
  • Future language models can master both formal and functional linguistic competence by establishing a division of labor.
  • Two ways to implement this division of labor: Architectural Modularity and Emergent Modularity.
  • Modular models are capable of achieving high task performance, are more efficient, and show high generalizability.

Curated data and diverse objective functions

  • Training LLMs on large “naturalistic” text corpora from the web is insufficient to induce the emergence of functional linguistic competence
  • This approach is biased towards low-level input properties
  • Text corpora does not faithfully reflect the world
  • LLMs have difficulty generalizing out-of-distribution
  • Large amount of naturalistic data required for non-linguistic capacities to emerge
  • Adjusting training data and/or objective function yields improved results

Separate benchmarks for formal and functional competence

  • It is important to develop benchmarks to evaluate formal and functional linguistic competence.
  • Existing benchmarks evaluate formal linguistic competence.
  • No single benchmark exists for evaluating functional linguistic competence.
  • It is possible to disentangle word-co-occurrence-based hacks and true reasoning capabilities.
  • It is important to target particular skills known to be separable in humans.

General conclusion

  • Discourse around language models consists of overclaiming and underclaiming
  • LLMs are successful on tasks that require structural and statistical linguistic competence
  • LLMs are underused in linguistics and cognitive science
  • LLMs fail on tasks that reflect real-life language use
  • LLMs demonstrate the possibility of learning complex syntactic features from linguistic input
  • LLMs need to be combined with models that represent abstract knowledge and support complex reasoning to reach AGI