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  • Visual Question Answering (VQA) and Image Captioning (CAP) are popular vision-language tasks.
  • Scene-text versions of these tasks require reasoning from the text in the image.
  • Task-specific methods can either see or read, but not both.
  • UniTNT is a Unified Text-Non-Text approach that grants existing multimodal architectures scene-text understanding capabilities.
  • UniTNT leads to the first single model that successfully handles both task types.
  • Scene-text understanding capabilities can boost vision-language models’ performance on VQA and CAP.

Paper Content

Background and motivation

  • Analyzed performance of general and scenetext-oriented models on VL benchmarks
  • Used VQAv2, TextVQA, ST-VQA for VQA and COCO Captions and TextCaps for CAP

Visual question answering

  • Numerous methods have been suggested to advance the state-of-the-art in VQA tasks.
  • Pretraining and task-specific fine-tuning are used to benefit from image-caption pairs.
  • Three leading VQA models have low performance on scene-text VQA datasets.
  • Scene-text VQA methods leverage OCR output, pretraining, and layout information.
  • Scene-text VQA datasets have biases that discourage models from relying on visual modality.

Image captioning

  • Models trained on TextCaps do not perform well on general image captioning benchmarks
  • Models trained on general image captioning benchmarks do not perform well on TextCaps
  • BLIP obtains a CIDEr score of 61.9 on TextCaps, compared to 90.1 of M4C-Captioner on COCO captions
  • TAP outperforms M4C on TextCaps, but not on COCO Captions


  • UniTNT grants pretrained VL models the ability to reason over scene-text information.
  • An off-the-shelf-OCR system is used to extract scene-text information.
  • OCR information is encoded using a dedicated OCR encoder.
  • Positional information is used to represent OCR instances.
  • Auxiliary losses are used to encourage the pretrained decoder to utilize the OCR information.


  • UniTNT is compatible with visual question answering and image captioning tasks.
  • UniTNT is model agnostic and can be applied to any encoder-decoder-based VL model.
  • UniTNT is integrated into two top-performing open-source methods.
  • UniTNT adds two components to integrate OCR information into the decoder.

Scene-text auxiliary losses

  • Propose two auxiliary losses to better fuse scene-text information
  • OCR Causal Language Modeling to predict next OCR token
  • OCR Binary Classification to predict if OCR token is part of ground-truth answer

Training procedure

  • Our method consists of a trained general encoder-decoder VL model which is modified as described in the paper.
  • The VL model’s pre-existing image encoder is frozen and UniTNT is trained on a unified dataset.
  • The base task-dependent loss term is used in the base architecture, and α 1 and α 2 are tunable hyperparameters.


  • Experimentally examined method performance on VQA and CAP tasks
  • Used 3 standard benchmarks for VQA and 2 for CAP
  • Used Amazon Text-in-Image1 for OCR information
  • Reported performance on each benchmark and non-weighted average
  • Adopted open-vocabulary unconstrained generation scheme
  • Evaluated performance on scene-text and general benchmarks
  • Compared to models with similar capacity
  • Presented new evaluation setting for scene-text VQA

Visual question answering experiments

  • Unifying the training datasets improves results on both the original task and the analogous scene-text task.
  • There is still a substantial performance gap between scene-text models and VQA methods.
  • UniTNT leads to the best average score and improves the base models on both benchmarks.

Image captioning experiments

  • UniTNT is compared to top-performing methods on CAP and VQA tasks.
  • Combined training leads to performance improvements for both BLIP and M4C-Captioner.
  • UniTNT leads to additional improvements over each benchmark.

A subset for reasoning over all modalities

  • VQA data is composed of three categories: ‘see’, ‘read’, and ‘see-∩-read’
  • Most questions in current benchmarks fall into ‘see’ or ‘read’ categories
  • 480 image-question pairs from TextVQA validation set manually curated to measure models’ capabilities on ‘see-∩-read’ questions
  • UniTNT substantially better at reasoning over scene-text and visual information at once
  • UniTNT leads to best performance on ‘see-∩-read’ questions
  • UniTNT treats scene-text information as additional modality and gradually fuses it with existing VL features
  • UniTNT trained on unified Text-Non-Text VQA and CAP datasets
  • OCR conveys meaningful information, leading to significant improvement of UniTNT
  • Freezing Visual Encoder significantly improves results on VQA and TextVQA
  • Current state-of-the-art methods are incapable of properly reasoning over both scene-text and vision information
  • VL research community should aim to develop models which can reason over vision, language, and scene-text altogether
  • UniTNT leads to comparable results with other, much larger models
  • UniTNT capable of reasoning over both visual and scene-text information
  • Granting scene-text understanding also benefit VQAv2
  • BLIP incapable of incorporating scene-text information
  • M4C overfitted for TextCaps, causing it to fail completely on COCO Captions