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  • Cut-and-LEaRn (CutLER) is a computer science approach for training unsupervised object detection and segmentation models.
  • CutLER uses a MaskCut approach to generate coarse masks for multiple objects in an image and then learns a detector on these masks.
  • CutLER is simpler, compatible with different detection architectures, and detects multiple objects.
  • CutLER improves detection performance AP50 by over 2.7 times on 11 benchmarks.
  • With finetuning, CutLER serves as a low-shot detector surpassing MoCo-v2 by 7.3% APbox and 6.6% APmask on COCO when training with 5% labels.

Paper Content


  • Object localization is a critical task in computer vision
  • Training models for localization require special annotations
  • Annotating images in the COCO dataset with masks took 28K human hours
  • Cut-and-LEaRn (CutLER) is an unsupervised object detection and instance segmentation model
  • CutLER is trained exclusively on unlabeled ImageNet data
  • CutLER consists of three simple, architecture-and data-agnostic mechanisms
  • CutLER can be directly employed to perform complex segmentation and detection tasks
  • CutLER is simple to train and agnostic to the choice of detection and backbone architectures
  • CutLER trained solely on ImageNet shows strong zero-shot performance on 11 different benchmarks
  • CutLER exhibits strong robustness against domain shifts



  • NCut is a graph partitioning task used for image segmentation
  • A graph is constructed with nodes representing images and edges connecting nodes with weights measuring similarity
  • NCut minimizes the cost of partitioning the graph into two sub-graphs
  • DINO and TokenCut use the similarity of image patches in the DINO feature space as the similarity weight for NCut
  • TokenCut only computes a single binary mask for an image and thus only finds one object per image

Maskcut for discovering multiple objects

  • Vanilla NCut is limited to discovering a single object in an image
  • Mask-Cut extends NCut to discover multiple objects per image
  • To determine which group corresponds to the foreground, two criteria are used: 1) the foreground patches should be more prominent than background patches and 2) the foreground set should contain less than two of the four corners
  • MaskCut creates a patch-wise similarity matrix for the image using a self-supervised DINO model’s features
  • MaskCut applies Normalized Cuts to the matrix and obtains a single foreground object mask of the image
  • MaskCut masks out the affinity matrix values using the foreground mask and repeats the process to discover multiple object masks in a single image

Droploss for exploring image regions

  • Standard detection loss penalizes predicted regions that do not overlap with the ‘ground-truth’.
  • Standard loss does not enable the detector to discover new instances not labeled in the ‘ground-truth’.
  • During training, loss is dropped for predicted regions with a maximum overlap of τ IoU with any of the ‘ground-truth’ instances.
  • Low threshold τ IoU = 0.01 is used.

Multi-round self-training

  • MaskCut produces coarse masks which are used to train detection models
  • Detection models refine mask quality and DropLoss encourages them to discover new object masks
  • Self-training is used to improve detector performance, using predicted masks and proposals with a confidence score over 0.75−0.5t
  • Ground-truth masks with an IoU > 0.5 with the predicted masks are filtered out
  • Three rounds of self-training are sufficient to obtain good performance

Implementation details

  • Training data is from ImageNet dataset
  • MaskCut uses ViT-B/8 and DINO model
  • CRF used to post-process masks and compute bounding boxes
  • Detector is Mask R-CNN or Cascade Mask R-CNN
  • Copy-paste augmentation used during training
  • Self-training used to initialize detection model
  • CutLER outperforms previous SOTA method


  • CutLER is evaluated on various detection and segmentation benchmarks
  • CutLER can discover objects without any supervision on unseen images
  • CutLER outperforms prior methods that use in-domain training data
  • Finetuning CutLER further improves detection performance, outperforming prior work

Unsupervised zero-shot evaluations

  • CutLER is a universal unsupervised object detection and segmentation method
  • CutLER is trained solely using images from ImageNet
  • CutLER is evaluated in a zero-shot manner on all downstream datasets
  • CutLER is evaluated using class-agnostic detection evaluation
  • CutLER significantly outperforms prior work on 11 benchmarks
  • CutLER improves performance by over 4x and 2x on different domains

Label-efficient and fully-supervised learning

  • CutLER is a pretraining method for training object detection and instance segmentation models
  • CutLER can discover objects without any supervision
  • Finetuning CutLER on a target dataset aligns the model output to the same set of objects labeled in the dataset
  • We use CutLER to initialize a standard Cascade Mask R-CNN with a ResNet50
  • We train the detector on the COCO dataset using the bounding box and instance mask labels
  • We subsample the training set to create subsets with varying proportions of labeled images
  • We train the detector, initialized with CutLER, on each of these subsets
  • We use MoCo-v2 as a baseline
  • CutLER outperforms FreeSOLO and DETReg on this benchmark
  • We analyze the design decisions in CutLER
  • We use similar settings to train CutLER only on ImageNet
  • We evaluate our model primarily on the COCO and UVO unsupervised detection benchmarks
  • We study the impact of each component of CutLER
  • We compare CutLER to TokenCut
  • We understand the impact of the number of masks per image generated by MaskCut
  • We vary the IOU threshold used for DropLoss
  • We analyze the impact of self-training
  • We use different detector architectures for training CutLER and measure their performance
  • We study the impact of the dataset used for pretraining the self-supervised DINO model and training the CutLER model
  • We evaluate CutLER on 11 benchmarks across various domains