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  • Language models contain a significant body of factual knowledge.
  • There is currently no mechanism for representing this knowledge.
  • We propose a procedure for extracting a knowledge-graph from a language model.
  • The procedure is composed of sub-tasks and designed prompts.
  • Evaluation shows high precision (82-92%) and reasonable number of facts.

Paper Content


  • Modern language models are trained on vast amounts of text that captures human knowledge
  • Language models can be viewed as knowledge-bases
  • Representing the knowledge in a language model as an explicit knowledge graph is the challenge addressed in this paper
  • A knowledge graph is a graph of entities and relations between them
  • The goal is to uncover the knowledge-base of a given language model
  • The approach decomposes the problem into multiple sub-tasks
  • The approach is evaluated with GPT-3, leading to high-precision graphs
  • The approach can generate facts outside the schema of WIKIDATA
  • Contributions are formulating the problem, presenting a prompt-based approach, and evaluating the approach with GPT-3

Crawling kgs via prompting

  • Generate relations for an entity
  • Find objects for each relation
  • Improve recall with paraphrasing
  • Pool results to construct final graph

Relation generation

  • Our task is to generate a set of relations for a given subject entity.
  • We leverage WIKIDATA to construct in-context examples.
  • We extract the set of WIKIDATA relations for each entity.
  • We concatenate the target entity to the in-context examples.
  • The output of the language model is used as the set of relations.

Relation paraphrasing

  • A relation can be described in multiple ways.
  • A procedure is used to obtain a set of paraphrases of the relation.
  • In-context examples are not necessary for relation paraphrasing, an instruction prompt is sufficient.

Object generation

  • Goal is to generate a set of objects for each relation in a knowledge graph
  • Table 1 provides a list of sub-tasks and their corresponding query, prompt, and expected output
  • “Pure Object Generation” prompt does not include “Don’t Know” output
  • Entities and relations are taken from WIKIDATA
  • Target entity-relation pair is concatenated to the examples
  • High precision is desired, so “Don’t Know” is prompted when the model is likely to make an error
  • Half of the examples in the “DK Object Generation” prompt are failure cases with “Don’t Know” and the other half are correct predictions

Experimental setup

  • Used WIKIDATA to construct in-context prompts and select seed entities
  • Split seed entities into validation and test sets
  • Validation set used to make design choices
  • Test set used for final evaluation
  • Development set manually chosen from WIKIDATA
  • 25 specific world-entity categories used to construct test set
  • Evaluation metrics used to measure precision and recall
  • OpenAI text-davinci-002 model used as LM
  • Greedy decoding and sampling used
  • Model variants include ‘Relation Generation’, ‘Pure Object Generation’, ‘DK Object Generation’, ‘Subject Paraphrasing’ and ‘Relation Paraphrasing’


  • Expansion method generates meaningful knowledge subgraphs
  • Example graph shows all facts are sensible
  • Results on main test set show precision of Pure-Greedy is too low to be useful, precision with LMCRAWL is much higher
  • Results on head test set show precision of 91.5% with LMCRAWL for 1-hop graphs, 90.9% for 2-hop
  • Don’t Know generation improves precision but reduces number of generated facts
  • Paraphrasing increases coverage with minimal hit to precision
  • Frequency of entities on the web is reflected in number of facts extracted
  • Automatic approach for evaluating precision uses Google search
  • 4.1% of triplets labeled as correct are actually wrong, 22% of triplets labeled as incorrect are true
  • Pretrained LMs contain rich factual knowledge
  • Knowledge-base construction typically involves manual and automated aspects
  • Quantifying uncertainty in LMs is a key requirement for LM applicability
  • Understanding large LMs is important to avoid factual errors and biases
  • Extracting a structured KB from an LM is a key step towards understanding LMs
  • Challenges include cost, error propagation, and measuring knowledge coverage