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  • Cross-entropy loss improves with model size and training compute following a power law
  • Intrinsic performance is a monotonic function of the return defined as the minimum compute required to achieve the given return
  • Intrinsic performance scales as a power law in model size and environment interactions
  • Optimal model size scales as a power law in the training compute budget
  • Varying the “horizon length” of the task mostly changes the coefficient but not the exponent of this relationship

Paper Content


  • Recent studies have found relationships between neural network performance and model size/training compute to be governed by smooth power laws
  • Studies have focused on generative modeling with cross-entropy loss
  • This paper seeks to extend these results to reinforcement learning, which generally has no cross-entropy loss
  • Introduces intrinsic performance, which is defined to be equal to training compute on the compute-efficient frontier
  • Studies relationships between performance, model size and environment interactions across a range of environments

Intrinsic performance

  • Cross-entropy test loss scales smoothly with training compute in generative modeling
  • Mean episode return in reinforcement learning does not necessarily scale smoothly
  • Intrinsic performance is a metric that behaves like test loss and scales as a power law with compute
  • Intrinsic performance is the minimum compute required to train a model of any size to reach the same return

The power law for intrinsic performance

  • Intrinsic performance I scales as a power law with model parameters N and environment interactions E.
  • Intrinsic performance I is similar to the scaling law for language models.
  • Intrinsic definition of I determines the exponent β.
  • Intrinsic performance I scales as a power law in N when interactions are not bottlenecked.
  • Intrinsic performance I scales as a power law in E when model size is not bottlenecked.

Optimal model size vs compute

  • Power law for intrinsic performance implies optimal model size scales as a power law with exponent 4
  • Exponent varied between 0.40 and 0.80 for different environments
  • Exponent for language modeling is around 0.50
  • Exponent for 32x32 images is around 0.65
  • Intriguing conjecture that exponent would be 0.5 in every domain
  • Optimal model size for RL is smaller than for generative modeling

Experimental setup

  • Ran experiments using RL environments: CoinRun, StarPilot, FruitBot, Dota 2, MNIST
  • Used PPO and PPG algorithms with Adam optimization algorithm
  • Hyperparameters in Appendix B

Procgen benchmark

  • Used 3 Procgen environments: CoinRun, StarPilot and FruitBot
  • Used PPG-EWMA with a fixed KL penalty objective
  • Trained for 200 million environment interactions
  • Used CNN architecture from IMPALA
  • Conducted widthscaling and depth-scaling experiments
  • Varied total number of parameters from 1/64 to 8 times the default
  • Varied number of residual blocks per stack from 1 to 64

Dota 2

  • Used 1v1 version of Dota 2 to save computational expense
  • Used PPO with asynchronous setup to ensure only on-policy data used, no data reuse
  • 8 parallel GPU workers, trained for 13.6-82.6 billion environment interactions
  • LSTM architecture, embedding and hidden state sizes varied from 8 to 4096


  • MNIST environment samples a handwritten digit from the MNIST training set uniformly and independently random at each timestep
  • Immediate reward of 1 for a correct label and 0 for an incorrect label
  • Mean training accuracy is measured instead of mean episode return
  • Horizon length of the task is artificially controlled by varying hyperparameters of method advantage estimation
  • PPO-EWMA used with rollouts of length 512
  • Simple CNN architecture with ReLU activations and 5x5 convolutional layer, 2x2 max pooling, 3x3 convolutional layer, 2x2 max pooling, and dense layer with 1,000 channels
  • Width of network scaled by varying total number of parameters from 1/64 to 8 times the default
  • Separate policy and value function networks used

Learning rates

  • Tuning hyperparameters is important for quantitative results
  • Adam learning rate should be proportional to initialization scale
  • For width-scaling experiments, Adam learning rate should be proportional to 1/√width
  • For depth-scaling experiments, Adam learning rate should be proportional to 1/depth^L
  • Learning rate should be tuned separately for each model size
  • Learning rate schedule should be carefully tuned for RL
  • Values of scaling exponents should be considered uncertain


  • Power law holds across environments and model sizes
  • Closeness of power law fit to learning curves shown in Figure 2 and Appendix C
  • Primary determinant of exponents is domain
  • Within MNIST, increasing horizon lowers exponent
  • Within Procgen, easy and hard modes have similar exponents
  • Difficulty mode does not affect scaling exponents

Effect of task horizon length

  • MNIST experiments were used to artificially alter the “horizon length” of the task by setting the GAE credit assignment parameter λ to 1 and varying the GAE discount rate γ.
  • Proposition 1 states that the covariance matrix of the policy gradient is approximately for some symmetric positive semi-definite matrices Σ θ and Π θ that do not depend on h.
  • Gradient variance is an affine function of h (i.e., a linear function with an intercept).
  • The number of environment interactions required should be an affine function of h.
  • Results show that the number of interactions closely follows an affine function of the horizon length.
  • Increasing the horizon length shifts the optimal model size vs compute curve to the right.
  • Task horizon length is influenced by how long rewards are delayed for relative to the actions the agent is currently learning.

Variability of exponents over training

  • Power law for intrinsic performance holds across environments and model sizes
  • Scaling constants vary over the course of training
  • Fitted power law to three different periods of training
  • Early and middle periods of training have significantly lower scaling constants
  • Measurement of scaling constants is an extrapolation if learning curves don’t reach compute-efficient frontier
  • Exclude first 1/64 of training for other environments

Scaling depth

  • Experiments involved scaling width and depth of networks
  • Power law for intrinsic performance held, but with more noise
  • Fitted values of α N and α E for depth-scaling experiments similar to width-scaling experiments
  • Optimal model size for given compute budget smaller for depth-scaling experiments
  • Optimal model size vs compute scaling laws more similar if measured using FLOPs per forward pass

Natural performance metrics

  • Natural performance metrics can be found in some environments
  • CoinRun: fail-to-success ratio is a natural performance metric
  • Dota 2: TrueSkill rating system is a natural performance metric
  • Intrinsic performance and natural performance metric fit closely, except for Dota 2 at higher levels


Extrapolating sample efficiency

  • We can use a power law to extrapolate sample efficiency to unseen model sizes and environment interactions.
  • We can compare the extrapolated infinite-width limit to human sample efficiency.
  • On StarPilot, humans are around 10,000 times more sample efficient than the extrapolated infinitely-wide model.

Cost-efficient reinforcement learning

  • Sample efficiency is the primary metric of algorithmic progress in reinforcement learning.
  • The cost of running the environment and the algorithm can both be taken into account.
  • It is usually inefficient to use a model that is much cheaper to run than the environment when training from scratch.


  • Not separate training runs for each compute budget
  • Variability of exponents over training
  • Not carefully optimized aspect ratios
  • High-variance learning curves

Forecasting compute requirements

  • Scaling exponents for reinforcement learning lie in a similar range to generative modeling
  • Scaling coefficients for reinforcement learning vary by multiple orders of magnitude
  • Arithmetic intensity may confound scaling coefficients
  • Sample efficiency is an affine function of the task horizon length
  • Training data requirements are a sum of two components
  • Continuing to increase the horizon length will eventually lead to a proportional increase in the compute budget
  • Measuring scaling exponents precisely is challenging


  • Extending scaling laws to single-agent reinforcement learning
  • Notion of intrinsic performance
  • Intrinsic performance scales as a power law in model size and environment interactions
  • Optimal model size scales as a power law in the training compute budget
  • Relationship affected by various properties of the training setup
  • Implications for biological anchors framework for forecasting transformative artificial intelligence
  • Computing intrinsic performance and fitting the power law constants require some care
  • Intrinsic performance is the minimum compute required to train a model of any size
  • Jointly fit the power law constants and a monotonic function
  • Fit log (f ) rather than f
  • Weight the data in proportion to 1 E
  • Smooth learning curves
  • Exclude data from early in training
  • Greedy adaptive batch size algorithm
  • Batch size schedule can be approximated by a power law
  • Batch size schedule works well on different Procgen environments
  • Batch size schedule works well on MNIST environment
  • Tuning B min important for MNIST environment
  • No batch size schedule used for Dota 2 experiments