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  • Retrieval-Augmented Language Modeling (RALM) methods improve language modeling and provide a source attribution mechanism.
  • Existing RALM approaches modify the LM architecture, making deployment complicated.
  • This paper proposes an alternative, In-Context RALM, which leaves the LM architecture unchanged and prepends grounding documents to the input.
  • In-Context RALM provides large LM gains and the document retrieval and ranking mechanism can be specialized to further boost performance.
  • Code is publicly available.

Paper Content


  • Recent advances in language modeling have increased the usefulness of machine-generated text.
  • Mainstream language modeling has limitations in access to external knowledge.
  • Factual inaccuracies or errors may be included.
  • Retrieval-Augmented Language Modeling (RALM) is a promising approach to address these limitations.
  • RALM systems include two components: document retrieval and document reading.
  • Leading RALM systems tend to focus on altering the language model architecture.
  • In-Context RALM is a simple but powerful RALM framework.
  • In-Context RALM can lead to LM performance gains equivalent to increasing the LM’s number of parameters.
  • In-Context RALM can help drive wider deployment of RALM systems.
  • RALM approaches can be divided into two families: nearest-neighbor language models and retrieve and read models
  • Nearest-neighbor language models were first introduced in Khandelwal et al. (2020)
  • Retrieve and read models involve training the LM
  • In-Context RALM does not involve further training of the LM and focuses on how to choose documents for improved LM performance

In-context ralm

  • Language models define probability distributions over sequences of tokens.
  • The probability of a sequence is modeled by predicting the next token given the sequence of tokens preceding it.
  • This is usually done with a transformer network.
  • Retrieval augmented language models (RALMs) add an operation that retrieves one or more documents from an external corpus and conditions the LM predictions on these documents.

Experimental details

  • Described experimental setup
  • Included models and implementation details


  • Evaluated effectiveness of RALM across 5 datasets
  • WikiText-103 used to evaluate RALM
  • 3 datasets from The Pile: ArXiv, Stack Exchange, FreeLaw
  • Investigated Real-News from Zellers et al.


  • Four models of GPT-2 were used in experiments
  • Models were trained on WebText, excluding Wikipedia documents
  • GPT-Neo and OPT models allowed for larger models and Wikipedia documents seen during training
  • Maximum sequence length of 1,024 used for all models
  • Sparse and dense retrievers used
  • Rerankers initialized from RoBERTa-base

Implementation details

  • Implemented code base using Transformers library
  • Used Pyserini library for sparse retrieval and FAISS for dense retrieval

The effectiveness of in-context ralm with off-the-shelf retrievers

  • In-Context RALM leads to substantial LM gains.
  • Recommended configuration for applying in-context RALM is a BM25 retriever with 32 query tokens and a retrieval frequency of every 4 tokens.
  • Across all examined corpora, In-Context RALM improved LM perplexity to match that of a 2-3x larger model.

Bm25 outperforms off-the-shelf neural retrievers in language modeling

  • BM25 outperformed three popular dense (neural) retrievers
  • BM25 optimal query length = 32, dense retrievers optimal query length = 64
  • BM25 outperformed all dense retrievers

Frequent retrieval improves language modeling

  • LM performance improved when retrieval operations became more frequent
  • Retrieving with high frequency allows the LM to be grounded in higher resolution
  • Experiments used s = 4 to balance performance and runtime

A contextualization vs. recency tradeoff in query length

  • Varying query length affects BM25 performance
  • Sweet spot for query length is around 32 tokens

Improving in-context ralm with lm-oriented reranking

  • In-context RALM uses a fixed document reading component
  • There is potential for improvement by specializing the document retrieval mechanism to the LM task
  • BM25 is based only on the bag of words signal and does not allow for different degrees of importance to different query tokens
  • Performance gains can be obtained by using an LM to perform zero-shot reranking of the top-k BM25 retrieved documents
  • Training a specialized bidirectional reranker of the top-k BM25 retrieved documents can provide further LM gains

Lms as zero-shot rerankers

  • Used language models as document rerankers
  • Found document that maximizes probability of text for generation
  • Reranking uses last prefix tokens available at test time
  • Reranking does not require same LM used for generation
  • Optimal query length is 16,4
  • Reranking yields better results than taking first result from retriever

Training lm-dedicated rerankers

  • Trained a reranker to choose documents from top-k documents retrieved by BM25
  • Reranker learns to choose document to help predict upcoming text
  • Training data from target corpus assumed to be available
  • Reranker is a fine-tuned RoBERTa-base
  • Training process involves sampling prefixes from training data and running BM25
  • Results show significant gains from predictive reranking
  • Room for further improvements compared to top-16 BM25 Oracle results


  • Retrieval from external sources is a common practice in knowledge-intensive tasks
  • Recent breakthroughs in LM generation capabilities have led to LMs that can generate useful long texts
  • Factual inaccuracies remain a common way in which machine-generated text can fall short
  • Existing approaches rely upon fine-tuning the LM, which is difficult and costly
  • This paper presented the framework of in-context RALM, enabling frozen, off-the-shelf LMs to benefit from retrieval
  • Performance gains can be achieved by using general purpose retrievers
  • Additional gains can be achieved by tailoring the document selection to the LM setting
  • Future work includes adding more documents, retrieving more sparsely, and parallelizing the input sequence