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  • LLMs have shown good performance on complex reasoning by using CoT prompting
  • Existing CoT studies are mostly limited to language modality
  • A possible solution is to fine-tune small language models by fusing vision and language features
  • The challenge is that language models tend to generate wrong reasoning chains
  • Multimodal-CoT incorporates vision features in a decoupled training framework
  • Multimodal-CoT outperforms previous state-of-the-art LLM by 16% on ScienceQA benchmark

Paper Content


  • Knowledge acquisition is strengthened by modeling diverse data modalities
  • LLMs generate intermediate reasoning steps before inferring the answer (CoT reasoning)
  • Existing studies related to CoT reasoning are largely isolated in the language modality
  • Multimodal-CoT decomposes multi-step problems into intermediate reasoning steps and then infers the answer
  • Two ways to perform Multimodal-CoT: prompting LLMs and fine-tuning small models
  • Multimodal-CoT proposed to incorporate vision features in a decoupled training framework
  • New state-of-the-art performance on the ScienceQA benchmark, outperforming accuracy of GPT-3.5 by 16%


  • Language models can be used to elicit CoT reasoning
  • Recent progress has been made in prompting and fine-tuning language models to do this

Cot reasoning with llms

  • CoT techniques are used to elicit multi-step reasoning abilities of LLMs
  • Two major paradigms of techniques: Zero-Shot-CoT and Few-Shot-CoT
  • Manual-CoT and Auto-CoT are used to generate demonstrations
  • Recent studies focus on optimizing demonstrations and reasoning chains
  • Problem decomposition and voting over multiple reasoning paths are used to optimize reasoning chains
  • Program-of-thoughts (PoT) models the reasoning process as a program

Eliciting cot reasoning by fine-tuning models

  • Recent interest in eliciting CoT reasoning by fine-tuning language models
  • Lu et al. (2022a) fine-tuned T5 model on large-scale dataset with CoT annotations
  • Performance decline when using CoT to infer answer
  • Magister et al. (2022) and Ho et al. (2022) employed knowledge distillation to fine-tune student model on CoT outputs from teacher model
  • New challenges in training 1B-models to be CoT reasoners
  • Models under 100 billion parameters tend to produce illogical CoT that leads to wrong answers

Challenge of multimodal-cot

  • Existing studies suggest CoT reasoning ability may emerge in language models with over 100 billion parameters.
  • It is a challenge to elicit CoT reasoning in 1B-models, especially in the multimodal scenario.

Towards the role of cot

  • Fine-tuning a text-only baseline for CoT reasoning on the ScienceQA benchmark
  • Model takes the concatenation of tokens of the question text, context text, and multiple options as the input
  • Comparing performance with three variants: No CoT, Reasoning, and Explanation
  • Accuracy decreases by 12.54% if the model predicts rationales before answers
  • Maximum length of generated outputs is always less than 400 tokens

Misleading by hallucinated rationales

  • CoT problem is split into two stages: rationale generation and answer inference
  • RougeL score and accuracy reported for rationale generation and answer inference
  • 50 error cases randomly sampled, model tends to generate hallucinated rationales that mislead answer inference
  • 64% of error cases involve model hallucinating due to lack of reference to vision content

Multimodality contributes to effective rationales

  • Multimodal-CoT framework consists of two stages: rationale generation and answer inference
  • To inject vision information, a caption is appended to the input of both stages
  • Vision features are fused with language representations before feeding to the decoder
  • Vision features boost the RougeL score of rationale generation and contribute to better answer accuracy
  • Vision features mitigate the phenomenon of hallucination


  • Proposed Multimodal-CoT framework to incorporate vision features
  • Overview of procedure and technical design of model architecture

Framework overview

  • Multimodal-CoT consists of two training stages: rationale generation and answer inference.
  • Both stages share the same model architecture but differ in the input and output.
  • Vision-language is used as an example to show how Multimodal-CoT works.
  • In the rationale generation stage, the model is fed with language and vision inputs.
  • In the answer inference stage, the rationale is appended to the original language input.

Model architecture


  • Benchmark dataset presented
  • Implementation of technique described
  • Baselines for comparison established
  • Results and findings reported


  • Method is evaluated on ScienceQA benchmark
  • ScienceQA is a large-scale multimodal science question dataset
  • ScienceQA contains 21k questions with rich domain diversity
  • Dataset is split into training, validation, and test splits


  • Use T5 encoder-decoder architecture (Raffel et al., 2020)
  • Initialize models with UnifiedQA (Khashabi et al., 2020)
  • Also use FLAN-T5 (Chung et al., 2022)
  • Do not use image captions
  • Fine-tune models up to 20 epochs, with a learning rate of 5e-5
  • Maximum input sequence length is 512

Main results

  • Mutimodal-CoT Large outperforms GPT-3.5 by 16.51%.
  • Mutimodal-CoT Large surpasses human performance.
  • Mutimodal-CoT Large achieves a 21.37% performance gain for questions with paired images.
  • Using image features is more effective than existing methods.
  • Decoupled training strategy contributes to superior results.


  • Investigates how Multimodal-CoT works
  • Discusses contribution factors and limitations
  • Uses models under the base size for analysis

Multimodality boosts convergence

  • Multimodal-CoT converges more quickly than the baseline
  • Decoupled methods achieve higher accuracy at the beginning than single-turn baselines
  • Vision features help generate more effective rationales which contribute to better answer accuracy

Using different vision features

  • Three types of vision features are compared: CLIP, DETR, and ResNet.
  • Vision features generally improve model performance compared to language only baseline.
  • DETR performs best and is used by default in Multimodal-CoT.

General effectiveness across backbone models

  • Our approach is generally effective for widely-used backbone models.
  • Model is robust to some extent and can predict correct answer by ignoring incorrect rationales.
  • Most mistakes are due to failures of understanding maps and counting numbers.
  • Other mistakes are due to lack of commonsense knowledge and logical mistakes.


  • Incorporating vision features helps generate more effective rationales and improves answer accuracy
  • Scaling the language model size can mitigate the issue of incorrect rationales, but not as effective as using vision features
  • VQA baselines take the question, context, and choices as the textual input, and the image as the vision input
  • UnifiedQA and GPT-3.5 models are used, with CoT applied after the answer
  • A stronger baseline is developed to directly predict the choice
  • Four types of vision features are compared: CLIP, DETR, and ResNet
  • Manual investigation of randomly selected examples shows that the model is robust to some extent and can predict the correct answer by ignoring incorrect rationales
  • Most mistakes are due to failure to understand maps and counting numbers in the images, utilizing the alphabet, and logical mistakes
  • Prospective directions for future studies include improving the quality of CoT and applying a filtering mechanism