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  • Formalization of Knowledge Graphs as a new class of graphs
  • Double-permutation equivariance for KG representations
  • Structural representation of relations allows neural networks to perform complex logical reasoning tasks
  • General blueprint for equivariant representations
  • GNN-based double-permutation equivariant neural architecture achieves 100% Hits@10 test accuracy

Paper Content


  • Knowledge graphs are structured representations of facts in the form of triplets.
  • Triplets consist of two entities connected by a relation.
  • Knowledge graphs are often incomplete.
  • The task of predicting missing relations is widely studied.
  • Graph Neural Network methods can be adapted for link prediction.
  • Knowledge graphs can be treated as attributed graphs.
  • Some knowledge graphs belong to a new class of graphs with equivariant node and pairwise representations.
  • Experiments are conducted on inductive and synthetic tasks.

Theory review: what are attributed graphs? an exchangeability perspective

  • Multigraphs are sequences of edges with N ≥ 2 vertices and R ≥ 1 relation attributes.
  • Node attributes are defined as a special type of edge reserved for self-loops.
  • Predictions should be invariant to the permutation of node ids.
  • GNNs are permutation-equivariant representation functions.
  • Link prediction is better served by equivariant pairwise representations.
  • Functions and neural networks should be invariant to the action of any permutation.
  • Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are a key ingredient in successful search engines
  • KGs are sometimes described as attributed (multi)graphs
  • KGs can be treated as sequences (non-exchangeable) or as graphs (exchangeable)
  • State-of-the-art methods for KG completion treat KGs as attributed (multi)graphs
  • Proposal: Define some KGs as double exchangeable attributed (multi)graphs
  • KGs are defined as µ(A G ) = µ(A H ) for any isomorphic KGs A G and A H
  • KG isomorphism is defined as two multigraphs A G and A H being isomorphic if there exists a bijection φ : V (N ) → V (N ) and a bijection τ : R (R) → R (R) such that A G i,r,j = A H φ(i),τ(r),φ(j)
  • Invariant KG representations are defined as any (statistical) loss function over a knowledge graph A train G must be the same over any isomorphic KGs A H KG A train G
  • Invariant triplet representation for KGs is defined as Γ tri ((i, r, j), A)
  • Most-expressive invariant triplet representation is defined as Γ tri ((i, r, j), A)
  • Double equivariant representation is defined as Γ gra (A)
  • Theorem 4.8 connects Definitions 4.5 and 4.7

Consequences of invariant predictors in kgs

  • Two KG completion tasks are impossible for standard KG completion methods.
  • A fictional alien civilization is used as an example.
  • All edge attributes in the example are unique.
  • Invariant KG representations can solve the tasks.
  • The tasks can be solved by paying attention to the structural relations between nodes and their relations, not their absolute ids.
  • A uniform distribution is predicted over the remaining relations in the training data.

Connection to learning logical rules

  • Definition 4.9 is a generalization of first order logic clauses
  • Definition 4.9 allows relations in Horn clauses to be universally quantified
  • Definition 4.9 does not require Horn clauses to form a path in the KG
  • Theorem 4.10 states that a set of UQER Horn clauses can predict the same positive triplets as a triplet predictor

Inductive double-exchangeable neural architecture for kgs

  • Proposed model to learn invariant triplet representation for KGs
  • Double equivariant function can be used to obtain invariant triplet representation
  • Inductive structural doubly-exchangeable architecture proposed to learn double equivariant functions
  • Double equivariance described as a graph equivariance and set equivariance
  • Linear double-equivariant layer composed of Siamese layer and GNN layers
  • Max aggregator used to determine if pair of nodes is connected
  • Neural network for KGs defined by linear double equivariant layers and non-polynomial activation functions

Implementation considerations

  • Computationally and memory-wise expensive to use most-expressive pairwise representations for 2
  • Propose inductive structural doubly-exchangeable architecture (IS-DEA) to trade-off expressivity for speed
  • IS-DEA performs vertex message passing through two learnable functions, such as MLPs, recursively over T layers
  • Initializing node representations with no node attributes
  • Concatenate node representations with distance between nodes in triplet representation
  • Triplet representation is an invariant triplet representation
  • Use negative sampling and cross-entropy loss for model optimization


  • Evaluated IS-DEA on two synthetic tasks and two inductive knowledge graph completion datasets
  • WN18RR-v1 has an easy task
  • Reported mean performance over 5 runs, small variance

Synthetic experiments

  • Proposed two challenging family tree completion tasks to verify the benefits of the model
  • Model is insensitive to relation identity and can automatically generalize to new nodes and relations
  • Model does not need to learn parameters for each relation, allowing it to inductively infer over a KG with new and more relations

Real-world knowledge graphs

  • There are no real-world benchmarks where training and test KGs have distinct nodes and relations.
  • Experiments are limited to small-scale KGs.
  • IS-DEA results are invariant to the permutation of relations in test.
  • IS-DEA obtains a perfect score on the key metric Hits@10.
  • IS-DEA has the same poor pre-processing scalability as GraIL.


  • Introduced the concept of double exchangeable attributed graphs as a formal model for KGs
  • Showed that double symmetries (node and relation ids) impose structural rule learning in KGs
  • Introduced a blueprint for double equivariant neural network architectures for KGs
  • Showed this architecture can learn logical rules that standard KG methods cannot
  • Experiments showed that even a simple double exchangeable architecture (IS-DEA) achieves promising results in inductive KG completion tasks
  • Factorization-based methods use two learnable embedding matrices to score combinations of relations and entities
  • GNN-based models use an attributed graph neural network on an attributed enclosed subgraph
  • NodePiece augments node representation with shortest distances to several anchors
  • Neural LP and DRUM extract all paths from i to j within G (i,j) and use a recurrent neural network
  • GraIL and NBFNet assign node attributes and fill H (R) to corresponding edge as edge attributes
  • IS-DEA uses a double symmetric graph neural network
  • Family Diagram 1 (FD-1) is based on two logic chain rules
  • Family Diagram 2 (FD-2) is an extension of FD-1 with two binary trees