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  • Discrete prompts have been used to fine-tune Pre-trained Language Models.
  • Automatic methods can generate discrete prompts from a small set of training instances.
  • Automatically learnt discrete prompts contain noisy and counter-intuitive lexical constructs.
  • Study of robustness of discrete prompts by applying perturbations to an application using AutoPrompt.
  • Discrete prompt-based method remains relatively robust against NLI input perturbations.
  • Highly sensitive to other types of perturbations such as shuffling and deletion of prompt tokens.
  • Generalize poorly across different NLI datasets.

Paper Content


  • Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) have been used for a range of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks
  • Manual writing of prompts is challenging
  • Automatic learning of discrete prompts has been proposed
  • Table 1 shows manually-written and AP-learnt prompts for fact retrieval
  • AP-learnt prompts outperform manual prompts in precision scores
  • AP-learnt prompts contain counter-intuitive language constructs
  • Automatic methods use a small number of training instances
  • Evaluation of robustness of discrete prompts is important
  • Discrete prompts are represented in natural language and supposed to be interpretable
  • Evaluation of robustness of discrete prompts to random or adversarial perturbations has not been studied
  • AP is used as an example of a widely-used method
  • MP outperforms both AP and HFT on CB and MNLI
  • Performance of AP is highly dataset-dependent
  • AP and MP are sensitive to the ordering of prompt tokens
  • Random deletion of prompt tokens decreases performance in both AP and MP
  • AP is relatively more robust against adversarial perturbations than MP
  • Prompting or in-context learning is an efficient method to extract knowledge from PLMs
  • Two types of prompts can be learnt: discrete and continuous
  • Continuous prompts are parameter efficient but cannot be learnt when a PLM is not publicly available
  • Discrete prompts can be used with diverse NLP tasks and are an attractive alternative to finetuning massive PLMs
  • Prior work has analyzed prompts from various viewpoints


  • AutoPrompt (AP) is a method of discrete prompt learning based on fill-in-the-blank tasks
  • Manually-written Prompts (MP) is a method for fine-tuning the entire masked language model with training data using manually-written prompts
  • Head-based Fine-Tuning (HFT) fine-tunes the PLM with a classifier head
  • RoBERTa-large (355M parameters) was used as the pretrained language model
  • Rate of degradation (RoD) was used to evaluate robustness
  • AP, MP, and HFT were evaluated on NLI
  • MP was always superior to AP
  • Performance of AP is highly dataset dependent
  • HFT is superior to AP in some datasets
  • Accuracy of MNLI was low on AP
  • Table 2 shows the average accuracy of models trained on 200 instances that performed well in both CB and MNLI

Token reordering

  • AP prompts have no obvious ordering among their tokens
  • Experiment conducted to measure effect of token order in discrete prompt
  • Accuracy of AP drops significantly when prompt tokens are randomly reordered
  • MP accuracy drops only slightly when prompt tokens are randomly reordered
  • AP prompts rely heavily on token order
  • Accuracy of AP drops as perturbation noise (measured by edit distance) increases

Token deletion

  • AP performs better than MP
  • It is difficult to determine the importance of prompt tokens
  • An experiment was conducted to delete one or more prompt tokens from a given discrete prompt
  • Results show that accuracy of both AP and MP drops when a single token is deleted
  • Performance of both AP and MP degrades when more tokens are deleted
  • Accuracy drop in CB is very small for MP even when all prompt tokens are deleted

Cross-dataset evaluation

  • Discrete prompt learning methods learn prompts from a small set of training instances.
  • Cross-dataset evaluation is used to study the transferability of the learnt discrete prompts.
  • Results show that AP-based prompts do not generalize well across datasets.

Adversarial perturbations

  • Adversarial perturbations can be used to probe the robustness of models
  • Previous studies have shown models can be fooled by perturbated test instances
  • Two annotators manually edited hypothesis sentences with two types of perturbations
  • Perturbations without label changes resulted in small RoD values
  • Perturbations with label changes resulted in significant drops in accuracy for both AP and MP


  • Discrete prompts remain relatively robust against token deletion
  • Highly sensitive to token shuffling
  • AP more robust than MP for perturbations with label changes
  • Generalize poorly across different datasets annotated for NLI
  • Possible limitations include not investigating other methods, using RoBERTa-large, focusing on NLI, and English datasets
  • Performance gap between MP/HFT and AP could affect accuracies
  • Aim is to analyze robustness of discrete prompts
  • Adversarial dataset came from existing datasets of CB and MNLI with no ethical concerns
  • RoBERTa known to have gender biases