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  • PLMs have shown impressive unaided performance across many NLP tasks.
  • Adding a few labeled in-context exemplars can improve PLMs.
  • Designing prompts for complex tasks like dialogue state tracking is difficult.
  • Building in-context exemplars for dialogue tasks is difficult due to short model input lengths.
  • A meta-learning scheme and novel training method are used to stabilize the model and find ideal in-context examples.
  • A saliency model is used to limit dialogue text length and include more exemplars per query.
  • Highly competitive results are achieved for few-shot DST on MultiWOZ.

Paper Content


  • Tremendous gains have been made on dialogue state tracking using large pre-trained language models
  • Fine-tuning these systems requires significant amounts of data
  • Prompting has emerged as a technique for achieving strong performance with less resources
  • In-context exemplars provide a pattern for the model to follow
  • Difficulty of hand-crafting prompts and targets is a challenge
  • Dialogue sequence lengths are often much longer than other tasks
  • Selecting the exemplars is difficult due to sparsity
  • Aim to achieve good results with a low-resource model setting
  • Meta in-context learning framework to stabilize training and reduce variance
  • Inspired by summarization work to condense dialogue histories
  • Novel loss function to train a retrieval model to select ideal exemplars
  • Works on any sort of language model

Few-shot dialog state tracking

  • Recent works on dialogue state tracking use large pre-trained LMs
  • Few-shot learning can be achieved with transfer learning or data augmentation
  • Clustering techniques like prototypical networks have been successful

Meta in-context learning with prompting

  • Few-shot techniques of meta-learning and prompting with large PLMs are used
  • Pre-training a model to learn how to learn is used to get away with only a few examples at test time
  • Methods which circumvent the need to calculate second-order gradients have been applied to the task of DST
  • Prompts have been found to work well on a wide variety of NLP tasks
  • Prompt engineering has become its own complex task
  • Meta in-context learning on classification tasks has been successful
  • Aim to side-step the prompt design issue altogether by applying metalearning to teach a model to recognize arbitrary instructions

Exemplar retrieval

  • Retrieval with dense vectors can be used for in-context learning (Liu et al., 2022).
  • Dense vectors have been used for dialogue in open-domain chat and knowledge-base retrieval (Adolphs et al., 2021; Komeili et al., 2022; Eric et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2021).

Our method

  • Proposal of a Stabilized dialogue state tracker
  • Leverages Meta incontext learning, dialogue Summarization and a novel Multi-part training loss
  • SM2 for fine-tuning a retrieval model


  • DST aims to understand customer intentions in a conversation
  • DST predicts a cumulative dialogue state based on dialogue history
  • Few-shot setup only allows access to a small percentage of labeled data
  • Model receives no gradient signal from task-specific data, relies on in-context learning

Stabilized meta-learning

  • PLMs understand instructions written in natural language
  • Minor tweaks in prompt text can cause extreme changes in generated output
  • Meta-ICL stabilizes the variance of prompts
  • Meta-learning uses labeled data from support sets to adapt a model
  • Meta-ICL avoids costly loss calculation by using in-context learning
  • MultiWOZ is the held out target task
  • Model familiarizes itself with complex DST prompts during meta-training
  • Any prompt can be used to instruct the model, including random tokens

Dialogue compression

  • Dialogue context is condensed to fit more exemplars into the model input sequence.
  • Dialogue history is summarized instead of removing prior utterances.
  • Heuristics are used to identify non-salient utterances and filter them away.

Multi-part retrieval training

  • Exemplars are important for in-context learning
  • Exemplars are retrieved based on their proximity to the query example
  • An SBERT embedder is used to encode exemplars into a shared embedding space
  • Two categories of training techniques are explored to improve the performance of the retrieval model
  • A multi-contrastive loss and a multi-MSE loss are used to modify the target label
  • The target label is modified to include multiple parts such as domain, slot and value

Model input

  • Model input consists of context summary, current turn (2 utterances), domain and slot, and exemplars
  • During meta-training, a final [value] token is added to the model input which is what is hoped to be predicted when testing the left out query set


  • Training implementation details outlined
  • Key experiments discussed

Training setup

  • Considered 4 datasets as support sets
  • Used MultiWOZ 2.1 versions
  • Selected best models through early stopping on validation data
  • Set learning rate to 3e-4, used Adafactor optimizer and cosine scheduler with warmup of 10,000 steps
  • Best system used an ensemble of exemplar embedders trained with κ = [20,30,40] and learning rate of 3e-5

Prompt variations

  • Model training is considered stable if different prompts produce similar outcomes
  • Six prompts are collected based on common sense and prior work
  • Prompts are designed by others to avoid biasing the rankings
  • Prompts take the form of statements, questions, schema, naive, none and random
  • Baseline is in-context learning without meta-training
  • Variance among scores is measured before and after metalearning

Filtering threshold

  • Two experts annotated 50 dialogs to verify the saliency model.
  • Results of the model were tested with different filtering thresholds, ranging from 0.1 to 0.9.
  • Maximum F1-score was reached at 0.6, but 0.4 was chosen as the filtering threshold for higher recall.
  • Qualitative examples of irrelevant sentences removed can be found in section 5.4.

Retrieval methods

  • Adapted SBERT to DST task with 4 different objective functions
  • Tested with number of pairs per exemplar from 10 to 100
  • Found κ = 30 to work best
  • Included default SBERT model without fine-tuning
  • Evaluated results with MRR@10, NDCG@10 and MAP@100
  • Multi-part cosine loss showed strongest ability to select meaningful exemplars

Results and analysis

  • Goal is to achieve strong results on DST without prompt engineering
  • Analyze ability of best performing models
  • Discuss performance stability across different prompts

Main results

  • In-context learning methods outperform fine-tuning with few-shot data
  • SM2-11b model achieves best joint goal accuracy on MultiWOZ 2.1 and 2.4
  • SM2-3b outperforms IC-DST 2.7b models
  • SM2 models exhibit 2x reduction in variance over models trained under other regimes
  • Meta-learning from SM2 stabilizes prompt performance across multiple model types

Ablation study

  • Removing saliency filtering causes a 1-2% drop in model performance
  • Disabling context summarization causes a bigger decrease in accuracy
  • Using the default SBERT embedder leads to a nearly 10% drop, suggesting exemplar selection is most critical
  • Ideas are independently applicable to other NLP tasks

Additional discussion

  • Fine-tuning performs best
  • SM2 outperforms in-context learning
  • Transfer learning from source datasets to target dataset does not work as well
  • Performance increases from 1% to 5% data, but not from 5% to 10%
  • Statement prompt does best, Random does worst, but still above chance

Qualitative analysis

  • Utterance with “domain=restaurant” and “slots=price range, food type” receives high score
  • Second exemplar E2 discusses different topic, producing low score
  • Sentence embedder effectively distinguishes value of exemplars
  • Saliency model successfully conserves token space
  • Short sentences and those without dialog state info are safe for removal


  • Method of performing few-shot dialogue state tracking by leveraging large pre-trained LMs with prompts
  • Does not require any gradient-based training for the target task
  • Leverages in-context learning to guide model generation
  • Stabilizes training across prompts with Meta-ICL
  • Applies saliency filtering and context summarization to reduce dialogue length
  • Fine-tunes a sentence embedder with a custom loss objective to improve exemplar retrieval
  • Reaches state-of-the-art results on MultiWOZ when limited to models under 100 billion parameters
  • Plans to explore techniques that push model and data efficiency even further
  • Applies framework to other task-oriented dialog datasets
  • Runs experiments with different random seeds
  • Uses softmax-based contrastive loss and max-margin contrastive loss
  • Adjusts batch size and adopts AdaFactor as the optimizer
  • Ensemble decoding for multiple times using different retrieval embedders
  • Uses verbalizers to map natural sounding output to the more limited slot-values in the ontology
  • Squeezes multiple in-context exemplars, dialogue query with conversational context, and a full prompt into the finite input length of a large PLM
  • Leverages embeddings to search for exemplars in dialogue
  • Fine-tunes sentence embedder with various loss functions
  • Measures instability as standard deviation of the accuracy scores