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  • Conscious states are both rich and ineffable.
  • Explanatory gap: consciousness cannot be reduced to physical processes.
  • Information theoretic dynamical systems perspective on richness and ineffability of consciousness.
  • Richness of conscious experience corresponds to amount of information in conscious state.
  • Ineffability corresponds to amount of information lost at different stages of processing.
  • Attractor dynamics in working memory induce impoverished recollections of original experiences.
  • Discrete symbolic nature of language is insufficient for describing rich and high-dimensional structure of experiences.
  • Similarity in cognitive function of two individuals relates to improved communicability of their experiences to each other.

Paper Content


  • Conscious states present apparent contradictions: they are both rich and ineffable.
  • This paper provides an information theoretic dynamical systems perspective on why this is the case.
  • Conscious experiences are derived from neural processes according to known physical laws.
  • Illusionists argue that consciousness is an illusion, while realists deny this.
  • The overflow debate is between those who hold that consciousness is rich and ineffable, and those who deny it.
  • This paper proposes a formal description of how neural dynamics could give rise to the ordinary sense of richness and ineffability in the brain.
  • Attractor dynamics in working memory would induce impoverished recollections of our original experiences.
  • The discrete symbolic nature of language is insufficient for describing the rich and high-dimensional structure of experiences.
  • Similarity in the cognitive function of two individuals relates to improved communicability of their experiences to each other.
  • Shannon information theory and Kolmogorov complexity play a central role in making arguments precise.
  • Various sources of ineffability in conscious experience are discussed.
  • Implications of the model on the debate surrounding ‘phenomenal’ vs. ‘access’ consciousness are discussed.

Preliminaries: computation through neural dynamics

  • Neural activation space: a space in which temporally evolving states of neural activity follow trajectories
  • Attractors: emergent properties of dynamical systems that allow neural networks to solve computational problems that require persistent memory

Neural activation state space

  • Brain activity can be quantified in several ways
  • Brain activity can be represented as a vector in an N-dimensional state space
  • Mathematical framework of dynamical systems theory can be used to reason about mental states
  • Projecting the state onto lower-dimensional subspaces can reveal what a pattern of neural activity represents
  • Probabilistic transition model can measure likelihood and information content of a state
  • Similarities between states can be quantified according to some distance metric

Neural dynamics

  • Neural activity unfolds in time
  • Recurrent loops form between neurons
  • Activity of one neuron influences future activity of surrounding neurons
  • Vector field illustrates how neural state transitions in the absence of noise
  • Inputs warp vector field, resulting in different trajectories

State attractors

  • Neural dynamics often require persistent memory
  • Dynamical systems can form regions in state space called “basins of attraction”
  • Trajectories that enter these regions progress towards steady states
  • Attractors can have complex and high-dimensional structure
  • Attractors are mutually exclusive and can be identified with symbols
  • Attractors can be used for efficient long-term memory
  • Attractors can be modulated by external inputs
  • Attractors have been used to explain neural computations
  • Attractors have been observed empirically
  • Attractors are mutually exclusive and create a partition of the state space
  • Attractors have a dual discrete and continuous nature
  • Introducing randomness in the dynamics can sample one of the attractors
  • An RNN was trained to solve a 3-bit flip-flop task
  • The RNN solved the task using fixed point attractors
  • Each attractor corresponds to one of the 8 possible bit configurations
  • Attractor dynamics can naturally emerge in neural networks to implement computations

A dynamical systems model of conscious experience

  • Dynamical systems model of consciousness with state attractors can account for communicable, rich, and ineffable aspects of experience
  • Information theoretic perspective used to characterize richness as information, ineffability as information loss, and communicability as information retention
  • Model links ineffability to Global Workspace Theory
  • Multiple forms of information loss discussed in intra-personal and inter-personal communication pathways

Motivating attractor dynamics as a model for conscious experience

  • Working memory is typically considered to be the attended contents of short term memory
  • Many theories of consciousness claim that what we are consciously aware of is the contents of working memory
  • Global Workspace Theory states that information becomes conscious by gaining entry into a limited workspace
  • Workspace serves as a hub for coordinating brain-wide activity
  • Working memory and attractor dynamics are linked
  • Attractor model for working memory postulates that working memory emerges from recurrently connected cortical neural networks
  • Attractor dynamics can support suppression and integration of inputs
  • Neural winner-take-all models implement hybrid analog-discrete computation
  • Robustness, discreteness, and temporal integration of information are all traits apparent in working memory
  • Attractor dynamics predict that our experience consists of a sequence of relatively stable states
  • Conscious neural representations are more stable than unconscious ones
  • Robustness to noise and reproducibility of states are core properties of attractor dynamics

Richness and ineffability

  • Notation is used to describe random variables, probability distributions, and expectations
  • Richness of experience is having a lot of detail, texture, nuance, or informational content
  • Ineffability is too great for words and is measured by information loss when trying to express a conscious state in words
  • Effability is the negation of ineffability and is measured by the amount of shared information between two variables
  • Shannon entropy measures the average number of bits needed to specify a value of a variable
  • Kolmogorov complexity measures the information carried by an individual state independently of probability distributions
  • Richness corresponds to Kolmogorov complexity and ineffability corresponds to conditional Kolmogorov complexity
  • Shannon entropy and Kolmogorov complexity are closely related metrics of richness
  • Shannon entropy has drawbacks for characterizing ineffability
  • Kolmogorov complexity should be used to characterize richness and ineffability of experiences

Intra-personal ineffability

  • The functions f A φ, f S φ and f M φ are deterministic while f V φ and f X φ are generally stochastic.
  • Entropy H φ is parameterized since it depends on p φ.
  • The relation of time-varying states x to a smaller subset a of attractor states is a defining characteristic of attractor dynamics.
  • The presence of attractors decreases the richness of transient states overall.
  • Attractor states are strictly less rich than trajectory states.
  • Selective release of attractor working memory states to downstream processing implements an information bottleneck that limits the richness of downstream inputs.
  • Conscious experience is upper bounded by the richness of trajectories.
  • Information loss from trajectory X to working memory output A is expected to be significantly large.
  • Ineffability of experience is most obvious when attempting to put it into words.
  • Information loss from attractor A or conscious experience S to verbal message M means the latter do not fully identify the former.
  • Positive information loss H φ (S|M ) implies it is generally impossible to perfectly recover the conscious experience from the verbal message.
  • Attractors can have more complex and high-dimensional structure than simple fixed points.
  • The brain is hierarchical in nature with many levels of spatial and temporal organization.
  • Attractor dynamics appear to be ubiquitous across organizational levels and cortical regions of the brain.
  • The presence of multiple weakly coupled neocortical attractor networks yields benefits including specialization and increased memory capacity.

Inter-personal ineffability

  • Communication between two individuals is modeled using a speaker (Alice) and a listener (Bob).
  • Alice’s experience is communicated to Bob using a message m.
  • Bob’s experience is a function of Alice’s cognitive parameters φ.
  • Ineffability of Alice’s experience given the message is K(s|m).
  • Ineffability increases when Bob’s cognitive parameters φ are not known.
  • Ineffability of the attractor state is E p φ (a|m) K(a|m).
  • Ineffability of the conscious experience is at least as great as the complexity of the working memory attractor.
  • Ineffability of the conscious experience can only improve by conditioning on Bob’s parameters.
  • The mismatch between Alice and Bob’s parameters corresponds to the difference between their cognitive functions.
  • Inter-personal ineffability is greater when Alice and Bob are dissimilar.

Phenomenal and access consciousness

  • Information theoretic dynamical systems perspective on richness and ineffability
  • Ambiguities in the meaning of access
  • Three notions of effability, accessibility, and reportability
  • Global Workspace Theory of consciousness
  • Three classes of representations: unconscious, conscious, and accessible but not amplified
  • Richness of transient states may be consciously experienced but not directly accessible or reportable
  • Debate between adherents of Global Workspace Theory on whether items from third class are conscious
  • Attendedness may be used to delineate conscious and unconscious
  • Attractor model of working memory suggests second explanation for self-report of phenomenal experience
  • Rich phenomenal experience exists and is reportable


  • Characterizes conscious experience from an information theoretic perspective
  • Connects ineffability with information loss
  • Attractor model for working memory
  • Compressed nature of language increases information loss
  • Attention mechanisms in machine learning
  • Model of emitter-receptor communication
  • Information bottlenecks in machine learning
  • Benefits of information loss
  • Visualization of neural state space
  • Neural dynamics and trajectories in activation space
  • Attractor dynamics in neural networks
  • Shannon entropy and Kolmogorov complexity
  • Model of intra-personal ineffability
  • Cognitive dissimilarity and ineffability