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  • Prompt-based learning methods in semi-supervised learning settings have been effective on NLU datasets and tasks.
  • Designing multiple prompts and verbalizers requires domain knowledge and human effort, making it difficult to scale.
  • Two methods proposed to automatically design multiple prompts and integrate automatic verbalizer without sacrificing performance.
  • Best average accuracy of 73.2% obtained with proposed methods.

Paper Content


  • Pre-training large language models with text corpora and fine-tuning on downstream tasks has shown superior performance
  • Discrepancy between pre-training and fine-tuning tasks can lead to unexpected behaviors
  • Prompt-tuning transforms NLU tasks into cloze tasks to mimic pre-training objective
  • Prompt-based learning predicts tokens at masked position and verbalizer maps them to classes
  • Few-shot learning environment works well with prompt-based learning
  • Limitation of prompt-based learning is handcrafting work is expensive and not scalable
  • Continuous prompt-based learning eliminates need for human intervention
  • Two methods: search for discrete prompt tokens or learn numerical prompt embeddings
  • Automatic selection of label words, soft verbalizer, and prototypical verbalizer reduce human efforts
  • Propose methods to generate various prompts with continuous prompt tokens for SSL settings
  • Eliminate human involvement in designing multiple prompts and verbalizers in SSL settings
  • Automatic verbalizer with manual prompts can achieve similar performance to manual verbalizers


  • PET is a semi-supervised learning setting
  • PET transforms input sequence to cloze question with single MASK token
  • PLM fills in value of MASK token and verbalizers map output tokens to class labels
  • Semisupervised framework produces soft labels on unlabeled data
  • PET fine-tunes multiple PLMs with different prompts
  • This paper uses continuous and automatic prompts and verbalizers, eliminating need for human involvement

Overall pipeline

  • Proposed pipeline uses automatic prompts and verbalizers
  • Labeler models are trained with labeled dataset in few-shot settings
  • Probability of label is calculated for each trained model
  • Average of probabilities from each model is taken as ground-truth probability
  • Final classifier is finetuned with KL divergence loss

Automatic verbalizers

  • Automatic verbalizers eliminate need for human intervention
  • Experiments conducted with 3 types of automatic verbalizers
  • Prototypical verbalizer performs better than other two in SSL settings
  • Prototype vectors for each class learned using contrastive learning
  • Probability distribution of MASK token for each class calculated by cosine similarity

Training and inference strategy

  • Parameters in the model are randomly initialized
  • Parameters in the continuous prompts and PLMs are updated with the loss Lc
  • Parameters in the verbalizers are optimized with the losses Lins and Lproto
  • Training strategy is to first freeze parameters in the prototypical verbalizer and then train parameters in the reparameterization block and PLM with the cross-entropy loss Lc
  • Parameters in the prototypical verbalizers are trained with instance-instance loss Lins and instance-prototype loss Lproto
  • Final language model classifier is fine-tuned with Ldiv
  • During inference, the final fine-tuned language model F is used to predict on the test dataset


  • Conducted semi-supervised learning experiments
  • Compared to several strong baseline frameworks
  • Used NLU benchmarks

Dataset collection

  • Experimented with 5 datasets
  • Performed multiple experiments in few-shot settings
  • Used 1-20 examples per class for datasets, 32 examples for CB and RTE
  • Reported average accuracy across 3 runs of each experiment with 3 random seeds

Proposed models

  • Replace manual verbalizer with prototypical verbalizer and manual prompts with demonstration examples and continuous prompt tokens
  • Introduce diversity by varying number of continuous prompt tokens and use prototypical verbalizer across multiple labeler models

Models for comparison

  • Design several strong baseline experiments and perform an ablation study
  • Fine-tune RoBERTa-large PLM with training examples in different few-shot settings
  • Prototypical Verbalizer PET semi-supervised learning method
  • Manual PET semi-supervised learning method
  • UDA and MixText data augmentation methods not chosen for comparison

Implementation details

  • Used RoBERTa-Large model as PLM
  • AdamW as optimizer with learning rate of 1e-5 and weight decay of 0.01
  • Reparameterization block contains 2-layer bidirectional LSTM and 2 linear layers with ReLU activation function
  • Prototypical verbalizer based on Pytorch2, Huggingface transformer3, and OpenPrompt4 frameworks
  • Demo+Soft Tokens PET: each labeler model learns 5 soft tokens with different demonstrations
  • Vary Soft Tokens PET: 5 prompts with number of soft tokens ranging from 1 to 5
  • Experiments with 3 automatic verbalizers: soft, search, and prototypical
  • Prototypical verbalizer performs best on 3 out of 5 datasets

Comparison with manual pet

  • Automatic verbalizer can replace manual verbalizer with only a small performance sacrifice
  • Automatic prompt design methods can achieve better performance than manual PET method
  • Vary Soft PET and Demo+Soft Tokens PET methods achieve better performance than Manual PET method
  • Randomly sampled demonstration examples can result in high-variance performance

Ablation study

  • Semi-supervised learning methods perform better than supervised learning methods
  • Traditional fine-tuning methods perform the worst
  • Demo+Soft in SL method performs better than fine-tuning method
  • SSL prompting models perform better than supervised learning methods

Automatic prompts and verbalizers

  • Shin et al. (2020a) used a gradient-guided search to find tokens for prompts
  • Li and Liang (2021) and Lester et al. (2021) attached prefix vectors and kept LM model parameters frozen
  • Liu et al. (2021c) proposed P-tuning to replace input embeddings with differentiable output embeddings
  • Vu et al. (2021) proposed to learn soft prompt embeddings and transfer them to target task
  • Several automatic verbalizers have been proposed to automate design of verbalizer mapping function


  • Automatic prompts and verbalizers can be used in semi-supervised learning settings
  • Performance is similar or better than SoTA Manual PET method
  • Methods are scalable with multiple tasks and datasets
  • Semi-supervised learning methods take advantage of large amounts of unlabeled data
  • Plan to investigate freezing PLMs’ parameters and tuning verbalizer and prompt parameters
  • Plan to combine two proposed methods Demo+Soft PET and Vary Soft PET
  • Experiments are only in English language