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  • ML generates economic value
  • Many have problematic relationships with ML-powered applications
  • ML optimizes for what we want in the moment, not what is best for us
  • ML falls short of its potential to help us reach our highest aspirations
  • Love is a primary catalyst for human flourishing
  • This paper explores whether there is a useful conception of love fitting for machines to embody
  • This paper forwards a candidate conception of machine love
  • Experiments aim to highlight the need for richer models of human flourishing in ML
  • ML may be aligned to support our growth

Paper Content

Problem: models of human behavior in ml are insufficient

  • 18-year-olds may not be making decisions that maximize their expected lifetime wellbeing
  • Common models of human rationality applied and optimized by ML may not account for human flourishing
  • Positive psychology and psychotherapy suggest humans have an intrinsic drive towards growth and self-actualization
  • Maslow’s gridworld highlights the limitations of ignoring deeper facets of human psychology

Contrasting revealed preferences and maslow’s hierarchy

  • Models of human behavior in ML are similar to those in economics, where humans are seen as rational agents
  • Psychology considers the nuance of human behavior, including development over time and behavior that does not serve flourishing
  • ML that optimizes for revealed preferences is useful but reinforces existing behavior patterns
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs provides a model of human growth and flourishing
  • Humans have competing drives for safety and growth, which can be affected by environment
  • Optimizing towards observed choices or engagement without qualification can drive stagnation or regression
  • ML driven to help users meet their unmet needs might assist their growth and flourishing

Maslow’s gridworld

  • Maslow’s gridworld environment is used to explore how optimizing for engagement may decouple from deeper conceptions of human flourishing.
  • It is also used to explore LM implementations of loving action.
  • The environment assumes that human flourishing is better modeled by Maslow’s conception than revealed preferences.
  • In supportive environments, engagement and flourishing are correlated.
  • In adversarial environments, engagement increases at the cost of flourishing.
  • Experiments with machine love build on the two simple experiments that show basic properties of the environment.

Fixed adversarial environments undermine flourishing

  • Experiment changes environment to impact agents’ ability to progress through MHON
  • Super-stimuli are goods or services that more greatly stimulate our desires than stimuli encountered in our ancestral environment
  • Two fixed environments are designed: supportive and adversarial
  • Adversarial environment includes cells that are high-salience, but only weakly meet their targeted need
  • Adversarial cells target only the need for belongingness and love
  • Intuitive effect of such adversarial belonging cells is that they engage the agent longer
  • Simulations highlight that flourishing is significantly higher and engagement is significantly lower in the supportive environment

Optimization pressure for engagement undermines flourishing

  • Machine Love is a concept that seeks to use ML to promote human flourishing
  • An optimization process is introduced to adapt the environment to maximize either engagement or progress
  • Parameters of the environment are optimized, while the agent’s policy is fixed
  • Optimizing for engagement leads to a grid-world with high-salience, low-replenishment belonging cells
  • Optimizing directly for flourishing leads to high-salience, high-replenishment belonging cells
  • Love is seen as a practical skill, not a matter of chance
  • Love is explored across diverse fields such as psychology, philosophy, and health
  • Optimization for flourishing must be approached delicately
  • Machine Love should be applicable to a wide range of ML systems
  • Machine Love should not require the machine to dissemble or nurture dependence
  • Machine Love should aim to empower and facilitate connection among the lonely

Love as a practical skill

  • Love is a complex concept with many meanings
  • It is important for human well-being and flourishing
  • Machine love is motivated by the idea of empowering human flourishing
  • It should leave to humans what requires subjective inner experience
  • The most important practical facet of love is supporting others in autonomous growth and development
  • Love can be considered a commitment or duty rather than an emotion
  • Enabling humans to reach their aspirations is a more meaningful goal than raw preference satisfaction
  • ML models are beginning to have basic practical comprehension of humanistic and psychological concepts to explore machine love
  • Machine love may point towards a synthesis yielding a more computationally grounded theory of how to support human flourishing

The art of (machine) loving

  • Erich Fromm’s “The Art of Loving” provides a framework for implementing loving action by machines
  • Four interlinked principles of love: care, responsibility, respect, and knowledge
  • Care relates to active concern for the life and growth of the loved one
  • Responsibility means being able and ready to respond
  • Respect implies the absence of exploitation
  • Knowledge is a growing understanding of a person that moves from the periphery to the core
  • Algorithms often lack the ability to care in nuanced and attuned ways for human wellbeing
  • Loving action requires care, responsibility, and respect, and ultimately is about empowering the loved one

Can language models implement loving action?

  • Exploring whether current language models enable working with psychological concepts relevant to machine love
  • Applying the davinci-003 model from OpenAI
  • Interacting with the gridworld agent through natural language
  • Simulating the gridworld agent’s natural language usage through a LM-prompt or a fixed text-generation policy
  • Qualitative results highlight how progress in ML can potentially enable serving deeper psychological objectives of human users


  • Machine love can be related to the algorithmic understanding of a user’s wellbeing.
  • Wellbeing has been studied in psychology and there are instruments to measure it.
  • The Ryff Scale decomposes wellbeing into six components.
  • This experiment focuses on one component of the Ryff Scale.
  • ML models can infer whether an agent is flourishing or not, given text descriptions of externally-visible events.
  • Optimizing for care results in higher flourishing than in the adversarial or supportive environment.

Responsibility and respect

  • System embodying Fromm’s concept of respect leverages affordances to enable user’s growth according to their own internal compass.
  • Simulated users experience same stimuli differently.
  • System has new affordances to inquire from user about their experience.
  • System uses feedback to support particular user’s growth and flourishing.
  • Addictive-responding agents experience social media as obstacle to growth.
  • Growth-responding agents experience it as way to meet needs and find self-expression.
  • System engages agent in short textual conversation about experience.
  • System creates conversational personas for two types of agents.
  • System evaluates whether user believes they are benefitting from activity.
  • System can discern between two forms of agents.
  • System feigns emotion in conversations.


  • System can conversationally interact with an agent in a limited way
  • Maslow’s gridworld assumes discovering needs is simple
  • In reality, discovering needs is challenging
  • Attachment theory is used as proof of concept for LM capabilities
  • Attachment styles are categorized into securely-attached, avoidantly-attached, and anxiously-attached
  • Experiment tests if LM can anticipate answers consistent with different attachment styles
  • Anxious-avoidant trap is a painful and unsatisfying cycle
  • Simulation of relational dynamics is introduced
  • LM can infer attachment style of simulated partners and a signpost of a degrading relationship
  • LM has basic pragmatic understanding of attachment behavior
  • Maslow’s gridworld is modified to integrate anxious-avoidant simulation
  • Insecure individuals can deliberately seek more secure partners
  • Self-awareness level increases with each iteration of the anxious-avoidant cycle
  • Flourishing is maximized significantly more quickly when interacting with the simulated relationship app
  • LM systems can implement basic facets of Fromm’s concept of knowledge

Limitations and ethical concerns

  • Potential limitations and ethical concerns around machine love exist
  • Future work will explore these concerns in greater depth
  • ML system can support the flourishing of users

General conceptual concerns about machine love

  • Machine love should not replace relationships with human caregivers
  • Machine love should be in service of human autonomy
  • Machine love should not simulate affect or encourage humans to bond with machines
  • Exploring connections between machines and love may be generative and useful

Concerns about unintended impacts from optimization

  • Optimizing for a conception of love can lead to unintended consequences.
  • Optimizing for love should consider human autonomy as an aspect of flourishing.
  • Optimizing for love should include large bodies of explanatory text and interlocking principles.
  • Optimizing for love should be continually rooted in the user’s experience and aspirations.
  • Implementing machine love at a large scale should be done with caution and users should be able to opt out.

Concerns about machine learning and psychology

  • Connections between human psychology and machine learning should be approached cautiously.
  • Manipulative ML could be pursued for profit or political goals.
  • Second-order effects from well-intentioned optimization could lead to manipulation.
  • Positive synthesis of ML and psychology is needed to counter-balance manipulation.