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  • Transfer learning is the dominant paradigm of machine learning.
  • Pre-trained models can be fine-tuned for downstream tasks with fewer labelled examples.
  • Modular deep learning is a promising solution to challenges of positive transfer and systematic generalisation.
  • Modular architectures provide a unified view of research that evolved independently.
  • Modularity can be used for scaling language models, causal inference, programme induction, and planning in reinforcement learning.
  • Modularity has been successfully deployed in cross-lingual and cross-modal knowledge transfer.

Paper Content

Introduction and motivation

  • Transfer learning is a popular machine learning technology
  • Pre-training a model on raw data and fine-tuning it for new tasks is successful but has limitations
  • Modularity in artificial and biological systems is beneficial for evolvability, adaptability, and resilience
  • Vanilla neural networks can learn a modular pattern
  • Modular neural architectures have advantages such as positive transfer, compositionality, and parameter efficiency
  • Modules can be implemented in different ways
  • Routing functions control the flow of information to the modules
  • Aggregation strategies are used when multiple modules are selected
  • Modules can be trained in different ways
  • Modularity is beneficial in transfer learning, causal inference, and programme simulation
  • Modular deep learning can be used in natural language processing, computer vision, and speech processing

Modular deep learning

  • Focuses on modular deep learning models composed of modules
  • Modules are autonomous computation functions referred to as adapters, options, or experts
  • Distinguished from routing function which controls information flow
  • Aggregation function aggregates outputs
  • Modules can be combined with fully shared parameters
  • Taxonomy of four dimensions of variation: computation, routing, aggregation, and training


  • A module may consist of any component of a neural architecture
  • Routing function is either fixed or learned
  • Aggregation function is either deterministic or learnable
  • Modules can be trained jointly or post-hoc


  • Neural network decomposed into graph of sub-functions
  • Graph is a linear chain
  • Sub-functions refer to model’s layers with unique indexed parameters
  • Parameters can be further decomposed recursively
  • Modules can be modified by parameter composition, concatenation, or feeding output of one function into another
  • Routing function returns score for each module conditioned on data or metadata
  • Routing function can be hard, soft, or unnormalised score vector
  • Output of each module combined through aggregation function
  • Aggregation function can be deterministic or learnable neural network

Computation function

  • Computation function determines module design
  • Different module architectures proposed
  • Most often modules integrated into base architecture with shared parameters
  • Three core methods to merge single module with ([φ, x])

Routing function

  • Fixed routing is a method of generating modular parameters conditioned on metadata.
  • Fixed routing is applicable to function composition.
  • There are three methods of instantiating modules: parameter composition, input composition, and function composition.
  • Examples of the three computation functions are provided in Figure 2 and discussed in Table 3.

Parameter composition

  • Parameter composition methods augment a base model with weights and module parameters to make the model more parameter-efficient.
  • Sparsity is a common inductive bias based on the assumptions that only a small number of parameters are relevant for a particular task and that similar tasks share similar sub-networks.
  • Pruning is the most widespread method to induce sparsity, which can be interpreted as the application of a binary mask.
  • Iterative pruning is carried out over multiple stages and often retains or surpasses the performance of the original dense model.
  • Winning tickets have been shown to exist in RL, NLP, and computer vision.
  • Pruning based on first-order (gradient-based) information better captures the task-specific relevance of each weight.
  • Sparsification techniques can be employed for adaptation, such as Sparse Fine-Tuning and Diff pruning.
  • Low-rank modules can also be used to save space and time.
  • Parameter composition methods are very parameter-efficient and often require updating less than 0.5% of a model’s parameters.

Input composition

  • Input composition methods add a parameter vector to a function’s input.
  • Common strategy is to add the parameter vector to the model’s first layer.
  • Task-specific text prompt is converted to natural language and corresponds to modular parameters.
  • Continuous prompt vector can be learned directly.
  • Module vectors can be learned for each layer of the model.

Function composition

  • Parameter composition deals with individual weights
  • Input composition methods act on a function’s input
  • Function composition methods add new task-specific sub-functions
  • Parameter sharing models in multi-task learning consist of shared layers
  • Multi-task architecture can be obtained by tying sets of parameters between models
  • Cross-stitch unit linearly combines inputs at every layer
  • Sluice networks extend cross-stitch units to multiple modules per layer
  • Adapter layers are an alternative to parameter sharing
  • Adapter layers are composed with a pre-trained model
  • Adapter layers are modality-specific
  • Adapter layers can be routed sequentially or in parallel


  • Hypernetworks are a third kind of routing with unnormalised routing scores.
  • Parameters for a task are generated by a linear function.
  • Task embedding is the output of a task-level routing function with unnormalised scores.
  • Generator is a matrix of module parameters stacked column-wise.
  • Parameters are a linear combination of the columns of the linear generator.
  • Hypernetworks learn both sets of parameters jointly.

Unifying parameter, input, and function composition

  • All modular computation functions can be reduced to function composition.
  • Function composition methods use a weighted addition, while parameter and function composition use an unweighted addition.
  • Different methods have different trade-offs in terms of capacity, memory footprint, and performance.
  • Routing, aggregation, and training settings for the modules are discussed in the following sections.

Routing function

  • A decision-making process is required to determine which modules are active in a modular neural architecture.
  • This process is implemented through a routing function.
  • When metadata is available, the routing decision can be made a priori.
  • When no prior information is available, the routing function needs to be learned.
  • Learning-to-route can be split into hard routing and soft routing.

Fixed routing

  • Making routing decisions based on metadata is referred to as fixed routing
  • Fixed routing simplifies the routing function to selecting a subset of modules
  • An example of fixed routing is when all parameters, except the final classification layer, are shared among all tasks
  • Methods that adapt pre-trained models towards individual tasks also route representations through a newly introduced module
  • Fixed routing can select separate language and task components
  • Fixed routing can also be based on other metadata such as language, domain, or modality information

Learned routing

  • Routing function can be implemented as a learnable neural network
  • Learning the routing function implies that the specialisation of each module is unknown
  • Training instability, module collapse, and overfitting are challenges
  • Challenges are caused by need to balance between exploration and exploitation and sharing modules across examples or tasks
  • Training instability can be mitigated by curriculum learning or training the router parameters with a different learning rate
  • Module collapse can be avoided by -greedy routing, auxiliary losses, or intrinsic rewards
  • Overfitting can be avoided by routing conditioned on metadata or favouring combinatorial behaviour of modules
  • Hard routing can be learned via reinforcement learning, evolutionary algorithms, or stochastic re-parameterisation
  • Soft routing uses a mixture of experts
  • Token-level routing uses top-k selection to load balance computation

Level of routing

  • Routing can be done globally, per layer, or hierarchically.
  • Allowing for different decisions per layer is more challenging as the space of potential architectures grows exponentially.
  • Routing scores are sometimes used to select a subset of modules and to aggregate their outputs.

Aggregation function

  • Routing and aggregation of modules are performed simultaneously
  • Strategies for aggregating functions are similar to the taxonomy discussed for computation functions
  • Aggregation of modular components can be realised on the parameter level
  • Output level aggregation is also discussed

Parameter aggregation

  • Interpolating module weights can have catastrophic consequences
  • Linear mode connectivity suggests that interpolation between multiple models is possible under certain conditions
  • Mode paths are not usually linear
  • Linear mode connectivity is linked to the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis
  • Interpolation is connected to the flatness of the loss landscape
  • Success of interpolation is connected to the optimiser used

Representation aggregation

  • Representation aggregation is equivalent to parameter aggregation if the functions are linear.
  • Representation aggregation does not work for non-linear functions.
  • Representation aggregation involves interpolating the outputs of individual modules.
  • Representation aggregation can be done by learning weights to interpolate hidden representations.
  • Attention-based aggregation functions take into account the information content of the hidden representations.
  • Top-k hard routing is more efficient for weighted averaging and attention-based aggregation.

Input aggregation

  • Input aggregation is used to create adapters such as prompts or prefix tuning
  • Hypernetworks can combine different embeddings in the input to the parameter generator
  • Embeddings can represent the position of the generated parameters in the neural architecture

Function aggregation

  • Aggregation can be achieved on the function level
  • Different aggregation methods infer either a sequence or a tree structure
  • Forward pass through multiple modules transforms hidden representations
  • Pfeiffer et al. propose a two-stage setup for zero-shot cross-lingual transfer
  • Stickland et al. perform function composition for multilingual multi-domain machine translation
  • Neural Module Networks use a semantic parse to infer a graphical structure for module aggregation

Training setting

  • All modules can be trained together for multi-task learning
  • Modules can be introduced at different stages during continual learning
  • Transfer learning involves adding modules post-hoc after pre-training

Joint multitask learning

  • Joint multi-task learning has two main settings
  • Task-specific parameterised components can be integrated into shared neural network architectures
  • Alternative is to have a fully modular architecture, sharing only the parameters for learned routing
  • Joint training can also be performed before post-hoc training

Continual learning

  • Multi-task learning and continual learning aim to prevent catastrophic forgetting
  • New layers can be added to the network to update new data while keeping the others untouched
  • Progressive Networks scale the model capacity linearly with the number of tasks
  • Separate experts can be trained for each task
  • Subnetworks of the model can be identified and updated without affecting previously learned knowledge
  • Supermasks can be used to extend to a vast number of tasks during continual learning

Parameter-efficient transfer learning

  • Transfer learning is the dominating strategy for state-of-the-art results
  • Models are pre-trained on large amounts of data and then fine-tuned on target tasks
  • Parameter-efficient fine-tuning strategies exist
  • Modularity can be achieved through parameter, input and function composition
  • Hypernetworks can be used to generate parameters of modules
  • All methods share the same functional form