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  • Traditional finance uses the Black & Scholes model to price derivatives
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Automated Market Makers (AMMs) are becoming more important
  • Liquidity Providers (LPs) are exposed to risks such as Impermanent Loss (IL)
  • This paper proposes a method to calculate the greeks of an LP
  • Introduces Impermanent Gain, a product that LPs can use to hedge their position and traders can use to bet on a rise in volatility

Paper Content


  • Overview of computer science ecosystem
  • Principal actors in the ecosystem

Decentralized exchanges

  • DEXs are peer-to-peer marketplaces for crypto traders.
  • DEXs are part of the DeFi suite of financial services.
  • DEXs don’t allow for exchanges between fiat and crypto.
  • CEXs use an order book to set prices, DEXs use smart contracts and liquidity pools.
  • Transactions on DEXs are settled directly on the blockchain.
  • DEXs are open-source and developers can create new projects.

Liquidity provider

  • Liquidity Providers are investors who fund liquidity pools with crypto assets
  • Liquidity Providers are rewarded based on the percentage of the crypto liquidity pool they put, the volume, and the transaction fee offered by the exchange
  • Liquidity Provider tokens are given to users who deposit their crypto into a Liquidity Pool and can be redeemed for the underlying assets
  • Some platforms require LP tokens to be locked for a period of time to access additional rewards

Constant product amm

  • Constant product AMM is a type of AMM
  • Reserves of tokens are regulated by a product function
  • Uniswap calls the constant L2
  • Pool price of token x in terms of token y can be calculated
  • Knowing initial data, number of tokens can be calculated at any time
  • LP deposits a certain quantity of tokens x and y
  • Value of position changes with price
  • Fees are paid to protocol and LPs


  • HODLer is a user that holds tokens without doing anything
  • Position value of an HODLer is determined by the change in price of the tokens
  • Impermanent Loss (IL) is a problem affecting LPs
  • LP and HODLer have starting quantities of tokens
  • IL can be expressed in terms of token return

Impermanent loss

  • IL(r) is always less than or equal to 0
  • IL(r) is equal to 0 only when the price of token x is the same as its starting price
  • Being a LP is worse than being an HODLer, unless fees are enough to offset the difference

Lp as an option seller

  • Being a LP is the same as being an option seller.
  • We can replicate any twice differentiable payoff h(x) with a formula.
  • We can replicate the IL by selling an infinite strip of puts and calls of all strikes with maturity T.

Lp pricing and greeks

  • LPs can withdraw their liquidity at any time Price of LP position is equal to value of underlying assets plus fees Return of asset x relative to asset y is rt Expected APY is φ Data used for plots: V0 = 10000, S0 = 1000, rf = 3%, σ = 70%, φ = 10%, T = 0.5, τ = 0.25

Unlocked liquidity greeks

  • Delta IG (K) is greater than 0
  • Gamma IG is greater than 0 and Gamma LP approaches infinity when the underlying price approaches 0
  • Gamma 1% is the change of Delta 1% when the underlying price changes by 1%
  • Vega is the partial derivative of the price of the position with respect to the volatility

Locked liquidity analysis

  • Liquidity Provider locks liquidity until time T
  • Fair price of position may differ from value of underlying assets
  • Locking liquidity exposes holder to vega and rho risks
  • Price process is a Geometric Brownian Motion
  • Fair value of LP position can be calculated


  • Plot of Vega corresponding to 1% change in volatility
  • Plot of daily Theta
  • Plot of Rho corresponding to 1% change of r f

Impermanent gain

  • LP is exposed to many risks
  • Product can be structured to hedge all other greeks
  • Similarities with European options: maturity T and strike K
  • IG payoff can be coded into a smart contract


  • Replicate IL selling an infinite strip of puts and calls
  • Replicate IG buying the same portfolio
  • Price IG position by finding cost of replicating portfolio
  • Use different approach to price process of token x in terms of token y
  • Calculate price of IG strategy at time t as discounted payoff under risk-free measure Q

Impermanent gain as a hedging tool

  • Investor provides $10,000 of liquidity on Uniswap ETH/USDC pair
  • Investor locks liquidity for 1 year using liquidity mining platform
  • ETH price is $1,000
  • Investor wants to hedge position using Impermanent Gain