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  • Current Deep Network visualization and interpretability methods rely on data space visualizations.
  • SplineCam is the first provably exact method for computing the geometry of a DN’s mapping.
  • SplineCam applies to any DN architecture based on CPWL nonlinearities.
  • SplineCam enables comparison of architectures, measuring generalizability and sampling from the decision boundary.

Paper Content


  • Deep learning and in particular Deep Networks (DNs) have redefined machine learning and pattern recognition
  • DNs employ a variety of techniques to improve performance
  • DNs consist of sequentially mapping an input vector to a sequence of feature maps
  • Weight matrix, bias vector and activation operator control the type of layer
  • Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) is a popular choice for activation operator
  • Interpreting the geometry of a DN is a nontrivial task
  • Activation based interpretability methods can be susceptible to feature adversarial attacks
  • Finding closest point to a training sample that lies on the model’s decision boundary is an empirical method for model interpretation
  • Continuous Piece-Wise Linear (CPWL) activation functions are used in DNs
  • SplineCam is a sampling-free method to compute the exact partition of a DN
  • SplineCam can visualize a DN’s input space partition, compute partition statistics and sample from the decision boundary

The exact geometry and decision boundary of continuous piece-wise linear deep networks

Deep networks as continuous piece-wise linear operators

  • Spline operators are a form of nonlinear function
  • Each region of the input space has a degree P polynomial
  • The first P-1 derivatives of the polynomials are continuous
  • DNs with CPA activation can be expressed as a spline
  • Spline theory has been used in approximation theory, optimal control, and statistics

Exact computation of their partition and decision boundary

  • Suppose w and b are rows of W and b.
  • Lemma 2 provides a framework to back-project a hyperplane from layer with parameters w and b.
  • Theorem 1 states that the decision boundary in R S is the union of the projection of the hyperplane onto the tangent space of region ω.
  • SplineCam partitions P into Ω 1 via hyperplanes h 1 i from layer 1.
  • For each ω in Ω 1, Lemma 1 and Lemma 2 are used to obtain proj ω (h 2 i) for layer two.
  • SplineCam is scalable and vectorized except for the search algorithm.
  • The number of intersections, edges and cycles is ≤ O(n2).

Visualizing and understanding implicit neural representations

  • INRs are used in 3D view synthesis and inverse problems
  • MLPs are trained to produce a continuous mapping from signal coordinates to the value of the signal
  • ReLU MLPs are used in NeRF, a popular INR application
  • Current practice uses periodic encodings of the input coordinates and a ReLU-MLP
  • Visualize the geometry of the regions learned by these methods

Decision boundary of signed distance functions

  • We train an INR as a 2D SDF using an image from the MetFaces dataset.
  • We create two binary images and use them to create separate ground truth SDFs.
  • We train an identical ReLU-MLP architecture on both ESDF and HSDF.
  • The network creates more regions with higher density for the harder HSDF task.

The effect of positional encoding on inr geometry

  • INRs trained with periodically encoded coordinates can fit input signals better and faster
  • Little theoretical investigation of how positional encoding affects learning
  • ReLU-MLP used as INR backbone
  • Piecewise approximation of sine/cosine used while training
  • Periodic wrapping of space induced by P.E. increases number of regions and weight sharing across input space

How training hyper-parameters impact your spline

  • DNs with CPWL nonlinearities are CPWL mappings or affine splines.
  • Properties of affine splines can be used to measure complexity of a function.
  • This section proposes a quantitative approach to using SplineCam to measure how different training choices impact the partition of the DN.

Impact of architecture on partitions properties

  • Computing the exact partition boundary has many applications.
  • Choice of architecture can have a significant effect on the partitioning induced by a deep neural network.
  • Quantifying the characteristics of the partitions involves measures such as Average Region Volume, number of vertices, Number of Regions, and eccentricity.
  • Convolutional architectures have a significantly higher number of partition regions, smaller eccentricity and volume of the polytopes, and higher partition density.


  • Data-Augmentation is a technique used to improve the performance of Deep Neural Networks
  • An empirical study has been conducted to understand the impact of Data-Augmentation on Deep Neural Networks
  • SplineCam was used to quantify the changes within a Deep Neural Network when Data-Augmentation is applied
  • Results show that the average number of regions more than doubles between VGG11 and VGG16


  • We present a method to visualize and sample the decision boundary of deep neural networks.
  • We can use this method to gain insights into neural network geometries.
  • We can use this method to provide improved initialization or pruning schemes.
  • We can use this method to visualize the decision boundary dynamics of neural networks.
  • We use Pytorch and Graphtool for implementation.
  • We assess the computational complexity of SplineCam.
  • We vary the width of a single layer MLP.
  • We vary the area of the input domain.
  • We train an 8 layer CNN with 6 convolutional layers and 2 fully connected layers.
  • We provide SplineCam as a python toolbox.
  • We define a 2D input space region of interest.
  • We use a search algorithm to find cycles from a given graph.
  • We visualize the exact decision boundary of a 3D neural signed distance field.
  • We visualize the affine spline mapping.
  • We visualize the ANR distribution.
  • We visualize the evolution of ARV with training epochs.
  • We visualize the decision boundary of a 5 layer convnet.