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  • Introducing Kosmos-1, a Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM)
  • Trained from scratch on web-scale multimodal corpora
  • Evaluated on a wide range of tasks without any gradient updates or finetuning
  • Impressive performance on language understanding, generation, and OCR-free NLP
  • Also performs well on perception-language tasks and vision tasks
  • Cross-modal transfer from language to multimodal and from multimodal to language
  • Introducing a dataset of Raven IQ test to diagnose nonverbal reasoning capability of MLLMs

Paper Content


  • MLLMs can handle both language tasks and perception-intensive tasks
  • Evaluate KOSMOS-1 on various types of tasks
  • Evaluate perception-language capability of KOSMOS-1 under vision-language settings

Iq test: nonverbal reasoning

  • Raven’s Progressive Matrices is a test to evaluate nonverbal reasoning.
  • It is used to measure an individual’s intelligence quotient (IQ).
  • The task is to identify the following element from six similar candidates.
  • Models need to conduct zero-shot nonverbal reasoning without explicitly fine-tuning.
  • The IQ task is a good testbed to benchmark the nonverbal in-context learning capability.

Ocr-free language understanding

  • OCR-free language understanding does not use Optical Character Recognition
  • Task evaluates a model’s ability to read and comprehend text from images

Web page question answering

  • Web page question answering requires understanding of both the semantics and structure of texts.
  • Structure of web page (tables, lists, HTML layout) is important for how information is arranged and displayed.
  • Task can help evaluate model’s ability to understand web page semantics and structure.

Multimodal chain-of-thought prompting

  • Chain-of-thought prompting allows large language models to generate a series of reasoning steps.
  • It can decompose a multi-step problem into intermediate steps.
  • Table 12 shows results of zero-shot image classification without and with verbal descriptions.

Language tasks

  • KOSMOS-1 and LLM are evaluated on visual commonsense reasoning tasks.
  • KOSMOS-1 outperforms LLM on three object commonsense reasoning datasets.
  • KOSMOS-1 has modality transferability which enables it to transfer visual knowledge to language tasks.


  • Introduced KOSMOS-1, a multimodal large language model
  • Trained on web-scale multimodal corpora
  • Model size and speech capability to be scaled up
  • Unified interface for multimodal learning
  • Language tasks: understanding, generation, OCR-free text classification, cross-modal transfer, commonsense reasoning, nonverbal reasoning, IQ Test
  • Perception-language tasks: image captioning, visual question answering, web page question answering
  • Vision tasks: zero-shot image classification, zero-shot image classification with descriptions
  • Embedding module to encode text tokens and other input modalities
  • Training objective to maximize log-likelihood of tokens in examples
  • Text corpora: The Pile, Common Crawl, CC-Stories, RealNews
  • Zero-shot and few-shot image captioning results on COCO caption Karpathy test and Flickr30k test
  • Zero-shot and few-shot visual question answering results on VQAv2 and VizWiz
  • ROC AUC of 63.9% for HatefulMemes validation set
  • Test accuracy of 67.1% for Rendered SST-2 test set
  • Ablation study on language-only instruction tuning
  • Zero-shot visual commonsense reasoning on RELATIVESIZE, MEMORYCOLOR, and COLORTERMS datasets