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  • Language models used as mutation and crossover operators for evolutionary neural architecture search algorithm
  • Combination of evolutionary prompt engineering and soft prompt-tuning (EvoPrompting) produces diverse and high performing models
  • EvoPrompting successful at designing accurate and efficient neural network architectures across a variety of machine learning tasks

Paper Content


  • Scaling of Transformers has produced language models with impressive performance
  • Language models can learn how to code, do math, and solve reasoning problems
  • Limitations of language models in solving complex problems and creating novel solutions
  • EVOPROMPTING improves ability to propose novel and diverse solutions to complex reasoning problems
  • EVOPROMPTING uses evolutionary search to create and curate data to improve LM in-context prompting examples
  • Few-shot prompting with EVOPROMPTING enables LMs to create architectures that outperform those designed by human experts
  • EVOPROMPTING discovers novel graph neural network architectures that outperform current state-of-the-art
  • Transformer models are popular for natural language systems
  • Transformer models can be used to write code, do math, and solve reasoning problems
  • Brown et al. (2020) demonstrated that LMs can be prompted with in-context examples
  • Numerous works have used prompting to unlock latent LM abilities
  • Prompts can be tuned using probabilistic inference techniques
  • Evolutionary search can be used to design prompts for in-context learning
  • LM replaces mutation and crossover functions in evolutionary search
  • LM used as crossover operator to produce variations of text-based genotypes
  • Deep sequence models have been used to improve machine learning workflows

Architecture search problem formulation

  • The target task is denoted by T
  • D is a dataset consisting of input-output pairs
  • π θ is a probability distribution over vocabulary V
  • Code segments can be sampled from π θ
  • EVAL T is an evaluation function that trains the model architecture given by code c on D
  • The goal is to identify code samples that maximize the reward EVAL T

Lms for evolutionary crossover and mutation

  • Goal of algorithm is to generate set of k neural network architectures that maximize reward
  • Use black-box evolutionary approach to generate, score, and select best architectures
  • Evolution works well in this domain because of sparse high quality solutions
  • Algorithm uses LM for crossover and mutation operations
  • Search space includes any neural network architecture that can be represented in Python
  • LM is pre-trained on massive datasets containing source code files
  • LM can be used as self-adaptive crossover operator
  • Scoring function is negative product of validation error and model size
  • Initialize with seed architectures that are known to be well-designed
  • Create few-shot prompts using source code and evaluation metrics
  • Use LM to generate n samples per prompt
  • Apply fitness-based selection to identify top candidate models
  • Train LM for next round using child models not previously selected

Experiments and results

  • Evaluated meta-learning algorithm on two datasets
  • π θ0 is a 62B parameter PALM model
  • Used AdamW optimizer to train each child model
  • Scored child models according to best validation accuracy
  • Seeded search with 4 seed models
  • Compared EVOPROMPTING with 3 baselines
  • EVOPROMPTING finds smaller and more accurate models
  • EVOPROMPTING excels at optimizing convolutional architectures
  • Performance suffers when any individual component is removed
  • Trajectory of meta-learning algorithm round over round


  • MNIST-1D task is used to evaluate a meta-learning algorithm
  • CNN architectures perform well on this task
  • CLRS algorithmic reasoning benchmark is used to assess meta-learning framework
  • Benchmark evaluates neural networks’ ability to learn algorithmic reasoning
  • Algorithms are represented as graphs
  • Triplet-GMPNN model performs best
  • AdamW optimizer used to train each child model
  • Search over triplet representations of Triplet-GMPNN model
  • Nine seed models used
  • EVOPROMPTING used to search 3 individual algorithms
  • New models discovered in model searches over single algorithms
  • New models generalized to other algorithms unseen during model search
  • Simple models suggested by model search


  • Pre-trained language models (LMs) can be embedded in evolutionary algorithms to improve performance on neural architecture design tasks
  • EVOPROMPTING can optimize convolutional architectures for MNIST-1D and develop new GNNs for CLRS algorithmic benchmark
  • EVOPROMPTING can discover novel, competitive, and state-of-the-art architectures that optimize for accuracy and model size
  • EVOPROMPTING is general enough to be adapted to other kinds of reasoning tasks
  • EVOPROMPTING is more efficient than other search methods, reaching a maximum fitness with fewer samples
  • EVOPROMPTING combines evolutionary search with soft-prompt tuning
  • EVOPROMPTING uses evaluation function to train model and return lowest validation error
  • EVOPROMPTING uses four seed models for MNIST-1D model search and nine seed models for CLRS model search
  • EVOPROMPTING uses triplet representations such as MAXMEAN, CONCATREP, TANHEXPANDTRIPLETS, DIV2MEAN, and others
  • EVOPROMPTING uses fully-connected multi-layer perceptrons and linear layers for node and edge representations