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  • XAI methods can explain predictions of DNNs
  • XAI methods have been applied in climate science
  • Missing ground truth explanations complicate evaluation and validation of XAI methods
  • This work introduces XAI evaluation in the context of climate research
  • Evaluation properties assessed: robustness, faithfulness, randomization, complexity, localization
  • MLP and CNN trained to predict decade based on temperature maps
  • Multiple XAI methods applied and performance quantified for each evaluation property
  • XAI methods Integrated Gradients, Layer-wise relevance propagation, and InputGradients show considerable robustness, faithfulness, and complexity
  • Explanations using input perturbations do not improve robustness and faithfulness

Paper Content


  • Deep learning is used in climate science for tasks such as nowcasting, monitoring, forecasting, model enhancement, and upsampling of satellite data
  • Deep neural networks are considered a black box and lack transparency
  • Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) can validate DNNs and provide researchers with new insights
  • XAI can be categorized using three aspects: local/global decision-making, self-explaining models, and model-aware/model-agnostic methods
  • Output of XAI can differ in terms of meaning
  • XAI evaluation quantitatively assesses the reliability of an explanation
  • XAI evaluation properties include robustness, complexity, localization, randomization, and faithfulness
  • Workflow includes training a model, applying XAI methods, and using XAI evaluation to compare and rank methods
  • Evaluation metrics are assessed for compatibility with climate data properties
  • Guideline established for using XAI evaluation to choose an optimal explanation

Data and methods


  • Data is simulated by the general climate model, CESM1
  • Data consists of 40 ensemble members
  • Data is global 2-m air temperature maps from 1920 to 2080
  • Data is processed by computing annual averages and applying a bilinear interpolation
  • Data is standardized by removing the multi-year 1920-2080 mean and dividing by the corresponding standard deviation


  • MLP and CNN are trained to solve a fuzzy classification problem
  • MLP takes flattened temperature maps as input
  • MLP assigns each map to one of 20 different classes
  • Regression is used to predict the year of the input
  • MLP and CNN have comparable number of parameters
  • Datasets include a training and test set, 80% of data is split into training and validation set

Explainable artificial intelligence (xai)

  • Model-aware explanation methods in climate science are presented
  • Model-agnostic explanation methods are not considered due to computational time
  • Gradient/Saliency explains network decision by computing first partial derivative of output with respect to input
  • InputGradient extends information content towards input image
  • Integrated Gradients introduces baseline datapoint and computes explanation based on difference to baseline
  • Layerwise Relevance Propagation computes relevance for each input feature by feeding network’s prediction backwards
  • SmoothGrad, NoiseGrad, and FusionGrad perturb input features and/or network weights to account for uncertainties

Evaluation techniques

  • XAI research has developed metrics to assess different properties of explanation methods
  • Five different evaluation properties have been analyzed, based on a classification task from Labe and Barnes [2021]


  • Table 5 refers to a perturbation function called ‘Indices’
  • ‘Indices’ refers to the replacement of the highest value pixels in the explanation
  • ‘Linear’ refers to noisy linear imputation


  • Calculations for MPT score use ‘bottom up’ approach from output layer to input layer
  • Pearson correlation used as similarity function for both metrics
  • Top-k considers 10% most relevant pixels of all pixels in temperature map
  • Hyperparameters of XAI methods and evaluation metrics reported in Tables 4 and 5 respectively
  • Maximum and minimum values of temperature maps in dataset denoted as xmax and xmin


  • Quality of an explanation is measured based on agreement with user-defined region of interest
  • Localization metrics assume that ROI should be mainly responsible for network decision
  • Top-k-pixel and relevance-rank-accuracy are used to measure localization
  • Complexity assesses how evidence values are distributed across explanation map


  • Complexity is a measure of conciseness
  • Explanations should consist of few strong features
  • Complexity and sparseness are used as metric functions
  • Low entropy is desirable

Network predictions, explanations and motivating example

  • Evaluated network performance and discussed application of explanation methods for both network architectures
  • Fixed hyperparameters and fuzzy classification setup for MLP and CNN during training
  • MLP and CNN have similar performance compared to primary publication
  • Classification accuracy of both networks agrees within error bounds
  • Calculated explanation maps for all temperature maps correctly predicted
  • Applied XAI methods to explain predictions of both MLP and CNN
  • Different XAI methods provide different relevances

Assessment of xai metrics

  • Evaluated XAI evaluation properties for classification task on MLP
  • Analyzed two representative metrics for each property
  • Based analysis on three criteria: coherence, score stability, and information value
  • Provided artificial random explanation baseline for each metric
  • Robustness metrics pass random baseline test
  • LRP-α-β has highest robustness scores
  • FusionGrad and NoiseGrad have lowest robustness scores
  • AS and LLE scores do not align
  • FC passes random baseline test, ROAD scores of NoiseGrad and FusionGrad overlap with random baseline
  • MPT and RL metrics evaluated, random baseline has lowest scores
  • Complexity and Sparseness metrics evaluated, LRP-α-β has highest complexity score, InputGradients and LRP-z have highest sparseness scores
  • Localization metrics evaluated, FusionGrad has highest score, all other explanation methods have lower but similar scores

Network-based comparison

  • MLP and CNN networks compared using one metric per property
  • Challenges in defining meaningful ROI for localization and defining localization as an explanation property
  • Table 3 displays results for both networks across all properties
  • Similarities in ranking across every category, but differences in localization and complexity due to structural differences in learned patterns
  • Input contribution methods (Integrated Gradients, Input-Gradients, LRP) best in faithfulness, robustness, and complexity
  • Gradient-based methods (Gradient, SmoothGrad, NoiseGrad, FusionGrad) best in randomization
  • LRP-α-β and LRP-composite low rankings in faithfulness category
  • Explanation-enhancing procedures (SmoothGrad, Integrated Gradients, FusionGrad, NoiseGrad) no improvement of explanation performance
  • Spyder plot (Table 3 and Figure 8) used to determine best-performing XAI method

Choosing a xai method

  • XAI evaluation can be used to select an appropriate XAI method.
  • Practitioners should determine which explanation properties are essential for their specific network task.
  • XAI evaluation scores can be used to rank XAI methods and determine the optimal one for the given task.

Discussion and conclusion

  • XAI methods aim to improve understanding of complex relationships learned by DNNs
  • XAI methods can provide novel insights into climate AI research
  • Increasing number of available XAI methods raises two questions: Which explanation method is trustworthy and which is an appropriate choice for a given task?
  • XAI evaluation introduced to climate science to address these questions
  • Evaluate various local, model-aware explanation methods
  • Evaluate based on five different properties: robustness, faithfulness, randomization complexity, localization
  • Normalized evaluation scores across properties calculated for different XAI methods
  • Results indicate that explanation methods considering input contributions perform better
  • XAI evaluation facilitates more trustworthy interpretation of explained evidence
  • XAI evaluation offers thorough and novel information about structural properties of explanation methods
  • XAI evaluation guideline proposed to choose optimal explanation method for specific research task
  • Robustness score affected by increased data and network noise
  • Explainations using averages across perturbations do not increase robustness, faithfulness and complexity
  • Gradient-based methods capture network parameter influence more reliably